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A Verb is a word, which describes
the action of someone or something
i.e. what the subject does or what
happens to it, or what it is.
Ex : 1. They boy is preparing the notes.
2. He goes to market.
3. Mumbai is a big city.
In the above sentences the
underlined words are called Verb.
An adverb is a word, which
modifies a verb or an adjective
or another adverb.
Ex. 1. Please sit here.
2. He is very clever
3. You must work more diligently.
In the above sentences the
underlined words are called Adverb.
, 19  2016
(Connecting word)
A preposition is a word, which is
usually placed before a noun or
pronoun to show its connection
with the another word.
Eg:1. Send the information to me
2. He put the pen in the box.
In the above sentences the
underlined words are called
The woman jumped into the well
A preposition is a word which is placed before
a noun or pronoun to show its relation to
some other parts / words in the sentence
(Joining word)
Eg :1. He looks at the picture.
2. She is fond of games.
3. There is a painting on the wall.
Prepositions are of 3 kinds :
1. Simple prepositions.
2. Compound prepositions.
3. Conglomerate (Phrase prepositions)
I. Simple Prepositions : In, on , if, to, with ,
for, at, by etc.
II. Compound Prepositions : Among, above,
about, amidst, across, beyond, between
within, without, below, beneath etc.
III. Conglomerate / Phrase Prepositions : In
addition to, inspite of, because of ,
according to, on behalf of, in front of, along
with, infavour of, by means of etc.
Uses of Prepositions :
In-within : (Time Reference)
In – is used at the end of a certain period time.
Within – is used before the end of certain period.
Eg : The loan will be re paid in a year.
The loan will be re paid within a year.
At-In-on :
At - is normally used with the hours of the day.
On - is used with days and dates.
In - is used with months, seasons and years.
Eg :1. I met Chandu at 9’O clock.
2. We celebrate the Independence day onAug. 5th
3. The winter comes in December.
Since – for :
Since - Shows point of time.
For - Shows period of time
Eg : 1. We have lived here since 1995.
2. We have lived there for 10 years.
Since – from :
Since - is used with perfect tenses.
From - is used with other tenses – to refer to the time
Eg : 1. I have been preparing for IAS since 2000.
2. He plays from 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM
3. I will be on leave from Tomorrow.
Beside – Besides :
Beside means - by the side of
Besides means – In addition to
Eg :1. The bride sits beside the bridegroom.
2. There are two of us besides Raju.
Between – Among :
Between - refers to two persons or things
Among - refers to more than two persons or things
Eg :1. Keerthi stood between Sarayu and Gita.
2. The politicians quarreled among them.
By – With :
By and With is used to indicate the agent
of an action.
Eg :1. The tree was cut by him with an axe.
2. Her husband was killed with a knife.
3. Her husband was killed by his wife.
BY - is used for mode of travel.
BY - is used for latest time by which something
is to be done.
Eg :1. My uncle came by train.
2. Every day he goes to office by car.
3. The work will be finished by 6 ‘O’ clock.
In - Into :
In - shows that some thing is within.
Into - shows that motion or direction.
Eg :1. The frog lives in the well.
2. The woman jumped into the well.
Towards – Along :
Towards - shows that the direction but not the
Along - shows that in the direction of (or) the
length of
Eg :1. He is going towards the Railway Station.
2. He is walking along the road.
Conditional sentence is said to be in the ‘If’
– clause.
There are two parts in a conditional sentence;
one is Sub
-Ordinary Clause second is Main Clause.
Ed : 1. If you run fast, you can catch the train.
In the above sentence ‘If you run fast’ is
said to be in the
‘Sub-ordinate clause’.
Similarly the remaining part is said to be in
Narayana Group
the ‘Main Clause’. There are 3 kinds in
Conditional Sentences. Each contains a
pair of tenses.
Condition – I:
If the sub-ordinate clause is in the Present Tense,
the main clause will be in the future tense
Eg : 1. If you work hard, you will get first rank
2. If he goes to America, he shall meet
your brother.
Condition – II:
If the subordinate clause is in the past
tense, the Main clause verb will be in the
conditional tense (Would + V1)
Eg :1. If he went to Mumbai, he would buy
a cell phone.
2. If they had lunch, they would go out.
Condition III :
If the sub-ordinate clause verb is in the part
perfect tense, the main clause verb will be
in the perfect conditional tense. (Would +
have + V3).
Eg :1.If the earthquake had occurred, the
people would have left the place.
2. If you had asked me, I would have given
the book to you.
Generally we express our feeling through the
sentences. Those Sentences, clauses and
phrases are made of some words.
According to their nature and function in
the sentence; words are divided into eight
classes, called Parts of Speech:
1. Noun 2. Pronoun
3. Adjective
4. Verb 5. Adverb
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection
A Noun is a word, which is used as the
name of a person or place or thing.
Eg: 1. Kavita waters the plants.
2. Chaitanya’s courage won his honour.
In the above sentences underlined words
are called Nouns
A Pronoun is word, which is used instead
of a noun. It enables us to avoid repeating
the noun again and again
Eg:1. Deepak did not go to college, as he was ill.
2. Charita told her parents that they
shouldn’t force her to play.
In the above sentences the underlined
words are called pronouns.
An adjective is a word which qualifies a
noun and adds the quality, number and
something to its meaning.
Ex: 1. Binnu is a beautiful baby.
2. There are sixty boys in the class.
In the above sentences the underlined
words are called Adjectives.