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EOC Evolution Review
1. The slow, gradual change in a species is called _____________________________________.
2. Define the following terms and give an example of each
Homologous Structures
Analagous Structures
Vestigial Structures
3. Who proposed the Theory of Evolution by means of natural selection?
4. Explain why “survival of the fittest” is an appropriate nickname for natural selection.
You may not use the word “strong” or “fit” in your answer!
5. Explain the connection between Darwin’s observations of the
Galapagos finches and the process of natural selection.
6. Observe the three graphs below and identify each scenario as:
STABILIZING selection, DIRECTIONAL selection or DISRUPTIVE selection.
7. Define the following and give an example of each.
a. Convergent Evolution:
b. Divergent Evolution:
8. Explain the connection between genetic mutations, environmental adaptations and natural selection.
9. What was the first type of cell on Earth?___________________________________________
10. Identify and define the three factors that influence natural selection.
a. _______________________________:
b. _______________________________:
c. _______________________________:
11. Summarize the process of pesticide resistance OR antibiotic resistance. You must use the following terms in your
summary : gene, reproduce, survive, adaptation.
12. What is speciation? List two ways that speciation can occur.
13. How do you know if a species has evolved into a NEW species? Hint: think about the definition of species
14. Observe the two images below. Identify and describe the rate of speciation being illustrated in each image.
15. Compare the processes of Relative Dating and Absolute (Radiometric) Dating.
16. Use the Law of Superpostion to put the fossils in order from oldest to youngest based on the diagram below.
Match the following terms with their descriptions.
A. Homologous Structures
B. Analogous Structures
C. Vestigial Structures
D. Molecular/Biochemical Evidence
E. Fossil Evidence
F. Embryological Evidence
17. Comparing the earliest stages of development in order to determine closeness of relationships.__________
18. DNA and RNA comparisons may lead to evolutionary trees or cladograms.________________
19. A body structure no longer used but may have had a function in an early ancestor.___________________
20. Structures associated with divergent evolution.______________
21. Drawing conclusions regarding evolutionary changes using preserved remains/traces. .___________________
22. Structures associated with convergent evolution._______________
23. Identify the following scenarios as either homologous structures, analogous structures, or vestigial structures.
Humans, rabbits and zebras all have an appendix, an extra piece in their digestive system. In
humans, this structure is thought to no longer serve a purpose.
Honey possums lick nectar from flowers using a long tongue made of soft muscle. Butterflies
lick nectar from flowers using a long tongue made of hard protein.
Whales have hip bones which are thought to remain from their land dwelling mammalian
Butterfly wings are made up of resilient proteins and kept rigid by pressure. Bird wings are
made up of tiny bones.
The arm of a human is used for grasping and balance, the fin of a whale is used for swimming,
and the wing of a bat is used for flying. All three have a bone makeup that is anatomically
24. Summarize the endosymbiotic theory.
25. Defend the following statement: a strong species is one that is genetically varied.
Use the following diagram to answer questions 26-32
26. The above diagram is called a __________________________________________________
27. In the diagram above, what doesthe Y axis represent?____________________________________
28. Where would NOW be located on this diagram?_____________________________________
29. If a line stops before the top, what does this mean?
30. According to the diagram, humans share a most recent common ancestor with which animal?
31. Which is the first animal to go extinct?______________________________________________
32. What living animals is the T-rex MOST closely related to?________________________________