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Hempfield Area School District
Social Studies
World History Grade 7
Unit: Early Civilizations
Social Studies
Early Civilizations
Grade 7
Term 1
Content Standards
Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups in World History
Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical to world history.
Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflections, and research.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
People, places, and ideas change over time.
Ancient civilizations have contributed socially, politically, culturally,
and economically to modern world history.
Textual evidence, documents, and artifacts are relevant to
understanding to historical developments.
How has ancient world history impacted the modern
world geographically, socially, politically, culturally, and
How can primary and/or secondary sources contribute to
understanding world history?
Related Misconceptions
There were no laws before Hammurabi’s Code.
The Nile River flows south from the Mediterranean Sea.
Democracy was the same in ancient Greece as in the United States.
Students will know…
Essential Question(s)
Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia, Sparta, Athens, and Egypt.
Persian Empire.
Scribe, trade, absolute power, ziggurat, polytheism, dynasty,
pyramid, pharaoh, mummification, city-state, peninsula, polis, agora,
and tragedy.
Students will be able to…
Identify the writing systems of early civilizations.
Compare/contrast the social classes of early civilizations.
Describe the geographic and cultural features of early
civilizations. .
Explain how belief in the afterlife influenced ancient
Egyptian life.
Explain differences between Sparta and Athens (daily life,
government, education, etc…).
Describe the formation of early democratic government.
Analyze primary and secondary sources.
Unit: Early Civilizations
Social Studies
Early Civilizations
Grade 7
Term 2
Content Standards
Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups in World History
Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical to world history.
Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflections, and research.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
People, places, and ideas change over time.
Ancient civilizations have contributed socially, politically, culturally,
and economically to modern world history.
Textual evidence, documents, and artifacts are relevant to
understanding to historical developments.
Students will know…
How has ancient world history impacted the modern
world geographically, socially, politically, culturally, and
How can primary and/or secondary sources contribute to
understanding world history?
Related Misconceptions
The Olympics were the only important contribution of the Greeks.
All Romans were gladiators.
All Roman emperors were great leaders.
Essential Question(s)
Myth, republic, patrician, plebeian, veto, dictator, assembly, gladiator,
philosophy, concrete, and epic.
Julius Caesar, Augustus, Pericles, Homer, Alexander the Great, and
Greece, Rome, and Constantinople.
Students will be able to…
Describe ancient Greek philosophy.
Explain how Greek religious ideas are portrayed in myths.
Identify the conflicts among the social classes of Rome.
Identify the events and people that led to the
establishment of the Roman Empire and later, its decline.
Identify Rome’s contributions to our society today.
Describe the cultural and economic influences of the
Byzantine Empire.
Analyze primary and secondary sources.
Unit: Middle Ages
Social Studies
Middle Ages
Grade 7
Term 3
Content Standards
Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups in World History
Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical to world history.
Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflections, and research.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
People, places, and ideas change over time.
Medieval societies have contributed socially, politically, culturally, and
economically to modern world history.
Textual evidence, documents, and artifacts are relevant to
understanding to historical developments.
Related Misconceptions
Christianity was not shaped by politics or history.
All Muslims are violent extremists.
Society did not change during the Middle Ages.
Students will know…
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Jesus, Muhammad, and Charlemagne.
clergy, martyr, pope, excommunicate, Five Pillars, schism, caravan,
Quran, Torah, Holy Bible, mosque, cathedral, feudalism, knight, fief,
manor, and Crusades.
Essential Question(s)
How has the Middle Ages impacted the modern world
geographically, socially, politically, culturally, and
How did religion shaped Medieval Europe and
surrounding territories?
How can primary and/or secondary sources contribute to
understanding world history?
Students will be able to…
Identify the founders, primary beliefs, and contributions
of Christianity and Islam.
Synthesize information about the rise and spread of
Christianity and Islam.
Explain feudalism and the development of Europe
following the fall of Rome.
Identify the causes and effects of the Crusades.
Explain the arrangement of social classes in medieval
Analyze primary and secondary sources.
Unit: Late Middle Ages & Exploration
Social Studies
Late Middle Ages & Exploration
Grade 7
Term 4
Content Standards
Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups in World History
Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical to world history.
Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflections, and research.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
People, places, and ideas change over time.
Late Middle Age societies have contributed socially, politically,
culturally, and economically to modern world history.
Textual evidence, documents, and artifacts are relevant to
understanding to historical developments.
Students will know…
Related Misconceptions
The Renaissance was only a period of time and not a way of thinking.
Native people did not influence Europeans.
Essential Question(s)
Renaissance, Reformation, humanism, predestination, indulgence,
circumnavigate, conquistadors, cash crops, and mercantilism.
Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Gutenberg, Shakespeare, Martin Luther,
Calvin, and Christopher Columbus.
Italy, the Americas, Spain, and Portugal.
How has the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Age of
Exploration impacted the modern world geographically,
socially, politically, culturally, and economically?
Why did people in Europe colonize in the Americas?
How can primary and/or secondary sources contribute to
understanding world history?
Students will be able to…
Describe the impact of the Renaissance and Reformation
on medieval Europe.
Explain why early explorers came to the Americas and
where they colonized.
Analyze primary and secondary sources.