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Integrated EcologicalEconomic Models
John Tschirhart
Department of Economics and Finance, University of Wyoming, Laramie,
Wyoming 82071: email: [email protected]
Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ. 2009. 28:28.1–28.27
Key Words
The Annual Review of Resource Economics is
online at
biodiversity, ecosystem services, ecosystem externalities, adaptive
behavior, mechanistic, Lotka-Volterra
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Copyright © 2009 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved
Scientific evidence suggests that economic activity is threatening
global biodiversity in ways that could severely degrade nature’s
flow of ecosystem services. Yet, there is relatively little work in
economics that addresses biodiversity loss. Some economists have
called for better integration of economic and ecological models to
address biodiversity and the attendant ecosystem services. Current
integrated approaches in economics are discussed, and they take in
ecosystem services, ecosystem externalities, and substantial ecological modeling. Much of the modeling uses Lotka-Volterra equations,
which are standard in ecology, although there is concern that the
equations lack the microfoundations of plant and animal behavior.
An alternative approach is to admit microbehavior using economic
optimization techniques that build adaptive ecological systems.
However, much more effort is needed to assess whether admitting
more ecological detail into economic models will be fruitful.
The conservation of natural resources is the fundamental problem. Unless we
solve that problem it will avail us little to solve all others.
Theodore Roosevelt address to the Deep Waterway Convention,
Memphis, Tennessee, 4 October 1907
Bioeconomic modeling dates back at least to the Faustman forest rotation model and,
outside forestry, to the fisheries work of Gordon (1954) and Scott (1955), the theoretical
and empirical examination of waterfowl by Hammack & Brown (1974), and Clark’s
(1976) influential mathematical bioeconomics book. This paper does not survey bioeconomic modeling, but it does discuss a subset of the area labeled ecological-economic
modeling. The aim is to draw attention to models in the economic literature that integrate
a significant ecological component. Paring down from a survey of bioeconomics narrows
the focus considerably, but doing so still leaves a large enough body of work that some of
it inevitably will be missed. What is discussed, however, represents interesting analyses
that may lead to insights and policies that are not available from less integrated models.
The work discussed is based on the economy-ecosystem interface in Figure 1 (see color
insert), which contains the basic trade-off that anthropogenic activity depends on ecosystem services but generates ecosystem externalities. Biodiversity plays an important role
in ecosystem functions from which flow values to humans that economists label direct
use, indirect use, and existence (Goulder & Kennedy 1997). These values can be conveniently, if not neatly, divided into the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’s (MEA 2005)
classification of ecosystem services: supporting (e.g., soil formation, nutrient cycling),
regulating (e.g., climate regulation, water purification), provisioning (e.g., food, wood),
and cultural (e.g., recreation, aesthetic). The supporting and regulating services bear the
economy’s circular flow, whereas the provisioning and cultural ecosystem services are
inputs into production and consumption activities. The anthropogenic activity generates
ecosystem externalities, which are distinguished from traditional externalities because they
involve internal adjustments within ecosystems (Crocker & Tschirhart 1992) (see Ecosystem Externalities, sidebar below). In Figure 1 the anthropogenic activities creating ecosystem externalities are divided into the five drivers of biodiversity loss that are discussed in
the next section.
Anthropogenic activities use ecosystem services, and the consequent impacts on plants and animals generate
ecosystem externalities. That is, following activities, individual plants and animals adapt, species populations alter their paths toward different states, possibly irreversibly (Dasgupta & Mäler 2004, Brock &
Xepapadeas 2004), and ecosystem functions and the flow of ecosystem services are altered. If economic
agents who receive the altered flows are not compensated, there is said to be an ecosystem externality.
Models covered herein pose an economic problem that includes at least one ecosystem
service or the damage to resources providing at least one ecosystem service, at least one
ecosystem externality, and an integrated ecological component. An example may help
clarify the scope of work. A large percentage of harvesting papers in economics use the
following single-species logistic growth function as their ecological component:
N ¼ rN 1 ;
where N is the species population density, r is the difference between the per capita birth
_ is a time
and death rates or the intrinsic growth rate, K is carrying capacity, and N
derivative. This function is an extremely simple form of density-dependent growth regulation (Kot 2001), and it has been criticized for its lack of biological realism (Getz 1984,
Murray 2002) (see Density-Independent Growth, sidebar below). Although lack of realism
permeates many ecological and economic models and is not necessarily a shortcoming, the
economic work employing Equation 1 is not covered here because it does not include an
ecosystem externality. The entire ecosystem beyond the single species is collapsed into K.1
There is no opportunity to investigate how harvesting impacts biodiversity and ecosystem
function, and thereby impact ecosystem services, beyond the harvest-provisioning service.2
Density-independent growth implies (dN/dt)/N is independent of N. Whether growth is regulated by
density-dependent biotic factors (competition, disease) or density-independent abiotic factors (weather,
climate) was debated in ecology from the 1930s to the 1950s, although now both factors are considered
important (Kot 2001).
A main theme in this paper is that biological systems are comprised of individual
organisms that exhibit predictable behavior in response to environmental constraints.
Consequently, ecological-economic modeling ought to include those portions of behavior
that have a bearing on policies. To this end, and after motivating the need for integrated
modeling in Section 2, the structure of the paper is to begin with the most popular
ecological models of species interactions and show how they are used in economics. Then
the point is made that these models lack behavioral microfoundations of the type economists pioneered with respect to human behavior. Models that develop microfoundations
are examined, followed by a discussion of valuing the biodiversity that underpins ecosystem services. The conclusion addresses the usefulness of integration for policy making.
Late in the twentieth century, Perrings et al. (1995) indicated that biodiversity loss and
climate change were the two global environmental transformations that were garnering
obsessive public interest, and that of the two, climate change dominated the scientific
and policy agenda. The difference today is that climate change also dominates the public
Some economists introduce habitat into the growth function [e.g., K = K(habitat) in Equation 1], which is useful for
linking a driver of biodiversity loss to economic decisions (Swallow 1990, Skonhoft 1999, Barbier 2003).
Also not covered is the economic forestry literature. Authors have modeled multiple forest ecosystem services
(Hartman 1976, Swallow et al. 1990), although the ecological component is usually a standard single-stand model.
Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
interest. Consider two high-profile, exhaustively researched reports that have been published recently: MEA (2005), which reviews biodiversity loss and its consequences for
human well-being, and the Nobel Prize–winning report from the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). A search for MEA versus IPCC on the New York Times
Web site reveals 211 results for biodiversity versus 18600 results for climate change.
Similar Web-site searches on other information outlets yield the following results: Time
Magazine (2 versus 387), The Economist (2 versus 423), Der Spiegel (6 versus 200),
People’s Daily (8 versus 132), National Geographic (4 versus 188), Science (16140 versus
201730), and Nature (39555 versus 159682).
Perrings et al. (1995) speculated that the disproportionate public concern and commitment of resources to climate change versus biodiversity loss is justified if the dire
predictions of biologists regarding the latter are wrong. But they reject this speculation,
and they are supported by continuing and voluminous evidence of deteriorating ecosystems. Every ecosystem on Earth is significantly impacted by anthropogenic activities in
ways that lead to biodiversity loss (Vitousek et al. 1997a), in spite of the fact that
economic activities are founded on ecosystem services that flow from biodiversity
(Dasgupta 2001).
Consider the five main drivers of biodiversity loss identified in MEA (2005) and listed
in Figure 1: (a) habitat change, (b) invasive species, (c) pollution, (d) overharvesting, and
(e) climate change. Habitat change follows from humans transforming 50% of Earth’s icefree land surface to agricultural and urban usage (Chapin et al. 2000), appropriating 54%
of the available fresh water (Postel et al. 1996) and 40% of vegetation’s net primary
production (Vitousek et al. 1986). The human population has increased 30% since the
latter estimate. Invasive species may be intentionally or unintentionally introduced, often
through international trade (Costello & McAusland 2003, Margolis et al. 2005, Mérel &
Carter 2008), and they pose significant risks to society (Lodge 2001). Pimentel et al.
(2005) estimated annual damages at $120 billion in the United States. In economics,
pollution is usually associated with human health, but its impact is so extensive that
biogeochemical cycles are being altered. Industrial nitrogen fixation has doubled nitrogen
in the environment, which substantially alters ecosystem function (Vitousek et al. 1997b).
Historically, overharvesting has been responsible for stunning extinctions such as the
passenger pigeon (Conrad 2005), and recent literature describes how overharvesting decimates marine ecosystems. Historical populations of large vertebrates (whales, sharks,
turtles, etc.) were “fantastically large” (Jackson et al. 2001), and Worm et al. (2006)
projected collapse of all currently harvested marine species by the mid-twenty-first century. Finally, climate change on land is shifting the distribution and abundance of species
(Thomas et al. 2004), and at sea, warmer surface water is decreasing marine productivity
(Jackson 2008). Thomas et al. (2004) estimated that 15%–37% of species will be committed to future extinction by the mid-twenty-first century.
An alternative reason for the disproportionate emphasis on climate change versus
biodiversity loss may be that policy makers and the public have not heard enough from
economists. There has been a lively debate on climate change among economists (e.g.,
Stern 2007, Nordhaus 2007); there has been little debate on biodiversity loss. Regarding the five drivers of biodiversity loss, the debate on climate change has been about
discount rates and optimal emissions paths and not on biodiversity. Economists’ pollution work is largely about human health and not ecosystem health. Although there is
considerable economic work on habitat change regarding land conversion to agriculture
in developing countries (e.g., Barbier & Burgess 2001, Barbier 2007) and developed
countries (e.g., Langpap et al. 2008), it focuses mostly on institutional incentives,
sometimes using indices of ecosystem health, and not on addressing long-term consequences of biodiversity loss. Overharvesting has been by far the most studied driver in
the economics literature for over a half century (Gordon 1954, Scott 1955). The literature has been surveyed elsewhere (Wilen 1985, Munro & Scott 1986), and most often it
employs single-species, analytically tractable models that biologists have moved away
from (Wilen 2000), thereby omitting biodiversity impacts. Recently, economists have
turned attention to invasive species where a small literature contains ecological modeling (Shogren & Tschirhart 2005). The invasive-species driver is covered elsewhere
(Finnoff & Shogren 2009).
If economists have paid little attention to biodiversity loss, it may stem from a sense of
complacency attributable to two popular but mistaken notions. First is the environmental
Kuznets curve that portrays an inverted-U relation between economic growth and environmental damage (see Environmental Kuznets Curve, sidebar below). The hypothesis
supporting the relation is not compelling if the damage is biodiversity loss, because
biodiversity is finite and damages can be irreversible (Arrow et al. 1995). Second is the
notion that human and reproducible capital can be substituted for natural capital as the
latter becomes scarcer. Although substitutability holds for some natural resources, it does
not hold for dwindling biodiversity that implies dwindling ecosystem services, some of
which are essential for human existence (Georgescu-Roegen 1975, Clark 1997, Dasgupta,
Levin & Lubchenco 2000, Dasgupta 2008).
The environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis is that in the early stages of a nation’s development some
environmental damage is acceptable, but as living standards increase, people become more concerned with
the environment and create institutions that mitigate the damage. The relation has some empirical support,
although mainly for air pollutants, which are narrow measures of environmental quality (Barbier 1997).
In spite of these mistaken notions, some economists have recognized the critical role
biodiversity plays in economies. Early on, Daly (1968) pointed out that ecologists abstract
from the human economy and study nature’s interdependencies, while economists abstract
from nature and study human interdependencies. He called for integrating the human
economy into the larger economy of nature. For the past two decades, researchers have
stressed that ecological and economic systems are jointly determined, because important
ecological variables are dependent on economic variables and vice versa. Therefore, in
spite of the difficulties, models should integrate ecology and economics to capture important intersystem feedbacks (Amir 1979, Perrings 1987, Crocker & Tschirhart 1987,
Costanza et al. 1993, Barbier et al. 1994, Bockstael et al. 1995, Landa & Ghiselin 1999,
Settle et al. 2002, Eichner & Pethig 2005, Tilman et al. 2005, Wätzold et al. 2006).
Ecological economics, a relatively new field, was founded by ecologists and economists in
response to perceived shortcomings in neoclassical resource economics, one of which is the
lack of integration between ecology and economics (Costanza & Daly 1987). Government
Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
agencies have stressed the need for integration and have funded interdisciplinary work
between ecologists and economists.3
Relationships between interacting species are categorized by how the species impact one
another. Six possibilities depend on whether one species impacts another favorably (+),
unfavorably (-), or not at all (0): (a) neutral (0, 0), (b) commensalism (0, +), (c) amensalism
(0, -), (d) mutualism (+, +), (e) predator-prey and parasitism (+, -), and (f) competition (-, -)
(Smith 1995). Predator-prey and competition relations receive the most attention. Ecological models of these relations usually contain two or three species, although they can be
extended to many species, and they start with a population-growth function for each
species that depends on densities.
The early work of Lotka (1925, 1932) and Volterra (1926) provide the foundation for
these models. The simplest structure for the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model is
_ ¼ rN bNP and P_ ¼ cNP dP;
where N and P are the prey and predator densities, respectively, r and d are per capita rates
of growth (in each other’s absence prey would grow and the predator decline exponentially), and b and c are rates of change due to the interactions.4 Growths of the species are
density independent. The interaction between predator and prey, NP, is linear and called
mass action, a notion borrowed from chemistry that the force between two reactants is
proportional to their masses. In essence, an amount of energy, bNP, is taken from the prey
of which cNP is captured by the predator. Although solutions to Equation 2 yield stable
predator-prey cycles, the system is not structurally stable because small changes in the
initial conditions can move the system to very different trajectories (Murray 2002).
The instability and unrealistic exponential growth and decline prompted many extensions to Equation 2. Density-dependent prey growth is often included by appending to
_ ¼ rNð1 N=KÞ bNP. With
Equation 2 the logistic growth function from Equation 1: N
this self-limiting prey, instead of stable oscillations, oscillations are transient and converge
to steady-state densities that are independent of initial conditions (Gurney & Nisbet
Another step toward realism is to enrich the functional response that in Equation 2 is
simply a linear function of prey density, cNP. As Gurney & Nisbet (1998) noted, “One of
the most important interactions between any living organism and its environment is the
finding and ingestion of food” (p. 85). Measured as the rate at which predators capture
prey and stated as a function of prey, and possibly predator, abundances, functional
response represents this interaction. The functional response may depend on how predators expend time to capture and handle prey, and whether they are satiated. Adding a
more realistic functional response to Equation 2 yields
Examples include programs by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (An Interdisciplinary Approach to
Examining the Links Between Social Stressors, Biodiversity and Human Health) and the National Science Foundation (Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems). Additionally, some institutions specifically address
biodiversity issues and the need for integration: For examples, see Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (http:// and DIVERSITAS (
Nicholas & Bailey (1935) presented an alternative predator-prey model that uses discrete time and difference
equations, but it is conceptually identical to the Lotka-Volterra model (Royoma 1971).
_ ¼ rN ð1 N=K Þ bðN ÞP and P_ ¼ cPbðNÞ dP;
where b(N) is the response (Berryman 1992). The functional response form is subject to
much debate, although many models follow Holling (1966) and use forms that are either
strictly concave (Type II) or sigmoid (Type III):
ðIIÞ bðN Þ ¼
mN 2
; ðIIIÞ bðN Þ ¼ 2
a þ N2
In Equation 4, m is a maximum attack rate and a is a half-saturation constant. A Type
I response is the linear mass-action form in Equation 2. With a Type II functional response, a steady-state solution can be obtained that is independent of initial conditions,
provided the predator density can grow when the prey is at its carrying capacity. However,
if the prey carrying capacity is above a critical value, the solution is unstable, a result
referred to as the “paradox of enrichment” (Gurney & Nisbet 1998).
Another debate surrounding predator-prey modeling is whether the functional response
should be written b(N/P), yielding a so-called ratio-dependent predator-prey theory. On
the one hand, Arditi & Ginzburg (1989) claimed that this formulation does away with the
timescale problem whereby predator search is on a behavioral timescale (hours) and
growth is on a reproductive timescale (days, years). Additionally, Gutierrez (1992) offered
a physiological basis for ratio-dependent predation. On the other hand, Abrams (1994)
argued that there can be no separation of behavioral and reproductive timescales, because
predator behavior determines prey death rates. He argued that proponents are confounding functional and numerical response, where the latter is the predator density as a
function of prey density.
Economists have used the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with self-limiting
growth for both predator and prey and the Type I functional response from Equation
2. In this work, either the predator, prey, or both are harvested (Hannesson 1983,
Ragozin & Brown 1985, Wilen & Brown 1986, Ströbele & Wacker 1991, Hartwick &
Olewiler 1998, Brown et al. 2005), or neither is harvested but the predator density is
controlled (Tu & Wilman 1992). Harvest of one species provides a provisioning ecosystem service, and if the other species provides a separate ecosystem service, then the
ecosystem externality refers to how harvesting one species affects the other species via
the predator-prey relation. When it is explicitly modeled in these papers, harvesting
also provides the other species ecosystem service. Analytical results for two-species
models are elusive (Brown et al. 2005); simpler models yield clearer results at the
expense of ecological reality such as more realistic functional responses. Optimal harvesting depends on how efficiently prey biomass is biologically converted into predator
biomass: Lower efficiency means less valuable prey. A higher market price for predators
(prey) favors larger (smaller) predator and prey stocks. If predators have low value,
optimality may call for their elimination and may include subsidized predator harvests.
Alternatively, if predator value is high, optimality may call for no prey harvests. Abiotic
perturbations to predator-prey populations require either cutting back on predator
harvests or, if the prey is disproportionately negatively impacted, increasing predator
Bulte & Damania (2003) presented a predator-prey harvesting model containing the
more complex Holling Type II functional response in the prey equation; however, the
predator equation exhibits logistic growth and does not contain the response. Under open
Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
access, they find that if there are multiple equilibria, there is the possibility that heavier
predator harvesting can increase the prey density (especially if habitat is fragmented) and
ultimately be beneficial to the predator.
The equations for the Lotka-Volterra competition model for two competing species
with densities N1 and N2 are
_ 1 ¼ r1 N1 41 5 r1 a12 N1 N2 and
ð5a; bÞ
_ 2 ¼ r2 N2 41 N2 5 r2 a21 N2 N1 ;
where aij is the competition coefficient that measures how species j diminishes the growth
of species i, i, j = 1, 2, i 6¼ j. Equations 5a and 5b are also attributed to Gause (1934). Both
species exhibit self-limiting growth, and the strength of the interference is proportional to
the densities (see Competitive Exclusion Principle, sidebar below). For a wide range of a
values, one species will drive the other to extinction: Coexistence requires aij < Ki /Kj, (Kot
2001). If the negative signs before the last terms in both equations are positive, the species
are in a mutualistic relation. Wacker (1999) investigated the mutualistic version of Equations 5a and 5b and concluded that optimum harvesting is more conservative than with
single-species models.
One species extinguishing the other is called the competitive exclusion principle, and it is “one of the
foundations of theoretical ecology” (Wangersky 1978, p. 203). The principle is often referred to as Gause’s
Law (Gause 1934) and has been the subject of extensive debate in ecology (Armstrong & McGehee 1980).
It maintains that two or more resource-limited species cannot coexist in a stable environment.
A few economists have used Equations 5a and 5b in harvesting models of competing
species, although general results are difficult to obtain and a mix of estimated and
arbitrary biological parameters are employed. Conrad & Adu-Asamoah (1986) studied
two species of tuna and contrasted open-access and optimum harvests. Not surprisingly,
for optimum harvesting, the densities of both species were between their open-access
densities and their densities in the absence of all harvesting. Surprisingly, however, the
density of Skipjack tuna was greater under open access than under no harvesting, because
harvesting has a measurable impact on Yellowfin’s competitive ability. Flaaten (1991)
investigated harvests of two competing species in a theoretical model and derived a maximum sustainable frontier, or production possibility frontier, that is the counterpart of the
maximum sustainable yield in single-species models. The frontier shows the maximum
sustainable yields of one species for constant sustainable yields of the other species (May
et al. 1979). Flaaten (1991) illustrated that the optimum harvested density for a competing
species may be increasing in the discount rate and may be lower than its open-access
density, a result that is also possible for predators in a predator-prey model but not in
single-species models.
In a twist to the competing-species model, Guttormsen et al. (2008) examined competing phenotypes of a harvested fish in which the equivalent of Equations 5a and 5b is
_ gþN
_ b ¼ r Ng þ Nb 1 Ng þ Nb dg 1 q2 Ng þ Nb db q2 Ng þ Nb ; ð6Þ
where g and b stand for the good and bad phenotype, respectively, di is a mortality rate,
and (1 – q) and q are the frequencies of the good and bad phenotype derived from a
standard Mendelian genetic model. Good types form schools to reduce mortality and
energy use, but schooling is essential for harvesting and the fishery would not be viable
without it. In the absence of harvesting, the good type eventually would drive out the bad.
However, optimal harvesting may allow positive densities of the bad type to persist.
Lotka-Volterra equations may also be applied to spatial modeling wherein species are
mobile between geographically separate areas or patches. For example, for a predator-prey
system in two patches, j, k = 1, 2, j 6¼ k, Gurney & Nisbet (1998) explained the system as
_ k ¼ rk Nk 1 Nk =K bNk Pk and
P_ k ¼ ebNk Pk dPk þ s Pj Pk :
ð7a; bÞ
The key difference from the basic predator-prey model is the last term in the predator
equation in which s is the probability per unit time that a predator will move to another
patch. Admitting spatial considerations is ecologically realistic because environments are
not homogeneous, species growth rates and carrying capacities may vary across patches,
and organisms may spread from high- to low-density habitat.
Economists have used variants of Equations 7a and 7b, including stochastic versions,
and the work is important for bringing spatial elements into economic modeling (Bockstael 1996, Wilen 2007). Smith & Crowder (2005) modeled blue crab predators that
follow prey between two patches in a North Carolina estuary. Nitrogen loading from
agriculture is an ecosystem externality that differentially harms the prey between patches,
thereby impacting the blue crab harvests. The authors estimated the net benefits of reducing nitrogen loading. Other economists omit the predator-prey relation in Equations 7a
and 7b and consider one mobile, harvested species (Brown & Roughgarden 1997, Conrad
1999, Sanchirico & Wilen 1999, 2005, Bhat & Huffaker 2007, Costello & Polaksy 2008).
Particular emphasis is on establishing marine reserves closed to fishing and whether such
reserves can increase profits. The ecosystem externality is the spatial externality where
harvesting in one patch impacts the economic returns in other patches through fish migration, larvae drift, or other ecological changes (Costello & Polaksy 2008).
In terrestrial systems, the Lotka-Volterra competition as noted in Equations 5a and 5b
have been used to model plant competitors that are subject to pressure from livestock that
provide a grazing ecosystem service. Huffaker & Cooper (1995) investigated competition
between native grass and less nutritious invasive grass, with fast dynamics represented by
grazing and slow dynamics by plant competition. Perrings & Walker (1997) investigated
competition between grasses and woody vegetation subject to periodic fires. Terms are
added in Equations 5a and 5b to capture the fire regime where fire reduces the woody
vegetation and allows more grass for grazing. Stocking is a control variable in both papers,
and both emphasize that grazing can cause the rangeland to flip from a grass-dominated
system to one dominated by invasive grass or woody plants. Janssen et al. (2004) offered a
Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
more ecologically detailed grazing model using stochastic rainfall and stocking as well as
fire suppression as control variables. Grass competes with woody shrubs, but the grass is
divided into roots and shoots. The shoot biomass competes with shrubs and is consumed
by grazers. The manager must balance fire suppression by allowing more grass forage and
by using grass as fuel for a fire that will reduce shrub biomass. Again, the rangeland can
flip between grass- and shrub-dominated systems, and rainfall uncertainty calls for a
precautionary management strategy.
Using a very different ecological model, Finnoff et al. (2008) also addressed the grazing
problem. The Lotka-Volterra approach is replaced by individual native and invasive
grass plants that optimize net energy from photosynthesis by competing for light and that
respond differentially to anthropogenically elevated nitrogen levels. Individual optimization introduces microfoundations into population dynamics by suggesting a mechanism
for competition and predation.
The Lotka-Volterra competition model has been criticized for being phenomenological
as opposed to mechanistic (Schoener 1976; Tilman 1982, 1987). In economic terminology, the model lacks microfoundations because it provides only a description of the
outcome of competition instead of an actual competitive mechanism grounded in physiological processes. Additionally, the competition coefficients in Equations 5a and 5b
change as competitor densities change (Schoener 1976, Abrams 1977). Therefore, inferences about competitive processes drawn from the Lotka-Volterra model are limited. One
alternative is to use exploitation competition models in which two or more competitors
share a common resource. A dynamic equation describes the resource, which can be either
abiotic such as nitrogen or biotic such as a common prey. Tilman (1987) cited authors in
the 1960s and 1970s for introducing more mechanistic models of competition that include
the process by which competition occurs as well as information on the physiology, morphology, and/or behavior of individual species. Extending MacArthur (1972), Tilman
introduced (1982, 1988) a mechanistic competitive model to generalize previous work
and to introduce competition more explicitly at the species level. The “resource-ratio
theory” of interactions based on species’ use of shared resources has been very influential
and has fostered at least 1333 papers in which the authors cite Tilman’s approach (Miller
et al. 2005).
Brock & Xepapadeas (2002, 2003) integrated resource-ratio theory into economic models, and in doing so, not only do they derive results that extend previous economic analyses,
but they also generalize Tilman’s model (Brock et al. 2009). The authors considered multiple
patches of land, each of which contains multiple plant species that are competing for a
limiting resource. Humans enjoy provisioning ecosystem services by harvesting species on
the patches, and they also enjoy cultural ecosystem services because they derive utility from
the nonconsumptive use of biodiversity on each patch. The authors considered two programs: a private optimal management program (POMP) in which humans do not account
for the effect harvesting has on biodiversity and a social optimal management program
(SOMP) in which humans do account for the effect. In a POMP, harvesting generates an
ecosystem externality, but in a SOMP, the ecosystem externality is internalized.
The ecology that Brock & Xepapadeas (2002, 2003) integrate into their economic
problem can be summarized as follows: On each patch of land there are n species that
are competing for a single limiting resource. A resource might be nitrate, water, or any
other factor that is required by the organisms, exogenously supplied, and depleted by use.
The competition equations are
B_ ic ¼ Bic ½gic ðRc Þ dic and R_ c ¼ Sc aRc n
wi Bic gic ðRc Þ;
where Bic is the biomass of species i on patch c, Rc is the amount of resource on patch c
with natural supply rate Sc, gic is the biomass growth that depends on availability of the
resource, dic is the species natural death rate, a is the natural rate of resource deterioration,
and wi is the usage of the resource by species i. An equilibrium of this system is defined by
B_ ic ¼ R_ c ¼ 0 for all i and c. Letting R_ be the resource level for species i in patch c at
which the species’ growth and death rates are equal, the authors showed that the species
with the lowest R_ will displace all other species. The mechanism for displacement is that
the biomass of the surviving species will increase until it drives the amount of available
resource so low that other species cannot survive. This result reproduces part of the
competitive exclusion principle.
In Brock & Xepapadeas (2002), the provisional ecosystem services are defined as
c ðt Þ ¼
pi ðyÞHic ðtÞ;
where Hic is the harvest of species i from patch c, pi is the market price of the harvested
c is a vector of the harvests. For each harvested species, the
species net of costs, and H
harvest must be subtracted from the right side of Equation 8a to account for the loss of
biomass. The cultural ecosystem service is defined as
c ðt Þ ¼
sic Bic ðtÞ;
where sic is a constant social benefit for the nonmarketed flow of services that depend on
the biomass of the species in each patch.
In the POMP, the discounted present value of Equation 9 is maximized with harvests
as control variables and biomasses and the limiting resource as state variables. The
steady-state solutions are characterized in terms of the pattern of species specialization,
that is, which conditions determine whether a monoculture is optimum in each patch.
Specialization is optimal in the species that yields the highest steady-state, present value of
profits. The conditions that determine the pattern of specialization depend on both
economic parameters, including the discount rate and price of the marketed harvest, and
ecological parameters, including growth and death rates, the resource supply and deterioration rates, and the usage of the resource by the species. The bottom line is that nature
and humans will not necessarily choose the same specialization pattern. In particular, the
ecosystem chooses according to the resource ratio theory that states the surviving species
will have the lowest R_ ic di /gi. Not surprisingly, nature favors species with low death and
high growth rates. Alternatively, to form monocultures, humans choose the species with
high values of pi / wi. In essence, humans are looking for the biggest “bang for their buck”
by choosing species with a high market value per unit of limiting resource that the species
Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
In the SOMP, the discounted present value of Equations 9 plus 10 is maximized so that
both provisioning and cultural services are recognized. In this case, specialization depends
not only on pi/wi but also on si/wi so that the social benefit of the species matters.
Depending on parameter values, it is possible that nature, the POMP, and the SOMP will
each yield different patterns of specialization. Brock & Xepapadeas (2002) pointed to
“biomimicry” as a possible outcome wherein the SOMP corresponds to nature’s outcome
but differs from the POMP. This case can occur when farmers, who typically practice
specialization in the highest valued crops, are encouraged to farm closer to nature because
other crops might yield nonmarket ecosystem services. The POMP generates ecosystem
externalities because species adapt to specialization patterns by producing biomasses
that yield suboptimal societal welfare. Taxes can provide incentives to move from the
POMP to the SOMP.
The criticism that Lotka-Volterra competition models are phenomenological as opposed
to mechanistic has also been levied against Lotka-Volterra predator-prey models.
Abrams (1982, 1994) argued that real predator functional responses are likely to be
more flexible than modeled, because predators occupy environments in which the benefits and costs of predation differ. Therefore, predators probably have some mechanism
for adapting foraging strategies, whereas ratio-dependent, functional response models do
not take such adaptations into account. Omitting adaptive behavior is particularly
problematic in models with two or more prey where predators can potentially substitute, or switch in ecological terms, between prey. Eichner & Pethig (2003) developed a
more mechanistic predator-prey model in which each species maximizes biomass that is
determined by consumption of prey, losses to predators, and the cost of hunting. To
emphasize the role of scarcity in ecosystems, prices of hunting are used as scarcity
indicators. The price of capturing prey is either positive, indicating the prey is scarce,
or zero, indicating the prey is free, in which case the predator is satiated. Prices are also
endogenous and depend on populations. Using a three-species food chain, the authors
identified eight regimes differentiated by whether the three prices are zero or positive.
Population dynamics depend on optimum biomasses attained by the species, and species
growth equations differ depending on satiation. This contrasts to Lotka-Volterra equations with population-independent parameters.
Asserting that species optimize adds a mechanism to predator-prey modeling, although
in reality individuals, not species, optimize. Admitting adaptive predator behavior via
individual optimum foraging is a further step toward a more realistic mechanism. Inspired
by economic consumer theory, optimum foraging is a well-established area of ecology
(Stephans & Krebs 1986); however, as Amir (1979) and Abrams (1999) indicated, most
studies employing optimum foraging ignore population dynamics and most studies of
population dynamics ignore optimum foraging.
Given ecologists’ criticism of Lotka-Volterra equations as lacking competitive or
predation mechanisms, and given that the alternative resource-ratio theory is based on
species behavior instead of individual behavior, there is opportunity for introducing
more microfounded mechanisms. This is the motivation for approaches that integrate
economic methods into ecology. The methods encompass adaptive behavior by individu28.12
al organisms, similar to optimum foraging, and aggregate stories emerge from individual
decisions. Individual choices are endogenous and not restricted a priori with specific
functional forms for switching behavior and functional responses (see Predator Switching, sidebar below). Competition is not described by species-specific constant coefficients
that specify resource usage, but rather by endogenous prices as signals of resource
scarcity. And instead of dissimilar predator and prey growth equations, the same equations apply to all species (Getz 1984). Note that most of these features are common
in economics models. Indeed, ecologists and economists often have noted similarities
between economic and ecological systems (see Rapport 1971, Tullock 1971, Hannon
1973, 1976, Rapport & Turner 1977, Hirshleifer 1977, Amir 1979, Bloom et al. 1985,
Finnoff & Tschirhart 2007).
Predator switching behavior is similar to consumer substitution. However, unlike economic models where
substitution depends on prices, within ecology, switching is not modeled as a function of predation costs.
Instead switching is a function of prey densities and occurs when the ratio of prey consumptions varies from
the ratio of prey densities. Switching based on densities seems behaviorally less plausible than switching based
on predation costs, because predators are unlikely to inventory densities in choosing an optimal diet.
Tschirhart (2000) introduced a general equilibrium ecosystem model (GEEM) that
includes these features. GEEM is a modified version of an economic general equilibrium
model in which industries are replaced by species, firms are replaced by individual
plants and animals, individuals are assumed to behave as if they are optimizing net energy
intake, and energy is the currency. Demand and supply is replaced by predator-prey
relations, and predators (plants) engage in intra- and interspecies competition for prey
(sunlight). A major difference between the GEEM and economic models is that demanders
and suppliers do not engage in voluntary exchange: In predator-prey relations, there is an
involuntary transfer of energy and biomass from prey to predators. The modeling significance of the difference is discussed in Tschirhart (2003). GEEM dynamics involve individuals converting their optimum net energies into offspring, a common ecological notion
(Schoener 1986), which is not unlike firms entering or exiting fisheries depending on
profits (Smith 1969, Wilen 1976, Amundsen et al. 1995).
As an ecological model, the GEEM is more mechanistic and provides microfoundations
for population dynamics by deriving dynamic equations from optimal foraging. Building
from microfoundations is also the theme in Eichner & Pethig (2006a, 2006b) and Christiaans et al. (2007), who also modeled individuals as optimizers and, as in the GEEM,
used endogenous prices as scarcity indicators. They draw more heavily than the GEEM
upon the similarities between demand-supply and predator-prey relations, because an
individual’s biomass supplies to predators are seen as a voluntary exchange. In contrast
to the GEEM, individual organisms are not depicted as firms maximizing net energy
(profit), but as consumers maximizing biomass (utility), subject to a constraint. In the firm
analogy, predation is a cost to the individual, whereas in the utility analogy, predation is a
source of income to a predator, which, along with an endowment, the predator spends on
Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
consuming prey. The latter interpretation may be problematic for empirical work if the
income and endowment are not well matched to ecological data; nevertheless, the authors’
results illuminate the power of the individual-optimization approach. They start with the
following problems:
max By ðdr ; sy ; yÞ subject to oy þ py sy ¼pr dr and
max Bx ðdx ; xÞ subject to ox ¼ py dy ;
where Bi is the offspring to an individual prey (i = y) or predator (i = x), x and y are
densities, p terms are prices, oi are endowments, and d and s terms are demands and
supplies, respectively. Eichner & Pethig (2006a, 2006b) and Christiaans et al. (2007) ask
whether there is a form for Bi that will yield reasonable predator-prey equations. They
answer by deriving Lotka-Volterra equations with Holling Type II functional responses for
top predators, but for prey species the growth equations differ structurally from their
Lotka-Volterra counterparts. The system converges to steady state without exhibiting
oscillating behavior as in Lotka-Volterra models, because the endogenous prices have a
dampening effect on population swings.
Amir (1979) maintained the importance of general equilibrium analysis for addressing interactions between ecosystems and economies. Eichner & Pethig (2009) forcefully
extended this theme by inserting their individual-optimization approach into a theoretical general dynamic analysis that includes the economy and the multispecies ecosystem
as interdependent subsystems. Humans harvest biomass and convert land from habitat
to economic uses, and both activities generate ecosystem externalities that have intertemporal impacts on ecosystem services. Both subsystems possess the same level of
structural detail including markets for land and biomass as well as decentralized competitive mechanisms that yield an efficient joint system, so long as tax-subsidy schemes
are employed. In the absence of such schemes, human private property rights over
species habitat are insufficient to ensure efficient outcomes. The analysis also ties together shadow prices in the ecosystem with economic prices to determine values for all
ecosystem components.
The GEEM applies general equilibrium concepts to ecosystems that are discussed
below; therefore, its basic structure is briefly summarized here. The objective function of
an individual animal in species j is in power units (Watts or kilocalories/time):
Rj ¼
ek ejk xjk rj xj1 ; . . .; xj;j1 bj ej
yjk xj1 ; . . .; xj;j1 ; ekj :
The first term on the right side is the inflow of energy from prey species (including
plants). The choice variables or demands, xjk, are the prey biomasses consumed, ek are
the energies embodied in the biomasses, and ejk are the energies spent capturing biomasses. These latter energies are essentially energy prices; there is one price in each
predator and prey relation. As in economic computable general equilibrium (CGE) models, prices play a central role. Individuals are assumed to be price takers, because each is
only one among many individuals in a predator species capturing one of many individuals
in a prey species.
The second and third terms represent respiration energy lost to the atmosphere, which,
following Gurney & Nisbet (1998), is divided into a variable component, rj ðÞ, that
depends on energy intake and includes reproduction, defending territory, etc., and a fixed
component or basal metabolism. The fourth term is the outflow of energy to predators of
species j. The ej is the embodied energy in individual j’s biomass, and yjk is the biomass
supplied to j’s predators in species k. The biomass supply function depends on the individual’s demands, because the more the individual feeds, the more it is exposed and the more
biomass it supplies to predators. This trade-off between foraging gains and losses is called
predation risk.
The animal’s biomass consumption of species i is characterized by Kuhn-Tucker
@Rj =@xji ¼ ei eji @rj =@xji @yjk=@xj1 0
; and
xji 0
½@Rj =@xji xji ¼ 0
Nj xji Ni yji 0
eji Nj xji Ni yij ¼ 0 eji 0
Conditions noted in Equation 14 imply that if the predator j consumes the ith prey, then
the marginal energy gained equals the sum of marginal energy loses to predation and
respiration. Alternatively, if the marginal energy gained is less than the sum, the ith prey
is not consumed. The marginal gain/marginal loss ratios are equal across prey species.
Conditions noted in Equation 15 are the demand/supply condition between the jth and ith
species, where Nk is the density of species k = i, j. If demand is less than supply, the energy
price paid by the predator is zero, or in other words, the prey is a free good and the
predator is satiated in that prey. In this case, there is said to be no competition among
species j predators for species i. Alternatively, a positive price implies demand equals
supply and nonsatiation.
For each reproductive period and for given species densities, Equations 14 and 15 yield
all species demands and energy prices. The densities then are updated to start the next
period. The update equation for species j is
" Rt x
; et N
þ rj
tj N
Njtþ1 Njt ¼ Njt predjt 1 þ
1 ;
where sj is the average individual lifespan, rjss is the steady-state variable respiration,
pred is the predation rate, and the t superscript denotes the time period. The bar
notation indicates vectors; thus, the individual’s optimum net energy is a function of
prices and its optimum consumptions, both of which are functions of all densities. This
functional relationship reflects the general equilibrium nature of the model, although it
is not possible to solve analytically for the consumptions and prices when there is more
than one trophic level. Therefore, it is not possible to determine analytically steady-state
Parameterizing the GEEM with real data and many species has invariably yielded stable equilibriums, but Christiaans et al. (2006) showed that the dynamics are complex. Using a one predator–one prey GEEM model, they
rigorously derived conditions for global asymptotic stability and local asymptotic stability and instability.
Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
The GEEM has been applied to both metaphoric and real ecosystems with or
without connections to economies. The data to examine real systems are mostly
individual plant and animal physiological parameters that are available but scattered
across the ecological literature. In applications excluding humans, the GEEM has been
used to derive conditions for the coexistence of competing plant species (Tschirhart
2002), to derive functional and numerical responses and switching behavior of killer
whales (Tschirhart 2004), and to predict the mediating affect of a predator on prey
competitors (Kim et al. 2007). In the latter case, early in the twentieth century,
invasive house mice competed with California native mice for forage. When citizens
exterminated the mice predators, the house mice outcompeted the native mice, which
resulted in what was arguably the most dramatic rodent outbreak ever reported in
North America.
The impetus for developing the GEEM is to integrate it with economic models. To that
end, the economic-ecological GEEM have been applied to the Alaskan economy and
marine ecosystem (Finnoff & Tschirhart 2003a, 2003b). Figure 2 (see color insert) illustrates the most recent version of the links between the systems. In this example, pollock
harvesting generates an ecosystem externality by diminishing marine mammal populations
and thereby reducing profits in the recreation industry.
The point of building CGE models is to draw on the basic microbehavior of interacting
agents to inform tax, trade, environmental, or other policies that are expected to impact
economic prices and thereby change the flow of real goods, factors of production, consumer incomes and their distribution, and ultimately welfare. The general equilibrium
structure may sometimes reveal insights that would not be forthcoming in partial equilibrium analyses. The same can be said for an integrated CGE-GEEM model, although the
insights may involve internal ecosystem adjustments that would not be available in one or
two species models.
For example, in the ecosystem in Figure 2, growth curves for each species can be
derived. Figure 3 illustrates the growth curve for cod, a harvested species and an
important predator and prey species in the food web. At each cod density, the curve
shows a steady-state cod harvest, whereas all other species are at steady-state levels that
support the harvest. The curve begins at the origin with a linear segment over which
growth is density independent, then moves into piecewise, strictly convex segments over
which growth is density dependent. The shape is explained by the cods’ predatory behavior: When growth is density independent, the prices for all five prey species are zero and cod
are satiated. As the cod population grows, at each connection point between adjoining
segments, one prey’s price turns positive and cod substitute or switch from this costly prey
to prey that are still “free” (Finnoff & Tschirhart 2008b). The density-independent portion
of the curve was anticipated in individual-optimization theoretical models for a singlespecies (Pethig & Tschirhart 2001) and for a three-species food chain (Eichner & Pethig
2006a, 2006b). Although overall the growth curve is reminiscent of the logistic growth
curve, the obvious differences yield a nonconvex harvest function. The nonconvexity is due
to biological processes and distinct from the familiar nonconvex harvest function associated with growth curves that exhibit critical depensation (Clark 1976, Dasgupta & Mäler
Another example of insights unavailable in one or two species models is brought out
in the economy-ecosystem model in Figure 2. In 2001, the National Marine Fisheries
Service offered alternative management strategies that specified reduced pollock catch
Cod growth
Figure 3
Growth curve for cod with cod predator and prey species held at steady-state values that change with
cod steady-state harvests. The curve is made up of an initial linear segment followed by piecewise
strictly convex segments.
limits and no fishing zones to protect endangered sea lions. The justification was that
reduced limits would increase pollock populations, and because sea lions prey on pollock this would shore up their populations. Simulations of the model in Figure 2 suggest
another possibility. Decreased harvests of adult pollock increases their population, which
increases the price individual adults pay to cannibalize juvenile pollock. There is a
negative functional response, or lower adult consumption, but a positive numerical response because more adults are consuming juvenile pollock. Additionally, the higher price
lowers an individual adult’s energy and it produces fewer offspring. The net result of these
countervailing forces is a lower juvenile population. The lower price sea lions pay for the
greater adult population is more than offset by the higher price they pay for the smaller
juvenile population, and sea lion net energy and population decrease instead of increase as
expected. In addition, sea lions are more heavily preyed upon by killer whales: Because
these predators also consume adult pollock, when the pollock are more plentiful after
reduced harvests, the killer whales show a positive numerical response and their greater
numbers consume more sea lions.
The result that reduced pollock harvesting may reduce sea lion populations was
also obtained by Trites et al. (1999) using an ECOPATH with ECOSIM (EwE) model
(see ECOPATH, sidebar below). Unfortunately, limited information about trophic interactions makes verification of EwE, GEEM, or other multispecies models difficult
(Hollowed et al. 2000). Nevertheless, the trophic interactions are important for the
many government agencies that have moved in recent years from single-species management to an ecosystem approach to management (Sutinen 2007). The aspiration is to
integrate EwE with sophisticated economic models, similar to the above attempt of
linking a GEEM to a CGE model, to determine whether either approach yields enough
additional insights over traditional single-species, single-industry models to warrant the
additional effort.
Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
NOAA sites Ecopath as one of its top-ten breakthroughs, along with its Climate Model and other works
( New ECOPATH versions and its dynamic extension, ECOSIM (Walters et al.
1997), calculate energy flows under mass-balance assumptions and have been applied to numerous ecosystems, mostly aquatic. EwE may contain hundreds of predator-prey and competitive relations among
hundreds of species, and it is the most widely used approach for assessing ecosystem effects of fishing
(Plagányi & Butterworth 2004). ECOPATH can be likened to a one-period calculation in a GEEM, and
ECOSIM adds the dynamic part of a GEEM. EwE is not behavioral as it does not rely on individual
optimization; therefore, it does not replicate predator switching or endogenous functional responses. Also,
it does not connect success in optimization to reproduction, relying instead on fixed ratios for reproduction
to total biomass (Plagányi & Butterworth 2004). A rough analogy is that EwE is to a GEEM as inputoutput analysis is to a CGE. Another approach is to integrate input-output ecological and economic models
(Hannon et al. 1991, Jin et al. 2003).
Because economic activities create ecosystem externalities that diminish biodiversity and,
in turn, diminish ecosystem services, a natural role for economists is to examine the tradeoffs between consuming ecosystem services and generating ecosystem externalities. A
somewhat less natural role is to address the question of whether society has a moral
imperative to conserve biodiversity. Does all value from nature originate with human
preferences, or as environmental ethicists argue, is there intrinsic value in nature that
transcends consumptive or nonconsumptive values to humans? Eichner & Pethig (2006c)
tackled this question using an economic-ecological model in which humans allocate land
to a consumer good or to species habitat, and species are a second input into the consumer
good. The authors employed their individual-offspring-maximization approach described
above, where individuals consume prey and require habitat. The welfare function is either
anthropocentric (only human utility matters), biocentric (only nonhuman utility determined by individual biomasses and densities matters), or nonathropocentric (both human
and nonhuman utilities matter). For biocentricity, a welfare maximum has all economic
activity going to zero, because nonhumans can exist without humans, whereas the reverse
is not true. The nonanthropocentric solution yields a greater habitat protection than does
the anthropocentric solution; but greater habitat is also be achieved with higher weights
on the existence of nonhuman species in the human utility function. This result can be
interpreted as a justification for the standard economic anthropocentric approach,
provided the weights on nonhuman populations are correct.
If trade-offs between consuming ecosystem services and generating ecosystem externalities indicate more biodiversity is desirable, then conservation should be efficient, which is
the subject of various theoretical and applied studies. Brock & Xepapadeas (2003) used a
Tilman competition model as described in Section 4 to investigate optimum biodiversity in
an agricultural system: Two crops compete for a limiting resource, and three pests are
distinguished by genotype. One crop kills two of the pests, while the other crop kills no
pests. The pests’ propagation depends on how much land is cultivated in each crop. The
economic problem is to maximize the value of harvests given the plant competition and
pest propagation. There is a trade-off between specializing in a single crop today at the
expense of a smaller gene pool tomorrow. In a SOMP, this trade-off is taken into account,
whereas in a POMP the agriculturalists believe their crop choices have negligible impacts
on the pests’ gene pool so the impacts are ignored. The difference between the Bellman
state value function for the SOMP and optimum diversity, and for the POMP and suboptimum diversity, yields the value of biodiversity.
The study by Brock & Xepapadeas (2003) is an agriculture story more than a biodiversity story. The ecosystem service is crop output, but agriculture is a highly managed system
that has replaced whatever ecosystem existed prior to cultivation. The work omits perhaps
the most important ecosystem externalities associated with agriculture: Agriculture productivity “is a success story of enhanced production of one key ecosystem service, [that]
has come at high and growing costs in terms of trade-offs with other ecosystem services,”
owing to land-cover change and nutrient runoff (MEA 2005, p. 8).
Nevertheless, the work is an exceptional example of rigorously integrated economic
and biological modeling, and the authors noted that the methodology is general enough
for application to other ecosystems. The authors also made the point that, by integrating
biodiversity with an economic model, its value can be ascertained by the services it
provides, in contrast to assuming that biodiversity is desirable in its own right so that the
problem is one of measuring it and conserving it at least cost. Other noteworthy examples
include the following: Weitzman (1992) and Solow et al. (1993) defined diversity using
pairwise distances between species, which can then be used to prioritize conservation plans.
Ando et al. (1998) used land prices for finding least-cost solutions for conserving suites
of species. Wätzold & Drechsler (2005) incorporated a species area curve to investigate
uniform versus spatially heterogeneous compensation payments. Polasky et al. (2005) used
habitat preferences, area requirements, and dispersal ability to demonstrate that an economic-ecology model can lower costs and improve conservation relative to models that assume
all economic activity (biological activity) takes place outside (inside) nature reserves.
In another study, Eichner & Pethig (2006d) used their integrated economic-ecology
dynamic modeling approach to show that species populations that enter a welfare function
as proxies for ecosystem services are also public goods and as such are undersupplied in a
laissez-fair economy. In a steady-state analysis, Eichner & Tschirhart (2007) came to a
similar conclusion, although they used an integrated economic-GEEM model and defined
and estimated a measure of naturalness as a proxy for nonconsumptive, cultural ecosystem
services. This measure, labeled divergence from natural biodiversity, enters the welfare
function on the basis of the notion that humans prefer ecosystems to be free of anthropogenic intervention, all other things being equal.
Divergence from natural biodiversity is one possible index of biodiversity, of which there
are many in the ecological literature (Magurran 2003). Species richness, which is the number
of species, is the simplest but it has serious limitations (MEA 2005, p. 20). The Shannon
index is the most widely used and it heavily weights species evenness, but it does not reflect
changes in species’ overall abundances (Buckland et al. 2005). Economists have contributed
to developing biodiversity measures (Solow et al. 1993, Weitzman 1992), because they need
something tangible to set alongside other goods to assess trade-offs. For example, Nalle et al.
(2004) examined the trade-off between timber production and species conservation using
species temporal geometric mean populations as a biodiversity measure. Similarly, Conrad &
Salas (1993) used the measure PNjt /Kj over all species j in period t to examine trade-offs
between timber production and Monarch butterfly preservation in Mexico.
Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
In his seminal paper, Gordon (1954) indicated that there was virtually no economic fisheries research. Consequently, the biologists responsible for the great bulk of fisheries
research up to that time were forced to extend their efforts into economics. This state
changed as economists, ever the imperialists, saw the opportunity and need to insert
economic reasoning and human behavior into the management of important nonrenewable resources. Early bioeconomic models employed the simplest biology, which was
fitting because the emphasis was on the economics of the problem. Significant insights
followed regarding the costs of open access, gear restrictions, and over capacity, and they
culminated with an embrace of individual transfer quotas. Through most of the literature,
however, economic models did not move much beyond the simple “stick-figure portrayals” of nonhuman life (Brown 2000) and ignored the technical interdependence of
ecosystems. Meanwhile, in ecology “the field of population dynamics moved beyond the
logistic growth model towards models with many parameters that are more closely tied to
observable quantities in nature” (Smith & Crowder 2005).
Emphases in the above studies have been both on integrating ecology and economics
and on introducing into ecological models economic optimization methods such as mechanism. The latter emphasis can lead to closer connections between ecological and economic processes that favor credibility and allow resource economists to reach a broader
scientific audience, thereby strengthening communications across disciplines. As most
integrated models now stand, there is a noteworthy distinction between economic and
ecological practices. Finnoff et al. (2008) indicated that if the Lotka-Volterra equations in
Equations 3 and 5 were used to explain changes in the numbers of firms in several
industries, where the N and P terms represent the number of firms, the conclusions would
be unsatisfying. The equations state that the change in the number of firms in one industry
depends on the number of firms in that and other industries. From a microeconomics
perspective, this explanation completely omits firm behavior. Economists ask what types
of firm behavior lead to more or fewer firms in the industries, because without that
knowledge they would not know how incentives can be used to influence behavior and
impact policy. Similarly, when the Lotka-Volterra model refers to plants and animals, it
does not explain the mechanisms that drive species behavior and leaves us without guidance as to what policies might influence that behavior.
The issues are whether relatively simple ecology combined with sophisticated economics continues to be sufficient for addressing renewable resource problems or whether
the ecology that economist integrate needs to be sophisticated as well. Certainly the
problems of the twenty-first century differ from just a half century ago. At the time of
Gordon’s seminal paper, the notion that the ocean’s bounty was limitless had not fully
fallen out of favor. Today the MEA and many experts paint a rather bleak picture for
the planet’s biological resources owing to the ecosystem externalities generated by human activity. The point of distinguishing between traditional and ecosystem externalities
is that the former can be understood only by digging into the technical interdependence
of ecosystems. Maybe economists can leave the digging to ecologists and model only the
end result of the externality. However, in other realms, economists do dig into noneconomic processes, such as incorporating enough atmospheric chemistry to model acid
precipitation or incorporating enough geological engineering to model the net benefits
of enhanced oil recovery. In some ways, integrating ecology should be more familiar to
economists than integrating physical or chemical processes, because ecosystems are
comprised of sentient beings that behave as if they are making decisions that are
amenable to economic methods.
The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings
that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
I am grateful to Ed Barbier, Rüdiger Pethig, and Jay Shogren for helpful comments, and
I apologize to the many investigators whose work is not cited owing to space constraints.
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Integrated Ecological-Economic Models
Habitat change
Invasive species
Climate change
K, L
Figure 1
Linkages within and between the economic and ecological systems. For an alternative version of this figure, see Barbier et al. (1994).
Figure 2
System integrating ecological (general equilibrium ecosystem model, GEEM) and economic (computable general equilibrium
model, CGE) models of an Alaskan marine ecosystem and the state economy. Indicated are the predator-prey relations (red
arrows); ecosystem linkages to the CGE model of the economy (blue and green arrows); and the externality from the harvesting
industry, cascading through the ecosystem and ending in the recreation industry (dotted orange arrow). Seven interspecies
competitive relations, five harvested species including age-structured pollock supplying provisioning ecosystem services, and six
mammal species supplying cultural ecosystem services via tourism or recreation are included. Phytoplankton and kelp “prey” on
the sun, which is the source of all ecosystem energy. Source: Finnoff & Tschirhart (2008a).