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Section 1 Review
Date - - - - - -
CVtpf 2-1
planet a celestial body that orbits the sun, is
round because of its own gravity, and has
cleared the neighborhood around its orbital
planetesimal a small body from which a planet
originated in the early stages of development
in the solar system
1. Identify Relationships
solar nebula a rotating cloud of gas and dust
from which the sun and planets formed; also
any nebula from which stars and exoplanets
may form
solar system the sun and all of the planets and
other bodies that travel around it
What is the relationship between the solar nebula and the
solar system?
2. Describe How did Earth's layers develop?
3. Describe How did the process of outgassing help shape Earth's atmosphere?
4. Explain
How do scientists think Earth's oceans formed?
In this section, you have learned about the formation of
Earth's land, atmosphere, and oceans. Which components of Earth's current
composition make it capable of supporting life?
5. Analyze Information
Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Planets of the Solar System
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Section 2 Review
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eccentricity the degree of elongation of an
elliptical orbit (symbol, e)
inertia the tendency of an object to resist a
change in motion unless an outside force acts
on the object
orbital period the time required for a body to
complete a single orbit
1. Explain Because of inertia, a planet should keep moving forward in a straight line.
Why, then, are planetary orbits curved?
2. Compare Complete the Venn diagram below to compare and contrast Ptolemy's
and Copernicus's models of the solar system.
Copernicus's model
Ptolemy's model
How did Kepler's law of ellipses challenge the accepted model of
planetary orbits?
3. Analyze
Earth is closest to the sun in January and farthest from the sun in
July. At which times of year is Earth moving fastest along its orbit? Explain your
answer using one of Kepler's laws of planetary motion.
4. Apply Concepts
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Holt McDougal Earth Science
Planets of the Solar System
Section 3 Review
Class - - - - - - - -
Cl~pf J-1 Date - - - - - - -
terrestrial planet one of the highly dense
planets nearest to the sun; Mercury, Venus,
Mars, and Earth
1. Identify Relationships What is the relationship between the terms inner planet
and terrestrial planet?
2. Summarize Use the graphic orgaruzer below to describe the characteristics of the
inner planets.
Orbital Period
Rotation Period
Temperature Range
88 Earth days
59 Earth days
-173 O( to 427 O(
Size Ranking (1 is
largest. 4 is smallest)
up to 464 °(
3. Identify What characteristics of Earth make it possible for life to exist here?
Describe Why does Mercury have such a large daily temperature range?
5. Explain Why does Venus have such a high suIface temperature?
6. Explain Why do scientists thirik that the volcanoes on Mars may still be active?
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Holt McDougal Earth Science
Planets of the Solar System
----------------------------- Class
Date - - - - - - - - - - -
Section 4 Review
gas giant a planet that has a deep, massive
atmosphere, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
or Neptune Kuiper Belt a region of the solar system that
starts just beyond the orbit of Neptune and that contains dwarf planets and other small
bodies made mostly of ice
1. Describe What are the relative positions of the gas giants and the Kuiper Belt?
2. Summarize Complete the table below to describe the characteristics of the outer
Orbital Period
Rotation Period
Average Temperature Components of
12 Earth years
9 h 50 min
mostly hydrogen and
How do the general characteristics of the gas giants differ from those of
the terrestrial planets?
3. Compare
Identify two similarities between Uranus and Neptune. Then, identify
one difference. Choose characteristics that are not identified in the table above.
4. Compare
5. Describe How do astronomers detect most exoplanets?
Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
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Planets of the Solar System
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Class - - - - - - - - - -
Date - - - - - - -
Sedion 1 Review O){\ ;t aB ,_ SECTION VOCABULARY
crater a bowl-shaped depression that forms
moon a celestial body that revolves around a
on the surface of an object when a fairing
body strikes the object's surface or when an
explosion occurs
mare a large, dark area of basalt on the moon
(pl ura l, maria)
body that is greater in mass; a natural satellite
satellite a natural or artificial body that revolves
around a celestial body that is greater in mass
1. Describe How did the lunar maria fOIm?
2. Compare Describe two differences between the near side of the moon and the far
side of the moon.
3. Infer Suppose the number of small objects in the solar system had not decreased
about 3 billion years ago. How might the moon's sUliace look different today?
Explain your answer.
4. Describe Identify two features of the moon and describe how each formed.
5. Apply Concepts The composition of the moon and the composition of Earth's
mantle are similar. How does this information provide evidence for the giant
impact hypothesis?
Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Minor Bodies of the Solar System
----------------------------- Class - - - - - - - - - Date - - - - - - -
Sedion 2 Review
apogee in the orbit of a satellite, the point that
phase the change in the illuminated areas
is farthest from Earth
edipse an event in which the shadow of one
celestial body falls on another
lunar eclipse the passing of the moon through
. Earth's shadow at full moon
perigee in the orbit of a satellite, the point that .
is closest to Earth
of one celestial body as seen from another
celestial body; phases of the moon are caused
by the changing positions of Earth, the sun,
and the moon
solar eclipse the passing of the moon between
Earth and the sun; during a so'lar eclipse, the
shadow of the moon falls on Earth
1. Compare Desclibe three differences between total lunar eclipses and total solar
2. Explain Why is the moon not always the Sallte distance from Earth?
You observe the moon one night and notice that only a sliver is
illuminated. 1\vo nights later, a larger portion of the moon is illuminated. What
phase was the moon in on the first night?
3. Apply Concepts
4. Relate Ideas
During which moon phase do all solar eclipses happen? Explain your
5. Explain Why is the time between two new moons longer than the time it takes the
moon to orbit Earth once?
6. Identify What is the role of the moon in forming tides?
Copyright © Holt McDougaL All rights reserved.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Minor Bodies of the Solar System
---------------------- Class - - - - - - - - - - Date ----------
Section 3 Review CY\ ~t ~8
_. SECTION VOCABULARY Galilean moon anyone of the four largest
satelHtes of Jupiter-10, Europa, Ganymede,
and Callisto-that were discovered by Galileo
in 1610
Complete the table below to describe the special characteristics of the
Galilean moons.
1. Describe
SpeciaJ Charade ristics
covered with a thick layer of ice; may have liquid water under the ice
largest moon in the solar system; has its own magnetic field
2. Compare How are 10's volc.a noes different from volcanoes on Earth?
3. Describe Give one similarity and one difference between Phobos and Deimos.
4. Compare What is the main difference between Saturn's rings and the rings of
other planets?
5. Identify How is Triton different from most other planets in the solar system?
6. Describe How do scientists think Saturn's rings formed?
7. Infer Scientists did not discover Jupiter's ring until 1979. What is the most likely
reason it took scientists so long to discover Jupiter's ring?
Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved .
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Minor Bodies of the Solar System
Name ----------------------------- Class
Section 4 Review
asteroid a small, rocky object that orbits the
sun; most asteroids are located in a band
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
comet a small body of rock, ice, and cosmic dust
that follows an elliptical orbit around the sun
and that gives off gas and dust in the form of a
tail as it passes close to the sun
Kuiper Belt a region of. the solar system that
starts just beyond the orbft of Neptune and
that contains dwarf p'ianets and other small!
bodies made mostly of ice
1. Compare
meteor a bright streak of light that results when
a meteoroid burns up in Earth's atmosphere
meteoroid a relatively small, rocky body that
travels through space
Oort cloud a spherical region that surrounds the
solar system, that extends from the Kuiper Belt
to almost halfway to the nearest star, and that
contains biilions of comets
Describe two differences between asteroids and comets.
2. Infer Could the ion tail of a comet ever point in the opposite direction from the
dust tail? Explain your answer.
3. Describe List the follo"Wing parts of the solar system from closest to the sun to
farthest from the sun: Kuiper Belt, asteroid belt, Neptune, Oort cloud.
4. Apply concepts Suppose
astronomers discovered a comet that takes about 875
years to orbit the sun. Is the comet a short-period comet or a long-period comet?
Where did it probably come from?
5. Identify Errors Your friend tells you that he found a meteor in his backyard. What
is wrong with your friend's statement?
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Minor Bodies of the Solar System
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