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Me llamo_________________________
Unidad 4-1
To tell a person to do something, you use an affirmative command, called a mandato. In
this unit, we will learn tú mandatos, commands that we use with each other, with people
to whom we’d address with tú forms.
A. Conjugating a verb in a tú mandato is easy…..just use the usted form of the verb.
-AR verbs
¡Camina más rápido!
-ER verbs
¡Come tu almuerzo!
-IR verbs
¡Abre la puerta!
Here are some of the verbs you will need to se in Etapa 1 of Unidad 4. Make them into
cruzar ____________________
(to cross)
doblar_____________________ ( to turn)
seguir (e – i) _______________________ (to continue)
pasar ______________________ (to pass)
dar ________________ (to give)
continuar _____________________ (to continue)
Irregular tú mandatos:
Of course, not all verbs follow the rules. Here are some of the most common irregulars
that you will be using this year:
(to have) tener _______________________
(to come) venir _______________________
(to put) poner _________________________
(to leave from) salir _______________________
(to do) hacer ________________________________
(to say) decir ________________________________
(to be – perm) ser _______________________
(to go) ir _____________________________
What would be some common classroom commands? List some:
MANDATOS with Direct Object Pronouns
B. When you use a mandato with a direct object pronoun (lo, la, los, las = it, them), you
attach the direct object pronoun to the end of the mandato:
Come la hamburguesa………………¡Cómela!
Escribe tu nombre en el papel………..¡Escríbelo en el papel!
Abre las ventanas............................¡Ábrelas!