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1. The hotspot‐melting‐through‐lithosphere process forms lines of extinct volcanoes on the ocean floor, from youngest to oldest, ______________________. a. pointing in the direction of plate movement b. in a direction pointing toward the sun c. pointing in the opposite direction of plate movement d. with random ages along the lines e. pointing at 90 degrees to the direction of plate movement 2. Moving progressively away from the ridges, the ocean water depths increase systematically with seafloor age due to all but which of the following? a. conduction of heat away from the molten surface rocks b. cooling and contraction of the oceanic crust due to a resultant increase in density c. erosion of the older ocean floor by deep ocean currents d. isostatic down warping due to the weight of sediments deposited on the sea floor 3. Which is the most dense? a. continental crust b. oceanic crust c. core d. mantle 4. ________ faults are commonly found at areas of plate convergence where subduction or continental collision occurs. a. Reverse b. Strike‐slip c. Transform d. Normal 5. Which of the following pairs of faults are the results of compressive stresses? a. K & L b. M & N c. J & K d. none of these 6. Which is a blind thrust fault? a. O b. M c. K d. J e. L f. N 7. The ________ is an example of an active, continent‐continent collision. a. Arabian Peninsula slamming into North Africa under the Red Sea b. northward movement of India into Eurasia c. westward movement of the South American plate over the Nazca plate d. northern movement of Baja California and a sliver of western California toward the Hawaiian Islands 8. Linear, magnetic patterns associated with mid‐ocean ridges are configured as ________. a. normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly perpendicular to the ridge axis b. normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly parallel to the ridge c. concentric circles about a rising plume of hot mantle rocks and magma d. reversed magnetizations along the rift valleys and normal magnetizations along the ridge 9. The half‐life of carbon‐14 is about 6000 years. Assume that a sample of charcoal formed by burning of living wood 15,000 years ago. How much of the original carbon‐14 would remain today? a. more than 50% b. between 12.5% and 25% c. between 33% and 50% d. between 25% and 50% 10. Which is the earthquake slip area? a. M b. K c. J d. L 11. The “B” profile represents: a. Raleigh‐wave velocity b. S‐wave velocity c. P‐wave velocity d. Love‐wave velocity 12. What is the difference between earthquake magnitude and earthquake intensity? a. earthquake magnitude is a measure of the ground shaking and earthquake intensity is a measure of energy release b. earthquake magnitude is a measure of the ground shaking and earthquake intensity is a measure of fault slip c. earthquake intensity is a measure of the ground shaking and earthquake magnitude is a measure of energy release d. earthquake magnitude is a measure of the amount of fault slip and earthquake intensity is a measure of energy release 13. Which wave is the last to reach the seismograph station? a. Surface waves b. P‐waves c. Body waves d. All of the waves reach the station at the same time e. S‐waves 14. Interseismic strain in a subduction zone looks like the drawing above. a. True b. False 15. The faulting shown is the result of which tectonic forces: a. M b. L 16. Which is the earthquake epicenter? a. L b. K c. J d. M 17. What happens to oceanic crust as it gets older, in the correct order? A. crust becomes more dense and sinks B. crust cools, becomes more dense, and sinks C. crust heats, becomes less dense, and rises D. crust gets more dense, cools, and rises 18. Mexico City was built on mud deposits. How will this affect the earthquake hazard there? a. There will be more earthquakes, but they won't travel far b. Earthquakes shaking will be increased c. There will not be any earthquakes there d. Earthquakes will be dampened there e. P waves will be seen, but not S waves 19. Which is a right‐lateral, strike‐slip fault? a. K b. O c. M d. N e. L f. J 20. Pull‐apart rift zones are generally associated with a ________ plate boundary. a. all plate boundaries b. transform c. divergent d. convergent 21. Vertical motion during a subduction zone earthquake is the opposite from the drawing above. a. False b. True 22. The ________ forms the relatively cool, brittle plates of plate tectonics. a. astrosphere b. geosphere c. asthenosphere d. lithosphere 23. What causes earthquakes in San Francisco? a. Transform faults b. These are intraplate earthquakes c. Dip‐slip faults from divergent plate boundaries d. Dip‐slip faults from Subduction e. Dip‐slip faults from convergent plate boundaries 24. Which is the least dense? a. continental crust b. mantle c. oceanic crust d. core 25. Which of the following is true about seismographs taken far from the epicenter of the earthquake as compared to those that are closer? a. There will not be any P‐waves detected b. There will not be any S‐waves detected c. The P and S waves will be closer together d. The P and S waves will be further apart 26. The “A” profile represents: a. Love‐wave velocity b. S‐wave velocity c. Raleigh‐wave velocity d. P‐wave velocity 27. What does the plot tell us about the outer core? a. The outer core is solid and P‐waves cannot travel through solid. b. The outer core is solid and P‐waves cannot travel through solid. c. The outer core is liquid and P‐waves cannot travel through liquid. d. The outer core is liquid and S‐waves cannot travel through liquid. 28. Which of the above choices is a true reverse fault? a. K b. O c. N d. M e. L f. J 29. What are multiplied by each other to determine the earthquake magnitude? a. L & M b. K & M c. J & M d. J & K 30. The __________ is measured in cross‐sectional view as the angle of inclination from horizontal of a tilted rock layer, and _______ is viewed in map view as the compass bearing of the rock layer where it intersects a horizontal plane. a. dip; dip b. dip; strike c. strike; dip d. strike; strike e. strike and dip; strike and dip 31. Which is the earthquake fault scarp? a. M b. L c. K d. J 32. After three half‐lives, one‐ninth of an original, radioactive parent isotope remains and eight‐ninths has decayed into the daughter isotope. a. False b. True 33. The faults shown are called _____ faults. a. Normal b. Reverse c. Thrust d. Transform 34. The fault shown in the map view is a a. dip‐slip fault b. pointing in the direction of plate movement c. Reverse fault d. left‐lateral, strike‐slip fault e. right‐lateral, strike‐slip fault 35. During large subduction zone earthquakes, some areas go up and some areas go down. a. True b. False 36. The ________ is the thinnest layer of the Earth. a. mantle b. crust c. outer core d. inner core 37. The volcanoes and deep valleys of east Africa are related to a ________. a. transform fault aligned with the Red Sea carrying the Arabian and African blocks in opposite directions b. continental collision zone between Africa and the Zagros Mountains along the southern margin of Eurasia c. continental rift along which parts of the African continent are beginning to slowly separate d. fault allowing Arabia to slip westward past east Africa and penetrate into Turkey 38. Choose the correct names for the seismic waves labeled a, b, and c. a. P‐wave, Surface‐waves, S‐wave b. Surface‐waves, P‐wave, S‐wave c. P‐wave, S‐wave, Surface‐waves d. S‐wave, P‐wave, Surface‐waves 39. What causes earthquakes in San Francisco? a. Transform faults b. These are intraplate earthquakes c. Dip‐slip faults from divergent plate boundaries d. Dip‐slip faults from convergent plate boundaries e. Dip‐slip faults from Subduction 40. Which is the earthquake hypocenter? a. M b. L c. J d. K 41. The Hawaiian Islands are an example of: a. Two Continental plates converging b. Hot Spots c. Two Ocean plates converging d. Transform Fault Boundary e. Diverging plates 42. The Elastic Rebound Theory is made up of four parts. Which of the following is in the correct sequential order? a. stress, strain, rupture, rebound b. rebound, rupture, stress, strain c. stress, rebound, rupture, strain d. none of these is correct 43. The landforms J and K are called _____ and ______ a. neither A nor B b. Graben, Horst c. Basin, Range d. both A and B 44. The percentage of radioactive atoms that decay during one half‐life is always the same. a. True b. False 45. Which of the following energy sources is thought to drive the lateral motions of Earth's lithospheric plates? a. swirling movements of the molten iron particles in the outer core b. gravitational attractive forces of the Sun and Moon c. electrical and magnetic fields localized in the inner core d. export of heat from deep in the mantle to the top of the asthenosphere 46. The largest earthquake ever recorded in historic times was: a. none of the above. b. Sonora, Mexico, May 3rd, 1887. c. Alaska, March 27th, 1964. d. Mexico City, September 9th, 1985. 47. Which of the above choices is a true normal fault? a. O b. L c. K d. J e. N f. M