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Unit 4 Psychology 2011: Outcome 1:
Name: ______________________________
Learning Quiz 4
Total: __________/ 20
Unit 4 Psychology 2011: Outcome 1:
Learning Quiz 4
Question 35(2008)
1. According to Pavlov, during acquisition in
classical conditioning
A. the neutral stimulus is paired with the
unconditioned stimulus.
B. the neutral stimulus is paired with the neutral
C. the unconditioned stimulus is paired with the
conditioned response.
D. the unconditioned stimulus is paired with the
unconditioned response.
Question 28 (2005)
2. In John Watson’s famous study, Little Albert
was conditioned to fear rats by associating them
with an unpleasant loud noise.
If Little Albert had then been repeatedly exposed to
the white rat, but without the noise, his fear
response would have
A. become stronger.
B. been extinguished.
C. generalised to all white furry objects.
D. spontaneously recovered.
Question 29 (2007)
6. Classical conditioning is based on
A. reinforcement of different stimuli.
B. learning to discriminate between different
C. spontaneous recovery of different stimuli.
D. forming an association between different stimuli.
Question 29 (2009)
7. Initially, a young child had no response to a
nurse’s white uniform. However, the young child
received a couple of painful injections from a nurse
in a white uniform. Now, the young child reacts
with fear to any nurse in a white uniform.
In this example, the sight of the nurse in a white
uniform has become _____________ to the young
A. an unconditioned response
B. a conditioned response
C. a conditioned stimulus
D. an unconditioned stimulus
Question 28 (2007)
8. A dog has been conditioned to salivate when
Question 26 shown a square. The dog also salivates when shown
3. In his experiments, Pavlov referred to dogs
a rectangle. The dog’s behaviour illustrates
salivating in the presence of food as an
A. stimulus discrimination.
‘unconditioned response’ because
B. response discrimination.
A. he had not yet discovered conditioning.
C. stimulus generalisation.
B. salivation is not conditional on the presence of
D. response generalisation.
C. salivation is a controlled response dependent on
Question 33 (2009)
9. Taylor’s psychologist wants to use conditioning
D. salivation is an innate reflex response to the
to help him stop biting his nails. The psychologist
presence of food.
decides to paint Taylor’s nails with a nasty tasting
Question 30 (2010) The nasty tasting substance in this case is the
4. In classical conditioning, spontaneous recovery
A. punishment.
occurs when
B. negative reinforcement.
A. a previously conditioned response reappears
C. unconditioned stimulus.
after a period of extinction.
D. conditioned stimulus.
B. a behaviour similar to a previously conditioned
response emerges after a period of time.
10. Imaging technologies have been helpful to
C. a previously learned conditioned stimulus–
researchers in the identification of localised
unconditioned stimulus association is learned
changes of the brain due to learning specific
more quickly in a second acquisition phase.
tasks. This is because researchers are able to:
D. a previously conditioned response initially
a. observe changes to the structure of the
increases during the process of extinction.
b. observe a live brain during the learning process.
5. If I want to overcome my fear of spiders and I
c. compare and observe changes to the brain
allow them to crawl all over me for an extended
before and after learning, as well as during the
period of time, I am probably using:
learning process.
a. Aversion therapy
d. perform surgery to the brain as the person is
b. Graduated exposure
c. Flooding
d. Shaping
Unit 4 Psychology 2011: Outcome 1:
Learning Quiz 4
Short Answer Section
Question 2 (2005)
In the context of Pavlov’s original experiments, describe an example of spontaneous recovery.
2 marks
Question 5 (2005)
Describe two current ethical principles that Watson appeared to violate when he conducted his
research on Little Albert.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
2 marks
Question 9 (2004)
Aversion therapy was developed to deal with habits and addictions.
a. Using the language of classical conditioning, describe an example of how this therapy may be
used to help someone give up smoking.
2 marks
b. Outline one major criticism of aversion therapy.
1 mark
Question 11 (2003)
Little Albert is now 17 years old. He comes to you for therapy regarding his ‘problem’ with white
rats. Name and describe a learning process you could use to help Albert overcome his fear.
3 marks
Unit 4 Psychology 2011: Outcome 1:
Learning Quiz 4
1a 2b 3d 4a 5c 6d 7c 8c 9 a (operant conditioning)/c
(classical conditioning) 10c
1.After the dog has been conditioned to salivate at the sound of the bell, the bell being the conditioned stimulus (CS),
extinction occurs after repeated exposure to the CS without the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), the food. That is, the
dog fails to produce the conditioned response (CR), salivating, upon presentation of the CS alone without the UCS.
After a time gap, the CS is presented again, without the presentation of the UCS, but the CR (salivation) occurs. We say
that it has spontaneously recovered; the CR re-occurs after it has been previously extinguished.
Students were required to provide an appropriate description of the re-appearance of an extinguished response after a
rest period. Students were expected to refer to dogs as the subjects and salivation as the conditioned response, but may
have referred to any appropriate stimulus as the conditioned stimulus (a bell, buzzer, metronome, tuning fork or light –
all of which were used) and any appropriate unconditioned stimulus (food, meat, meat-powder, etc.).
Many students appeared to be unfamiliar with Pavlov’s experiments and many confused Pavlov with Watson and
described conditioning Albert B. to fear a white rat. This question was poorly answered.
2.Possible answers included:
voluntary participation
violation of confidentiality
no withdrawal rights
fully informed consent – if Little Albert’s mother gave consent (but it is unlikely that it was the informed
consent that we would demand today)
no physical or psychological harm to be caused to participants (that is, the harm caused to Little
Albert outweighs the benefit of the knowledge obtained)
counselling/extinction of the fear response
debriefing – there is no evidence that Watson debriefed Little Albert’s parents.
This question was generally well answered.
3. a.Possible Answer:
Pair the unwanted stimulus (the cigarette – Conditioned or Neutral Stimulus) with a stimulus (an electric shock –
Unconditioned Stimulus) that reflexively produces an unwanted response (pain – Unconditioned Response). After
several pairings, the Conditioned Stimulus (the cigarette) will produce the same response (Conditioned Response) even
when it is not paired with the Unconditioned Stimulus (the electric shock).
Many students lost marks because they failed to follow the instructions in the question and did not use the language of
classical conditioning; that is, the terms italicised in the example above.
b.Possible Answer:
One of:
failure to generalise outside the clinical situation
overgeneralisation (want to give up drinking alcohol – develop aversion to drinking)
ethical considerations; specifically, causing physiological or psychological harm to patient
extinction without repeated administrations of the UCS + CS pairing.