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Anxiety and Sleep
Disorders in the Elderly
Thomas Magnuson, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Geriatric Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
What is anxiety?
Normal, adaptive emotion
Run from a tiger
Pass a test
When excessive, it is maladaptive
Cannot function at work, in school, in relationships
Paralyzing, embarrassing
Heart palpitations
Anxiety Disorders
Common source of anxiety is depressive disorders
Ego dystonic
50% of those with depression have significant anxiety
Patients usually come to us
Most common group of mental illnesses
11% of the population
Cause a significant amount of suffering and dysfunction
May even lead to disability
6 month and lifetime prevalence
Indicates anxiety disorders are the most prevalent
mental health diagnoses in elders as in adults
Decline from mid-life to old age
19.7% at 6 months
34.1% lifetime
Roughly 10%
Leads to higher medical and psychiatric morbidity in
geriatric patients
Anxiety Disorders
Panic disorder
With agoraphobia
Without agoraphobia
Agoraphobia without panic disorder
Social phobia
Specific phobia
Generalized anxiety disorder
Anxiety disorders
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Acute stress disorder
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Due to general medical condition
Substance-induced Anxiety
More likely to happen as one ages
As one is more likely to be on medication(s)
Anxiety related to the use, abuse or withdrawl from
medications or drugs
Alcohol, amphetamines, anticholinergics, antidepressants,
anti-TB drugs, anti-HTN, caffeine, cannibus, beta-blockers
(w/d), cocaine, digitalis, dopamine, ephedrine, l-dopa,
methylphenidate, NSAIDs, pseudoepedrine, asa, sedativehypnotics (w/d), steroids, theophylline, thyroid
Anxiety Disorder Due To
General Medical Condition
Again more likely in the elderly
 The elderly have more medical problems
This is a partial list of common conditions
Cardiovascular-CHF, arrhythmia, MI
Endocrine-hypoPTH, thyroid, hyperadrenalism
Immunologic- RA, SLE, TA
Lung disease-Asthma, COPD, PE
GI disease-Crohn’s, UC
Neurological illness-CVA, MS, MG, Neurosyphillis,
postconcussive syndrome, seizures, TIAs, vertigo
Prevalence in the Elderly
Prevalent in the elderly
Many studies note anxiety symptoms
 1-19% in community dwelling elderly
GAD 1-14%,
Phobic disorders 0.7-7%
Panic disorder 0.1-1%
Anxiety leads to impairment in quality of life
 Related to disability in some cases
Anxiety about existing disability
Anxiety can lead to disability
Steeper cognitive declines when anxiety untreated in
Anxious people cannot focus or pay attention
Anxiety in the Elderly
Most coupled with depression
Schoerers et al., 2005
 Those with GAD became depressed over time
40% had anxiety/depression or just depression 36 mos later
High levels of anxiety exist in demented patients
Great Britain Ballard, et al 1995
22% subjective anxiety
11% autonomic anxiety
38% tension
13% situational anxiety
2% panic attacks
Anxiety in Long Term Care
Multiple studies
1994 Australia
 11.2% NH residents had generalized anxiety disorder
 58% of those with anxiety were also depressed
2005 Holland
 5% had only an anxiety disorder
 5% had both an anxiety and mood disorder
2006 Holland
 5.7% had a diagnosable anxiety disorder
 4.2% had subthreshold anxiety
 29% had anxiety symptoms
Not recognized in the Elderly
Yet, still not diagnosed readily in the elderly
Not commonly noted in clinics
If so, commonly seen as part of a mood problem
Various scenarios
There is a strong correlation
Mildly present, now with stressors more problematic
Completely new onset
Older people don’t meet criteria
 Current criteria don’t capture the quality of anxiety in
the elderly
Anxious mood, tension, vague somatic complaints
Elderly do not endorse daily worry
Not recognized in the elderly
Age of onset for anxiety is presumed to be
Dementia, depression are “elderly problems”
Not PTSD, OCD and phobias
Older women are supposed to be anxious
 Ageist assumption
Most anxiety disorders in the elderly are chronic,
Agoraphobia, fear of falling
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Not recognized in the elderly
Less need to leave ones’ social network
Agoraphobia, fear of falling are common in geriatric
These patients avoid office visits
May not be able to travel to appointments readily
Anxiety doesn’t disrupt functional life
Though present, there is likely no work or school or
partner to interfere with
With move into long term care these anxieties come to
the top
Working up anxiety
Clinical evaluation
Laboratory testing
 Rule out common conditions that lead to anxiety
History and physical
 Past medical history
 Medication use, alcohol use
 Family and social history
 Physical exam
Trembling, racing heart, rapid breathing, sweating, dry mouth
Mental status exam
Poor attention, distractibility, much motor movement, easily
startled, wide-eyed, feeling of dread
Rarely requires special psychological testing
 Agents that calm and relieve anxiety across the lifespan
So make sure you are treating anxiety
Most common agents
 Alprazolam (Xanax)
 Lorazapam (Ativan)
 Clonazepam (Klonopin)
Adverse events
Potential for gait instability
Dependency producing
Paradoxical effect more prevalent in the elderly, esp. in dementia
Some agents are longer lasting than others
Longer lasting agents may accumulate in the residents
system and lead to intoxication or adverse events
Metabolism differences
Some agents require less involvement of the liver
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Oxazepam (Serax)
Buspirone (BuSpar)
 A unique nonbenzodiazepine agent
Takes 4-8 weeks to fully work
Serotonin 1-A agonist
No sedation, cognitive or motor impairment
Time frame is like an antidepressant
Not good for panic disorder
Good in mixed depression-anxiety states
May not work as well in chronic benzodiazepine users
 SSRIs used in GAD, panic, OCD, PTSD
Venlafaxine (Effexor), duloxetine (Cymbalta)
First line agents in panic disorder and OCD
Safe in the elderly
Mild GI, headache symptoms
Irritability, anxiety and sexual dysfunction
SNRIs used commonly for anxiety
Heightens blood pressure
Clomipramine (Anafranil) good for OCD, but too anticholinergic for
older patients
May employ nortriptyline (Pamelor) if cardiac disease not an issue
 Bupropion (Wellbutrin)
Mechainsm a puzzle
Few drug-drug interactions
Mirtazapine (Remeron)
Sedating, appetite enhancing at low doses
Data exists supporting the medication being used in anxiety
Helpful if
 The patient desires to be a therapy patient
The patient can comprehend the therapist’s instructions
If the patient is not motivated it will not work
Many elderly see therapy as proof they are now “nuts”
 Nontraditional supportive therapists may be more palatable
 Like ministers, priests, rabbis
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Supportive therapy
Make sure the therapist has some experience working with
the elderly
Child therapy analogy
Interventions for anxious
 Structure is important since anxiety relates to loss of control
 Physical activity burns off anxiety
Pacing may be the residents way of lessening anxiety
Rote activity
 Repetitive actions
Many cognitively impaired residents improve with a higher level of
structure because their anxiety is lessened
From knitting to saying the rosary to rocking in a chair
Brief, regular appointments with a trusted staff
 For patients who wish to discuss anxiety
Reality testing, family phone calls, simulated presence
Sleep Disorders in the Elderly
Brenda K. Keller, MD
Assistant Professor
Geriatrics & Gerontology
University of Nebraska Medical
Sleep disorders in the elderly person
Review changes in the sleep cycle with aging
Non-pharmacological Management of sleep
20-40% of older Americans experience
insomnia at least a few nights per month
2/3 of elderly in institutions experience
problems with sleep
Insomnia may be:
Difficulty falling asleep 18.1%
Difficulty staying asleep 18.6%
Not feeling restored by sleep 30.9%
Rockwood et al J Am Geriatr Soc 2001; 49:639-41
Normal Sleep Pattern
After sleep onset:
 Sleep usually progresses through NREM
stages 1 to 4 within 45 to 60 min. Slow-wave
sleep (NREM stages 3 and 4) predominates
in the first third of the night and comprises 15
to 25% of total nocturnal sleep time in young
 The first REM sleep episode usually occurs in
the second hour of sleep.
Changes in sleep with age
Light sleep (Stages 1 and 2) increases with age =More
Deep sleep (Stages 3 and 4) decreases from ~25%
down to 3% of total sleep time
The depth of slow-wave sleep, as measured by the
arousal threshold to auditory stimulation, also decreases
with age.
 In the otherwise healthy older person, slow-wave
sleep may be completely absent, particularly in males.
Decreased amount of REM sleep
Sleep quality and efficiency is 70-80% of younger
Changes occur in the day/night cycle.
Circadian Rhythm Changes
Sleepy, go to bed
wake up
Standard phase
6:00p 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 MN 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00a 7:00 8:00 9:00
Advanced phase
go to bed
wake up
Decline in hours slept by age
Hours Sleep
Changes in sleep in LTC
residents with dementia
Increased fragmentation of sleep
Leads to problems with daytime fatigue, nighttime
Average hours of sleep 6.2 hours
But, average sleep episode was 21 minutes, peak
83 minutes
Commonly seen in sleep charting
Impact of Disrupted Sleep
Difficulty staying awake during the
Impaired attention
Slowed response time
Impaired memory and concentration
Decreased performance
Mortality due to common causes of death is
2 x higher in older people with sleep
disorders than those who sleep well.
Sleep history
Timing of insomnia
Sleep schedule
Sleep environment
Sleep habits
Daytime effects
Symptoms of other
sleep disorders
Medical history
Social History
 Stressors
 ETOH/Caffeine use
Medication review
Psychiatric history
Sleep Environment in NH
Mixed up stimuli
Care routines do not promote sleep
High levels of night time noise and light
Low levels of daytime light
“Casino effect”
Every two hour toileting
Waking patients to change them
Vitals being checked
Absence of defined “night time” routine with lowering
of hall lights and TV’s.
Dark at night and quiet at night
 Elementary school stop lights are reminders
Medical History
Common conditions associated with sleep
Gastrointestinal disorders
Urinary symptoms
Neurological symptoms
Effectiveness of Nonpharmacological Treatment of
Improve symptoms of insomnia in 70-80% of
patients with primary insomnia
Effects last at least 6 months after treatment
Non-pharmacological Management
Sleep hygiene
Stimulus control
Sleep restriction
Cognitive therapy
Paradoxical intention
Non-pharmacological Management
Sleep hygiene
Should be entertained with any sleep problem
Education about health and environmental
practices that affect sleep
For staff, family and residents
This strategy is used in conjunction with other
techniques to improve sleep
A common starting point with sleep physicians
Sleep Hygiene
Health Factors
Substance abuse
Environmental Factors
Room temperature
Non-pharmacological Management
Stimulus control
Reinforces temporal and environmental cues for
sleep onset
Go to bed when sleepy
Use the bed only for sleep
Bedtime routines
Regular morning rise time
Avoid napping
Or a brief scheduled event
Non-pharmacological Management
Sleep restriction
Decrease amount of time in bed to increase sleep
 i.e., you can only be in bed five hours
Sleep efficiency means how much time you are asleep when
actually in bed
Only allowed time in bed is usually spent asleep
 If awake…out of bed!
Increase by 15 minutes per night
 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, etc.
Wake time constant, bedtime adjusted
 Always up at 6 am
Allows short scheduled afternoon nap
Non-pharmacological Management
Cognitive therapy
If a resident is not cognitively impaired
Involves identifying dysfunctional beliefs and
attitudes about sleep and replaces them with
adaptive substitutes.
Helps minimize anticipatory anxiety and arousal
Non-pharmacological Management
Paradoxical intention
Based on premise that performance
anxiety inhibits sleep onset
Involves persuading a patient to engage in the feared
behavior of staying awake
If pt stops trying to fall asleep and genuinely attempts
to stay awake, sleep may come more easily
Pharmacological Treatments
Choose carefully due to risk of side effects
FDA Approved
Non-Benzo hypnotics-
Type I Gaba receptor
Non-FDA Approved
Herbal therapies
OTC antihistamines
General precautions
Start low, go slow
Avoid q hs dosing
Use only 2-3 weeks