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Who is the “father of evolution”?
What was the name of the ship he sailed on?
How long did his journey last?
What is natural selection?
a. Give an example of natural selection
5. What is speciation?
6. What is camouflage?
a. Give an example of an animal with
camouflage abilities
7. What is adaptation?
8. What is variation?
9. If you have a white rabbit and brown rabbit in a
snowy forest, who would have a higher survival
rate and why?
10. In the horse activity, what were some
differences between the ancestor and the modern
day horse?
11. What are homologous structures?
a. Give an example of a homologous structure:
12. What are analogous structures?
a. Give an example of an analogous structure:
13. What are vestigial structures?
a. Give an example of a vestigial structure:
14. What are two ways scientists can investigate
relatedness between organisms?
15. What is evolution?
16. What is the order of classification?
17. Are organisms in the family group more
similar than the class group? Why or why not?
18. What species did Darwin study while on his
19. A scientist is studying a group of related flowering plants. She set up a series of experiments to study
relatedness, classification, and patterns of inheritance within this group of plants. The scientist used the
table below of four of the kingdoms of life to classify the group of plants.
To which kingdom do flowering plants belong and why?