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jeopardyplatetech Answer Key
Continental Drift
Who developed the theory of continental drift?
What was the name of the supercontinent landmass that Wegener named?
Why was Wegeners theory rejected?
Name three pieces of evidence that Wegener used to support continental drift
What is the name of the plant that Wegener used as fossil evidence?
Alfred Wegener
Couldn't explain why the continents moved
Continent fit, Fossil evidence, Rock
types/Mountain ranges, and Ancient climate
Sea Floor Spreading
What do we call an under water mountain range?
What is magma called once it erupts to the surface of the Earth?
What is the process by which new seafloor is continuously made at mid ocean
When it comes to sea floor spreading, where would you find the youngest
mid-ocean ridge
seafloor spreading
What process brings hot material of the mantle toward the surface, causing
magma to form?
Plate Tectonics
What are the large, brittle pieces of Earth's outer shell called?
Plate Tectonics includes ideas from which two theories that we have been
What is it called when a lithospheric plate sinks into the mantle?
What is the area around the Pacific ocean that has a lot of volcanic activity due
Nearest to the mid-ocean ridges
Lithospheric plates
Continental drift and sea floor spreading
Slab pull (or subduction)
Ring of fire
to very active plate boundaries called?
What is it called when the force of gravity moves the plate downward and
away from the ridge?
Ridge push
Who Did What
Who mapped the Pacific ocean with sonar?
Who developed the theory of Continental drift?
Harry Hess
Alfred Wegener
Who named Pangaea?
Who served in World War II?
Who passed away before there work was validated?
Alfred Wegener
Harry Hess
Alfred Wegener
Hodge Podge (Miscellaneous)
What can occur when two plates slide past each other?
How many millions of years ago did Wegner believe that Pangaea existed?
255 million
Where is the seafloor the newest?
Name two pieces of evidence that supports sea floor spreading?
What causes the magnetic stripes in sea floor spreading
near the mid ocean ridges
Magnetic Stripes, Sea floor drilling samples
Pole reversals
Final Question
What was the name of the boat that first started to collect deep sea drilling samples
from the seafloor?
Glomar Challenger