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A look at macromolecules (Text pages 38-54)
What is the typical chemical composition of a
cell? (Source of figures to right: Madigan et al.
Chemical Bonds
• Electron-negativity differences cause unequal distribution of electrons essentially
creating ions. Molecules are held together by
electrical attraction...Na+ Cl• Not of major significance among the
important classes of bio-organic molecules
Covalent (bond strength > 50 Kcal mole-1)
• More-or-less equal sharing of electrons
between two atoms creating stable molecules
• Consequential in biological molecules
Hydrogen bonds (bond strength <2 kcal mole-1)
• Weak ‘charge’ based attraction between
• Very common in biological systems.
What are the major classes of biologically
important molecules?
Carbohydrates (Sugars)
• All have the general form CH2O
o Example: C6H12O6
• Can exist as
o Monomers
o Polymers
ƒ Monomers joined to form a
potentially very large
ƒ Joined covalently by a
glycosidic bond
ƒ Sizes
• Disaccharides
• Trisaccharides
• Oligosaccharides
(several monomers)
• Polysaccharides
(many many
o Uses
Substituted forms
(sugar derivatives)
Structural components of
• Nucleic acids
• Walls
Nature of the glycosidic
bond influences function
• Alpha form
• Beta form
• 1--> 4 bond
• 1--> 6 bond
o Why are these important?
ƒ Polymeric sugars serve as
energy reserves
ƒ Polymeric sugars are
structural components of
ƒ They can form bonds with
lipids and proteins resulting
in otter complex structural
• Glycolipids
• Glycoproteins
ƒ Many of which are on the
cell surface and act as
Lipids and Fatty Acids
Fatty acids
o Long chain hydrocarbons with
a carboxylic acid at one end
and a methyl group at the other
o Variable chain length
o Variable degree of double
bond controls degree of
o Hydrophobic end vs.
hydrophilic end
Simple lipids
o Fatty acids esterified to
o Termed a neutral triglyceride
o Similar to triglyceride but
additional material substituted
to the glycerol backbone
o Very important biologically as
this modifies the polar nature
of the fatty acids
o Structural components of cells
o In some cases, energy reserves
Amino Acids and Proteins
Amino acids are the monomers
that comprise proteins (proteins
are poly-amino acids)
• 20 common amino acids and a
few unique to bacteria
• all have some things in common
o carboxylic acid end
o amino end
o can bond end to end
via the Peptide Bond
to form complex
molecules with three
Structural (parts of physical nature of
• Catalytic (enzymes)
General convention of describing structure
• Primary : linear array of amino acids
Secondary: nature of twists and folds
o Alpha helix
o Beta pleated sheet
• Tertiary: continued folding post
secondary structure
• Quaternary: more than one
polypeptide chain
Structure determined by order of amino
• Degree of hydrogen bonding
• Structure can be ‘denatured’
• Gentle vs. harsh
The concept of stereoisomers
In cells, the L-form of stereoisomers is the form that is
almost always in play.
Nucleotides and Nucleic acids
Nucleic acids
• Monomers are nucleotides
• Forms are
• DNA and RNA
Composition of nucleotides
• Ribose or deoxyribose
• Purine or pyrimidine base
• Phosphate
How does this come together?
• Nucleoside vs nucleotide
• As polymers that carry genetic
• Carriers of chemical energy
• Reduction and oxidation mediators
• Regulatory molecules carriers of sugars
for polysaccharide biosynthesis
As carriers of genetic information
o Several million nucleotides in a
o Polymer double stranded
ƒ A-T bonds
ƒ G-C bonds
o Held by hydrogen bonding
o Strands are complementary and
anti-parallel (Figure in lower
right from: Lewin, B. 1990)
o All single stranded (except in some viruses)
o Can be highly folded and give the appearance of being double stranded
o Forms of RNA
ƒ Messenger (mRNA)
• Produced fro DNA template (i.e. complementary)
• Signal stranded
• Essentially ‘directs’ how amino acids are assembled to build
ƒ Transfer (tRNA)
• Carries appropriate amino acids from cytoplasm to mRNA
ƒ Ribosomal (rRNA)
• Mediates the assembly of a protein by interfacing with mRNA and
Except where indicated, tables and figures used in this section are from Madigan et al. 2002.
Madigan, M.T., J.M. Martinko, and J. Parker. 2002. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 10th
ed. Prentice Hall.
Lewin, B. 1990. Genes, 4th ed. Cell Press Inc. Cambridge