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Biology 1210
Additional Study Questions #2 (Chps 3 & 4)
1. Matching:
(answers can be used more than once, can be more than one answer)
a. Ionic bonds
___ strongest bonds
b. Covalent bonds
___ weakest bonds
c. Hydrogen bonds
___ bonding that gives water it’s unique properties
___ is indicated by a solid line (C-H)
___ is indicated by a dashed line (O---H)
___ is the bonding that holds table salt together
___ bonding that allows DNA to separate during replication
___ forms when atoms are attracted to each other by opposite electrical charges
___ forms when molecules are attracted to each other because of partial charges
___ type of bonds that can be found in a glass of water
2. Use the information below and your knowledge about ions and how they dissolve in water to identify molecules
A and B. (Yes you know enough to figure this out!)
a. A molecule with 11 electrons is molecule _____
b. A molecule with 17 electrons is molecule _____
3. Explain the endosymbiotic theory. What organelles are said to have evolved by these means?
List some of the evidence that supports the endosymbiotic theory of mitochondria.
4. Compare and contrast:
a. Chromosome/chromatin
b. Nucleus/nucleoid region
c. Pinocytosis/Phagocytosis
d. Pinocytosis/receptor mediated endocytosis
5. What parts of animal cells contribute to its movement.
a. cilia
e. surface proteins
b. nucleus
f. flagella
c. ribosomes
g. golgi complex
d. cytoskeleton
6. Fill in the blanks using figure 4.28 (osmotic pressure in a red blood cell).
a. Cell A is ___________in comparison to the fluid it is in.
b. If cell A takes on water and becomes like cell B, it can be said that the cell is __________in comparison
to its environment.
c. If cell B loses water and becomes like cell A, it can be said that cell B has more/less solutes than its
7. Analogies can be helpful in learning and understanding a new topic. Think of the cell as a chemical factory, and
the nucleus as the central office or control center. Can you compare the other parts of a cell to the parts of a factory?
What might be the factory doors? The power plant? The warehouse? Shipping and receiving? Recycling plant etc
8. Which amino acids are most likely to be found in each section of this transmembrane protein. Why?
Phenylalanine (non-polar)
Asparagine (polar)
Section A:________
Section B:________
Section C:________
Plasma membrane
9. Compare and contrast carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. There are many ways to do this…here is a
start on one method.
nucleic acids
which atoms?
hydrogen bonds?
ionic bonds?
covalent bonds?
what monomers?
a. Follow the pathway of a digestive enzyme by putting the following in order.
___digest vacuole contents
___releases monomers
___dumped into vacuole
___rough ER
_1_nucleus (gene is transcribed into mRNA)
___transport vesicle
b. What would happen if the digestive enzyme leaked out of the lysosome and into the cell?
11. Compare and contrast
found in what organisms
carries out what process
converts energy of…
into chemical energy in…
12. Match the following. Answers can be used more than once.
a. nucleus
b. transport vesicle
c. central vacuole
d. smooth ER
e. lysosome
f. Golgi apparatus
g. rough ER
h. contractile vacuole
i. ribosome
___lipids manufactured here
___small structure that makes proteins
___contains chromatin
___sac of enzymes that digest things
___carries secretions for export from cell
___breaks down drugs and toxins in liver
___makes cell membranes
___cell control center
___numerous ribosomes give it its name
___'ships' products to plasma membrane, outside cell or other organelles
___may store water, chemicals, waste, pigments
___buds off from Golgi apparatus
___proteins made here for secretion from cell
___ pumps out excess water from some cells
___takes in transport vesicles from ER and modifies their contents
___digests food, wastes, foreign substances
___how proteins and other substance get from ER to Golgi apparatus