Download 1) Check off which of the following things that soil does: __X __ Acts

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Horticulture Final Exam KEY Semester1
1) Check off which of the following things that soil does:
__X __ Acts as a water filter and a growing medium
__X__ Provides habitat for billions of organisms
__X__ Supplies most of the antibiotics we use to fight off diseases
__X__Humans use soil as a holding facility for solid waste
_X___A filter for wastewater
_X___Foundation for our cities and towns
2) How long does it take to form a 2 inch layer of topsoil?
500 years
3) The 5 factors of soil formation are
Climate, Organisms, Parent material, Topography and Time.
4) What is the best soil?
5) The parts of the male stamen are:
anther and filament
The parts of the female pistil are:
B. ovary, style and stigma
Functions of the leaf: photosynthesis
Functions of the petal: showy part
Functions of the Stem: stability
Functions of the roots: anchor, water uptake
What are 5 things that tear up top soil?
Over grazing
Water erosion
no crop rotation
Wind erosion
no fertilizer
What insect filters through the soil?
Earth worms
Horticulture Final Exam KEY Semester1
6) – 15 Fill in the name of the Soil Horizon
O- organic
11) A- Topsoil
12) E- Elulial (optional)
13) B- Subsoil
14) C- Weathered Parent Material
15) R- Bedrock
Horticulture Final Exam KEY Semester1
16-22) Fill in the blanks with the parts of a flower term
Plus know petiole, & sepals
24) Which of the following tools would be best to remove leaves in a flowerbed?
A. Lawn rake
B. Bow rake
C. Bent shank scuffle hoe
D. Round point shovel
25) Which of the following tools would be best to remove loose soil from a hole
which is four feet wide?
A. Square point shovel
B. Cultivator
C. Round point shovel
D. Twelve-tine fork
26) Which of the following tools would be best to finish a flowerbed?
A. Lawn rake
B. Level head rake
C. Six-tine manure fork
D. Medium sized, long-handled steel scoop shovel
Horticulture Final Exam KEY Semester1
27) Which of the following tools would be best to loosen soil around plants in the
A. Railroad pick or mattock
B. Bow rake
C. Lawn rake
D. Cultivator
28) What essential nutrient must be replaced after every planting season because it
is water soluble?
A. Nitrogen
B. Phosphorus
C. Potassium
D. Calcium
29) A single plant, plant group or other feature, which attracts the eye most in a
space is the ____.
A. Accent point
B. Dominance
C. Focal point
D. Unity
30) A designer must understand the ______ of plants.
A. Environmental needs
B. Tolerances
C. Potential problems
D. All of the above
31) The colorful part of the poinsettia is the what?
A. Leaf
B. Bract
C. Flower
D. Petal
32) Which of the following is NOT a way garden plants impact the environment?
A. Cleaning the air
B. Absorbing carbon dioxide
C. Releasing fragrance
D. Eliminating pests
33) Which of the following is NOT considered a recreational value for plants?
A. Crop production
B. Sports
C. Gardening
D. Lawns
Horticulture Final Exam KEY Semester1
34) Fruits, nuts and vegetable production are classified as which of the following
benefits of the horticulture industry?
A. Aesthetic value
B. Recreational value
C. Therapeutic value
D. Food production
35) Which of the following is NOT an environmental benefit of plants?
A. Provide shade
B. Increase erosion
C. Provide cooler temperatures
D. Filter air
36) Plants produce which of the following?
A. Neon
B. Sulfur
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Oxygen
37) Plant production provides for how many American jobs?
A. More than 5.5 million
B. More than 7 million
C. More than 1.3 million
D. More than 1.9 million
38) Medicinal horticulture is NOT used for which of the following?
A. Veterinary practice
B. Therapeutic practice
C. Acupuncture
D. Preventative medicine
39) Which of the following is NOT a branch of horticulture?
A. Agriculture
B. Pomology
C. Floriculture
D. Olericulture
40) Which of the following is NOT a benefit of trees?
A. Pollution reduction
B. Shade
C. Color
D. Shelter
41) Which of the following is NOT provided by lawns?
A. Aesthetics
B. Windbreak
Horticulture Final Exam KEY Semester1
C. Environmental value
D. Resource protection
42) What are factors that are threatening bumble bees and other pollinators?
A. Pesticide exposure
B. habitat loss and climate change,
C. competition from non-native bees, introduced diseases.
D. All of the above
43) Bumble bees need…
A. High-quality habitat for nesting
B. Plentiful food and water resources nearby throughout the spring, summer, andfall
C. Humans to assist their hives
D. A & B
44) Which of the following is NOT a type of soil information which should be
A. Texture
B. pH
C. Drainage
D. Degradation
45) Which of the following are advantages of raising seed-grown plants in the
A. Uncontrolled environment
B. Decreased germination rates
C. Increased germination rates
D. None of the above
46) Which of the following are steps to provide the ideal environment for seed
germination and growth?
A. Provide seed bright light
B. Keep the seed beds moist at all times
C. Head the seed beds to 65ºF to 70ºF
D. All of the above
47) Which part of a plant is often the most distinctive and easily recognized?
A. Foliage
B. Bark
C. Roots
D. Fruit
48) One of the main differences between herbaceous and woody plants is the
presence of ____ in woody plants.
A. Stems that die in winter
B. Bark
C. Large leaves
D. Green pigmentation