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Get ready for quiz #7 Weekly Schedule Today • Homework # 8 due • Quiz # 7 • Galaxies and cepheid variables • Lab Next Tuesday (12/3) • No class • Take home quiz/lab • Online HW #9 Thursday (12/5) • All things due Thursday • No class- Turkey day • Take home quiz • Expanding universe Lab – The Big Bang and ET!!! From Earth, we see few stars when looking out of galaxy (red arrows), many when looking in (blue and white arrows). Milky Way is how our Galaxy appears in the night sky (b). People began to examine the Milky Way closer, and discovered that it consisted of billions of stars. Imagine that you could travel at the speed of light. Starting from Earth, how long would it take you to travel to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy? A) 2 years B) 20 years C) 250 years D) 2500 years E) 25,000 years Milky Way Galaxy One of the first attempts to measure the Milky Way was done by Herschel using visible stars. Unfortunately, he was not aware that most of the galaxy, particularly the center, is blocked from view by vast clouds of gas and dust. 14.4 The Formation of the Milky Way The formation of the galaxy is believed to be similar to the formation of the solar system, but on a much larger scale. 14.5 Galactic Spiral Arms Measurement of the position and motion of gas clouds shows that the Milky Way has a spiral form. 14.1 Our Parent Galaxy Our Galaxy is a spiral galaxy. Here are three similar galaxies. 14.5 Galactic Spiral Arms The spiral arms cannot rotate along with the galaxy; they would “curl up.” 14.5 Galactic Spiral Arms Rather, they appear to be density waves, with stars moving in and out of them much as cars move in and out of a traffic jam. 14.5 Galactic Spiral Arms As clouds of gas and dust move through the spiral arms, the increased density triggers star formation. This may contribute to propagation of the arms. The origin of the spiral arms is not yet understood. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/aw/aw_0media_astro/if/if.h tml?spiral_arm_pattern 14.6 The Mass of the Milky Way Galaxy The orbital speed of an object depends only on the amount of mass between it and the galactic center. Once all the galaxy is within an orbit, the velocity should diminish with distance, as the dashed curve shows. It doesn’t; more than twice the mass of the galaxy would have to be outside the visible part to reproduce the observed curve. Dark matter Gravity acting across vast distances does not seem to explain what astronomers see Galaxies, for example, should fly apart; some other mass must be there holding them together Astrophysicists have thus postulated "dark matter" - invisible to us but clearly acting on galactic scales http://media.pearsoncmg.com/aw/aw_chaisson_astronomytoday_6/videos/ch25/DarkMa tter.html Measuring the Milky Way • We have already encountered variable stars – novae, supernovae, and related phenomena – which are called cataclysmic variables. • There are other stars whose luminosity varies in a regular way, but much more subtly. These are called intrinsic variables. • Two types of intrinsic variables have been found:RR Lyrae stars and Cepheids. 14.2 Measuring the Milky Way The upper plot is an RR Lyrae star. All such stars have essentially the same luminosity curve, with periods from 0.5 to 1 day. The lower plot is a Cepheid variable; Cepheid periods range from about 1 to 100 days. 14.2 Measuring the Milky Way The variability of these stars comes from a dynamic balance between gravity and pressure – they have large oscillations around stability. 14.2 Measuring the Milky Way The usefulness of these stars comes from their period–luminosity relationship. 14.2 Measuring the Milky Way This allows us to measure the distances to these stars. • RR Lyrae stars all have about the same luminosity; knowing their apparent magnitude allows us to calculate the distance. • Cepheids have a luminosity that is strongly correlated with the period of their oscillations; once the period is measured, the luminosity is known and we can proceed as above. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/aw/aw_chais son_astronomytoday_6/videos/ch23/Ceph eidStarInDistGalaxy.html 14.2 Measuring the Milky Way Many RR Lyrae stars are found in globular clusters. These clusters are not all in the plane of the galaxy, so they are not obscured by dust and can be measured. This yields a much more accurate picture of the extent of our Galaxy and our place within it. 14.2 Measuring the Milky Way We have now expanded our cosmic distance ladder one more step. Spiral galaxies are classified according to the size of their central bulge. Type Sa has the largest central bulge, Type Sb is smaller, and Type Sc is the smallest. Type Sa tends to have the most tightly bound spiral arms, with Types Sb and Sc progressively less tight, although the correlation is not perfect. The components of spiral galaxies are the same as in our own Galaxy: disk, core, halo, bulge, spiral arms. Similar to the spiral galaxies are the barred spirals. Ellipticals are classified according to their shape, from E0 (almost spherical) to E7 (the most elongated). Ellipticals also contain very little, if any, cool gas and dust, and show no evidence of ongoing star formation. Many do, however, have large clouds of hot gas, extending far beyond the visible boundaries of the galaxy. 15.1 Hubble’s Galaxy Classification S0 (lenticular) and SB0 galaxies have a disk and bulge, but no spiral arms and no interstellar gas. 15.1 Hubble’s Galaxy Classification The irregular galaxies have a wide variety of shapes. These galaxies appear to be undergoing interactions with other galaxies. “Tuning Fork” classification of Galaxies 15.2 The Distribution of Galaxies in Space Cepheid variables allow measurement of galaxies to about 25 Mpc away. However, most galaxies are farther away then 25 Mpc. New distance measures are needed. • Tully-Fisher relation correlates a galaxy’s rotation speed (which can be measured using the Doppler effect) to its luminosity. • Type I supernovae all have about the same luminosity, as the process by which they happen doesn’t allow for much variation. The rotation of a galaxy results in Doppler broadening of its spectral lines. 15.2 The Distribution of Galaxies in Space With these additions, the cosmic distance ladder has been extended to about 1 Gpc. 15.2 The Distribution of Galaxies in Space Here is the distribution of galaxies within about 1 Mpc of the Milky Way. Clusters and Superclusters The Milky Way Galaxy and its neighboring galaxies are known as the Local Group. 15.2 The Distribution of Galaxies in Space A nearby galaxy cluster is the Virgo Cluster; it is much larger than the Local Group, containing about 3500 galaxies. Clusters and Superclusters Our local group is situated between the Virgo and Eridanus clusters, which all together make our Local Supercluster. Clusters and Superclusters Our Local Supercluster is part of a network of superclusters. Clusters and Superclusters As far as we can see, superclusters hold together like a foam within which there are bubbles of super large voids. 15.3 Hubble’s Law Universal recession: All galaxies (with a couple of nearby exceptions) seem to be moving away from us, with the redshift of their motion correlated with their distance. These plots show the relation between distance and recessional velocity for the five galaxies in the previous figure, and then for a larger sample. The relationship (slope of the line) is characterized by Hubble’s constant H0: recessional velocity = H0 distance The value of Hubble’s constant is approximately 70 km/s/Mpc. Measuring distances using Hubble’s law actually works better the farther away the object is; random motions are overwhelmed by the recessional velocity. Hubble’s Law: the further away a galaxy is, the faster it recedes In fact, the more distant the galaxy, the faster it is moving away from us According to Hubble’s Law, what is the recessional speed of a galaxy at a distance of 100 Mpc? Important information: V = Ho * d Ho = 70 km/s/Mpc How far away is a galaxy whose recessional velocity is 2000 km/s? Important information: V = Ho * d Ho = 70 km/s/Mpc 15.3 Hubble’s Law This puts the final step on our distance ladder. Evidence for “Big Bang” 1) Receding galaxies (redshifted) http://media.pearsoncmg.com/aw/aw_0me dia_astro/if/if.html?raisin_cake Evidence for “Big Bang” 2) Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Evidence for “Big Bang” 3) Predicts proportions of H and He Universe ~75% H ~25% He Not enough stars to make this much He, so it was “synethsized” moments after “Big Bang” Dark energy At the greatest distances, the Universe's expansion is accelerating Thus we have also "dark energy" which acts to drive the expansion, in opposition to gravity Make up of the universe Fate of the universe Heat death