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Evolution Unit Review
In the space provided write the term that fits with the situation described or
example given from the list below. Terms may be used more than once!
Speciation, Natural Selection, Variation, Selective Pressure, Heritability,
Coevolution, Geographic Isolation, Behavioral Isolation, Clade, Gene Pool,
Genetic Drift, Fitness:
1.) The finches from one island in the Galapagos flew to a second island. The
finches on the first island had shorter beaks than the ones of the second island.
The longer beaked finches performed a courtship practice that included using a
longer beak move objects. The birds with shorter beaks could not perform this
practice and did not find mates to interbreed with.
This is an example of _Behavioral Isolation
2.) In South America all finches that breed together would be part of Gene Pool of
traits of South American finches.
3.) Dogs, wolves, coyotes, dingos are all very closely related. When the phylogeny
of these organism was examined they formed a group known as?
Finches that first arrived on some Galapagos islands encountered seeds with very
hard outer shells. The beaks in the finch population varied in thickness and size.
Over many generations finches with larger and harder beaks survived to
reproduce and the population of finches with this trait increased.
4.) The hard shells on the seeds are an example of Selective Pressure (for the
5.) The larger, harder beaks on some of the finches was an example of greater
Fitness_______ to the local environment.
6.) The fact that the finches with thicker beaks had offspring with thicker beaks
trait, not all birds in the original population had the same form of beak, and the
food source of seeds had thick tough outer coverings allows us to conclude that
Natural Selection_____ was the reason for the evolution of the finch population.
7.) The same birds flew to another island to nest where an active volcano existed.
One group of birds nested on the North slope the other on the South slope. The
volcano erupted but sent ash and lava down the North face only. By coincidence
birds on the North side had a greater number of birds with longer beaks. This
changed the overall population makeup of the birds.
This is a example of Genetic drift__
8.) Finches on the main land look very different finches on the islands. Over many
generations the birds on the island have only have breed with other birds on the
This is an example of _Geographic isolation___
9.) The process, by any means, that creates new species of organisms is called
10.) Any environmental factor that tends to move evolution in one direction is
known as
_Selective Pressure_
11.) Hummingbirds are attracted to colors like red and orange. Hummingbirds
tend to have long beaks that allow them access to flowers with deep pockets of
nectar. Flowers with deep pockets of nectar tend to be red and orange. This is an
example of Coevolution__.
12.) For natural selection to take place the following conditions must exist:
Variation of traits , Selective pressure (environmental), Increased Fitness of the
trait, Heritability of a trait
13.) Marine Iguanas exist only on Galapagos. Their close relative exists on the
South American mainland. On the mainland they eat fruits and berries – but on
Galapagos they eat seaweed by swimming. See the description below of their
adaptations. Choose 1 adaptation and describe the process (in detail) from how
they came to Galapagos AND to how a new species was formed. Include a set of
storyboards (use another sheet of paper if needed)
Marine iguana adaptations
The short, blunt nose is well-adapted to feeding on algae growing on rocks. The flattened tail
is perfect for swimming, propelling the iguana through the water while its legs hang useless at
its sides. Iguanas rid themselves of excess salt, consumed along with the algae, by a special
gland connected to their nostrils.
Iguana on coastal South America are swept out to sea on a raft of vegetation by
a storm or tsunami. A small population arrive on Galapagos (Founder Effect).
This group finds little food available. A small group within the population has a
greater tolerance of salt water than others. This group enters the ocean and
finds sea week (Kelp) in abundance to eat. This group survives longer,
reproduces and passes on the salt tolerance gene. Over thousands of
generations this ability is passed on to all iguana in this breeding population.
14.) Give an example and explain each of the following forms of animal behavior:
Innate, Learned, Social.
Innate – a behavior an organism is born with – kangaroo babies go to pouch
Learned - A behavior an organism acquires in its lifetime – Geese flying south
Social – a behavior an organism uses with other members of its species – lions
hunting together
15.) Explain the difference between Darwin’s Theory for evolution and Lamarck’s.
Darwin believed species changes through the process of natural selection over
many generations. Traits that are most fit for the environment survive to be
passed on to future generations
Lamarck believed organisms strived to improve during their lifetimes. These
acquired traits were passed on to offspring.
16.) Create an “arrow style” cladogram given the data below:
17.) Many people believe modern dogs and dingos have a common ancestor.
How would you prove there was an evolutionary relationship between them? Be
sure to explain ALL methods used and to give specific examples of each.
1 – the fossils of dogs and dingos could be compared
2 – the homologous structures found in dogs and dingos could show relationship
3 – the embryo development could be compared
4 – the DNA of Dogs and Dingos could be compared the more similarities the
more closely related they are.
18.) List 5 examples of adaptations found in living things AND explain why each of
them increase the “fitness” of the organism for its environment: (This can be any
living thing)
1 Peppered Moth camouflage – blends in with trees is not preyed upon as
2 Primates opposable thumb – allows use of tools grasping of food
3 Whale – dorsal “blow hole” – allows exposing minimum parts of body and still
be able to breath air
4 Viceroy butterfly - mimicry of Monarch butterfly pattern reduces predation
because of confusing predators into believing it is a bad tasting butterfly
5 Woodpeckers – long tongue allows extraction of insects from holes made
. 19.) Complete the table of the characteristics of the kingdoms in Table 2-3.
Characteristic Eubacteria
cell type
Eukaryotic Eukaryotic
Single Cell
& multi -
body form
Single Cell
method of
Heterotrophs Autotroph
heterotrophs, heterotrophs
All common
20.) Use the key below to classify the following birds:
Dichotomous Key
Strix varia
Struthio camelus
Archilochus colubris
Gyps Fulvus
Anas peking
Megascops asio
21.) List the major phyla of invertebrate animals and a short description of each
1 Porifera – sponges - asymmetrical
2 Cnideria – jellyfish, coral, sea anemone – radial symmetry – stinging
3 Platyhelminthes – tapeworms, planaria - bilateral symmetry
4 Annelida – earthworms – leeches – bilateral symmetry – segmented
5 Arthopoda – insects, spiders, lobster, crab shrimp – bilateral symmetry
- exoskeleton
6 Mollusca – clams, oysters, snails, squid, octopus – bilateral symmetry
7 Echinodermata – starfish, sea urchins – radial or pentaradial symmetry
spiny skin water vascular system
22.) List the major classes of Chordates and a short description of each
1 Aganatha - jawless fish
2 Amphibia – frogs, toads, salamanders – eggs in water, metamorphosis.
3 Aves – birds of all types – hollow bones, feathers, warm blooded, 4
chamber heart
4 Chondrichthyes - cartilaginous fish – sharks, skates, rays – have jaws
skeleton of cartilage
5 osteichthyes - boney fish – jaws skeleton of bone – gills
6 Reptilia – lizards, snakes, turtles – cold blooded amniote egg
7 Mammalia – whales, cows, dogs, apes, humans – 4 chambered heart,
homothermic, milk producing, live birth mostly
3 groups Placentals – most with full term live birth
Marsupials – kangaroos, opossum, koala – baby born early develops in
Monotreme - egg layers - echidna, platypus
23.) Go to the internet and give the complete classification (all levels) of a blue
24.) Describe the characteristics of a virus
Characteristics of Viruses.
They have no cell parts.
They typically have strands of DNA or RNA.
They are covered with a protective coat of protein called the CAPSID.
They are inactive when not inside a living cell, but are active when inside another living
cell (host).
Antibiotics cannot be used for a virus
25.) Describe and give examples of vascular and nonvascular plants. :
Vascular plants have xylem and phloem vessels that carry food and water
throughout the plant – include all trees, grasses, bushes, etc – 2 groups
angiosperms and gymnosperms
Nonvascular plants – have no vessels, short 1 – 3 inches tall , use osmosis to
move water, use water for reproduction – mosses, liverworts, hornworts
26.) What is the difference between xylem and phloem? Where is each located
in the trunk a tree?
Xylem is the tissue that carries water and dissolved minerals from the roots to
the rest of the tree or plant in trees it is in the inner wood
Phloem is the tissue that carries food (glucose) from the leaves to the rest of the
plant – in the outer wood under bark of a tree
27.) Describe Endosymbiosis and the evidence for it.
The theory says that ancient species of single celled organisms engulfed
other single celled organisms and incorporated them as a part of themselves.
Both Mitochondria and Cholorplasts.....
1.) Have their own DNA
2.) Have membranes around them different in structure from the cell
3.) If destroyed by damage outside the cell cannot be replaced by cell
processes other than replication
28.) Describe the contributions to the theory of evolution by the following
Darwin evolution by natural selection
Lyell geologist that studied layers (strata) of rocks. Processes
happening today may give insight into what was happening in the past
Malthus Economist who studied population trends noted how strong
overcame weak
evolution by acquired traits creatures developed traits during their
lifetime give those traits to their offspring - first to recognize change
Wallace Naturalist that also proposed evolution by natural selection at
similar time to Darwin
It would also be very helpful to review all readings, worksheets, and the quiz to
help you prepare for the test!