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Unit 5: The Roman World
Unit 5: The Roman World
Word List
Gaius Marius
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Punic Wars
Roman Senate
Romulus and Remus
checks and balances
Aeneas ( n s) The great Trojan hero that Romans believed their history could be traced back to.
Cincinnatus One of Rome's famous dictators.
Forum (fôr m) noun 1. A public meeting or assembly for open discussion. 2. Rome's public meeting place.
Gaius Marius 1. When Rome desperately needed an army, the consul Gaius Marius, encouraged poor people to join the
army. 2. The first person to make soldiers loyal to their general instead of the state of Rome
Hannibal (h n b l) 1. General who commanded the Carthaginian army in the Second Punic War; crossed the Alps and defeated
the Romans but was recalled to defend Carthage and was defeated (247­182 BC). 2. Carthaginian general who marched elephants across the Alps to attack Rome. 3. leader of the Carthaginian army who crossed the Alps to invade Italy 4. Carthaginian general who used war elephants during the Second Punic War 5. CARTHAGINIAN GENERAL DEFEATED BY ROME.
Latin (l t n) noun,adjective 1. ancient language used by the Roman Empire 2. the language spoken by the ancient Romans; Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Rumanian came
from this language
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Lucius Cornelius Sulla came into conflict with Gaius Marius that led to a civil
war, a war between citizens of the same country, Sulla defeated Marius and later named himself dictator and
used his power to punish his enemies.
Punic Wars­bin/vocab.cgi?FORMMODE=VPLFS2&WS=25&W0=magistrates&W1=Romulus%20and%20Remus&W2=Cincinnatus&W3…
Unit 5: The Roman World
1. A series of wars against Carthage, a city in northern Africa. 2. Series of wars fought between Rome and Carthage 3. three wars fought between rome and carthage 4. Set of three wars waged by Rome against Carthage 5. The conflicts between Rome and Carthage were called the Punic Wars.
Roman Senate A council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city's leaders.
Romulus and Remus The descendants of Aeneas who were twin brothers who founded Rome.
Spartacus (sp rt k s) gladiator who led a slave rebellion against Rome
checks and balances 1. A number of methods to balance power. 2. A system that gives each branch of government different powers so that each branch can check the
authority of the others. 3. the system by which each branch of government can check or limit the powers of the other two branches.
4. A system that keeps any one branch of government from using its authority wrongly.
consuls 1. The two most powerful magistrates in Rome. 2. elected officials who enforced the laws of Rome; they were in charge of the Roman government,
commanded the army, and acted as supreme judges 3. The two officials that were elected yearly by the Roman assembly 4. two elected leaders that head the republic and lead the army 5. Heads of the ancient Roman Republic
dictators (d kt tûrz) Rulers with almost absolute power.
legions (l j nz) 1. A large military unit. 2. A group of up to 6,000 soldiers. 3. units of the Roman infantry ­ each legion had several thousand men 4. Roman army units of about 6000 men each­then divided into smaller goups 5. Units of several thousand men that made up Rome's infantry. 6. A large military unit in Ancient Rome. 7. a group of 6,000 foot soldiers
magistrates (m j str ts) Elected officials who made up the first part of Rome's government.
patricians (p tr sh nz) noun 1. a class of rich and powerful people in Rome 2. Members of noble families who will one day rule 3. a descendent of Rome's earliest settler
plebeians (pl b nz) 1. One of the common people. 2. A plebeian was a common person in ancient Rome.­bin/vocab.cgi?FORMMODE=VPLFS2&WS=25&W0=magistrates&W1=Romulus%20and%20Remus&W2=Cincinnatus&W3…
Unit 5: The Roman World
primary (pr m r ) noun,adjective 1. Main or most important. 2. First in importance or value.
purpose (pûrp s) noun,verb 1. What something is used for. 2. The reason something is done. 3. Reason why something has been done 4. Reason; motive why something is done 5. The reason something is made or done.
republic (r p bl k) noun A government in which people elect leaders to govern them.
veto (v toh) noun,verb 1. A vote that blocks a decision. 2. or prohibit. 3. the power to forbid or stop an act of government 4. turn down, nix, forbid 5. Power or right to forbid or prevent­bin/vocab.cgi?FORMMODE=VPLFS2&WS=25&W0=magistrates&W1=Romulus%20and%20Remus&W2=Cincinnatus&W3…