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Informal Commands: requesting or telling someone (informal) to do or not to do something.
TÚ affirmative (+)
ar = a
er/ir = e
estudiar = ¡estudia!
correr = ¡corre!
hacer= haz
tener = ten
ir = ve
venir = ven
decir = di
salir = sal
ser = sé
poner = pon
*Same stem changes as the present indicative!
*with reflexive verbs – attach pronoun to the end of the command! Accent 3 vowels back from the
cuidarse = cuídate
relajarse = relájate
ponerse = ponte
TÚ negative (-)
“go from the yo, drop the o,
& add the opposite ending”
ar = es
er/ir = as
ir = no vayas
ser = no seas
dar = no des
estar = no estés
saber = no sepas
estudiar = ¡no estudies!
correr = ¡no corras!
*By going from the ‘yo’ you will be keeping the present tense stem-changes!
*with reflexive verbs – place pronoun before the conjugated verb!
cuidarse = no te cuides
relajarse = no te relajes
ponerse = no te pongas
*Spelling changes:
car, gar zar verbs change spelling in negative tú commands to keep the same sound.
car – ques
gar – gues
zar – ces
Affirmative & Negative Usted, Ustedes & Nosotros commands: requesting or telling someone
formal, a group of people or a group including yourself (Let's!) to do or not to do something.
There is no difference between these +/- commands, just add NO to make it negative.
Endings - go from the yo, drop the o, & add the opposite ending! *(shoe verb rules apply and the sole
change of e-i & o-u applies to ir verbs in the nosotros form only!!)
+ ad / - éis
+ id / - áis
hablar = ¡(No) hable! ¡(No) hablen! ¡(No) hablemos! ¡Hablad! / ¡No habléis!
salir = ¡(No) salga! ¡(No) salgan! ¡(No) salgamos! ¡Salid! / ¡No salgáis!
If you want to put emphasis on the command or make sure they know it is a command, put the subject
after the verb.
hablar = ¡No hablen Uds.!
salir = ¡No salga Ud.!
Irregulars - these are the commands for the following verbs, you do not need to add anything else!
ir = (no) vaya, vayan, vamos/no vayamos
ser = (no) sea, sean, seamos
dar = (no) dé, den, demos
estar = (no) esté, estén, estemos
saber = (no) sepa, sepan, sepamos
*Commands with reflexive verbs –
Affirmative commands = attach pronoun to the end of the command and accent 3 vowels back.
Negative commands = place pronoun before the conjugated verb! *(No accents needed)
cuidarse = ¡Cuídese!
¡No se cuide!
relajarse = ¡Relájense!
¡No se relajen!
ponerse = ¡Pongámonos!*
¡No nos pongamos!
*Spelling changes
car, gar zar verbs change spelling in both affirmative and negative Ud./Uds./Nosotros *(& negative
vosotros) commands to keep the same sound.
car – ques
gar – gues
zar - ces
tocar = ¡(No) toque, toquen, toquemos!
llegar = ¡(No) llegue, lleguen, lleguemos!
almorzar = ¡(No) almuerce, almuercen, almorcemos!