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1. The diagram below shows some of the feeding relationships in a desert food web.
Which of the following trophic levels is not shown in this diagram?
A. producers
B. decomposers
C. primary consumers
D. secondary consumers
This online assessment item contains material that has been released to the public by the Massachusetts Department of Education.
What do the appendix and wisdom teeth of adult humans have in common with the wings of an ostrich?
A. They are adaptive structures that aid in survival.
B. They are homologous structures that evolved from a common ancestor.
C. They are selective structures that evolved when the environment changed.
D. They are vestigial structures that are no longer required for survival.
The picture above shows a starfish common to the Mediterranean Sea. They are a problem because they tangle fishing
nets and eat shellfish, such as oysters. Frustrated fishermen would pick starfish out of their nets and cut them into
little pieces. Unfortunately, this only helped the starfish to reproduce and make more starfish. This type of
reproduction is
A. sexual reproduction by regeneration.
B. sexual reproduction through gamete production.
C. asexual reproduction by budding.
D. asexual reproduction by fragmentation.
What is next in this series?
A. Habitats
B. Organisms
C. Systems
D. Organelles
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© Virginia Department of Education
5. Farmers who grow corn plants want the plants that produce the most ears of corn and are most resistant to insects
and disease. What process would a farmer use to produce corn plants with these desired traits?
A. crop rotation
B. natural selection
C. selective breeding
D. asexual reproduction
6. Geologists learn what organisms were like in the past by studying —
A. minerals.
B. water.
C. fossils.
D. atmosphere.
Permission has been granted for reproduction by the Virginia Department of Education
© Virginia Department of Education
Mike and his three brothers all have brown hair. Mike's father has brown hair, too. Mike's mother, however, is the
only family member that has red hair color. What conclusion can you draw about the gene for hair color?
A. The gene for red hair is dominant over the gene for brown hair.
B. The gene for brown hair is dominant over the gene for red hair.
C. Neither brown nor red are dominant since they both occur in the same family.
D. Red and brown genes are co-dominant.
8. Nonvascular plants include
A. mosses and algae.
B. liverworts and fungi.
C. algae and fungi.
D. liverworts and mosses.
The process in which green plants convert energy from the Sun into energy stored in carbon-containing
molecules is called
A. respiration.
B. combustion.
C. digestion.
D. photosynthesis.
The picture above shows the liver, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. What is the only level of organization
that is not visible in the picture?
A. cells
B. organs
C. tissues
D. organ system
11. Thad is a potato farmer who is trying to produce potatoes that are large and resistant to fungus. Which of these
would be BEST for him to use to produce only large, fungus-free potatoes?
A. budding
B. fertilizers
C. irrigation system
D. selective breeding
12. The body takes in oxygen through the
A. brain.
B. heart.
C. lungs.
D. stomach.
13. Grasslands and savannas are biomes that are very valuable as areas for farming and grazing livestock. In the
United States, these biomes are mostly found in the
A. Southeast.
B. Midwest.
C. Northwest.
D. Southwest.
14. Which activity causes the lungs to work their hardest?
A. reading
B. eating
C. swimming
D. sleeping
When a cell of a plant stem divides, each new cell has
A. half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
B. the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
C. twice the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
D. four times the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
16. Look at the diagram of a food web.
The removal of which organism would have the GREATEST effect on all remaining organisms in the food web?
A. grass
B. hawk
C. mouse
D. sparrow
In his observations of the finches in the Galapagos Islands, Darwin stated that we could never "watch" natural
selection in action. Why did Darwin believe this?
A. Natural selection happens so quickly, it is difficult to see.
B. Natural selection is an internal process that can not be outwardly observed.
C. Natural selection occurs over so many generations, it is impossible to see changes occur.
D. Natural selection is a process that occurs randomly, and it is unlikely that a human would be present when it
Use the list below to answer this question.
What class of animals has the characteristics shown in the list?
A. fish
B. amphibians
C. reptiles
D. birds
George Washington XIV decides that he likes a particular cherry tree in his yard. He makes a number of cuttings
from this tall, white-flowered parent tree. The cuttings grow up into new cherry trees. What is true about the offspring
cherry trees produced from cuttings?
A. The offspring trees will be inferior to the parent tree.
B. The offspring trees are clones of the parent tree and should look very similar.
C. The offspring trees will vary greatly in height but they will all have white flowers.
D. Some offspring trees will develop white flowers, while others will develop flowers of different colors.
Suppose that a small species of flowering plant lives in a desert area. Over many thousands of years, the area changes
to a forest. The plant remains small in size, but undergoes other changes to adapt to the new environment which
allows less light to the developing plant. Which of these changes is likely?
A. development of deeper roots
B. development of thick cuticle
C. development of thorns
D. development of larger and broader leaves
21. Based on the picture, which of the following is a producer in the food chain?
A. Cattails, because they make their own food.
B. Beaver, because they can change the water level.
C. Dragonflies, because they occur in high numbers.
D. Soil, because all other organisms depend on it.
22. When water moves across the cell membrane, the process is called
A. pollination.
B. respiration.
C. transfusion.
D. osmosis.
Place the levels of biological organization in the correct order.
A. cell organelle tissue
B. cell tissue organelle
C. organelle cell organ
D. organelle cell tissue
The graph above shows the survival rate for several different varieties of corn during a severe July drought. One type
of corn was bred selectively over many years to thrive in dry climates. Which type of corn was MOST LIKELY
selectively bred?
A. Heaven's Silk
B. Silver Queen
C. Smucker's Gold
D. Summer Leaf
25. This picture shows a clownfish finding protection as it hides in sea anemones in the ocean.
Clownfish help provide food for anemones. Which of these describes the relationship between clownfish and sea
A. competition
B. mutualism
C. parasitism
D. predation
Answer Key
1. B) decomposers
2. D) They are vestigial structures that are no longer required for survival.
3. D) asexual reproduction by fragmentation.
4. C) Systems
5. C) selective breeding
6. C) fossils.
7. B) The gene for brown hair is dominant over the gene for red hair.
8. D) liverworts and mosses.
9. D) photosynthesis.
10. A) cells
11. D) selective breeding
12. C) lungs.
13. B) Midwest.
14. C) swimming
15. B) the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
16. A) grass
17. C) Natural selection occurs over so many generations, it is impossible to see changes occur.
18. D) birds
19. B) The offspring trees are clones of the parent tree and should look very similar.
20. D) development of larger and broader leaves
21. A) Cattails, because they make their own food.
22. D) osmosis.
23. D) organelle
24. A) Heaven's Silk
25. B) mutualism