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Name __________________________________ Class _______________________ Date __________________
History of Ancient Egypt
MULTIPLE CHOICE Read each statement or question. On the lines below write
the letter of the best answer.
____ 1. Which of the following best
describes why Herodotus
called Egypt the gift of the
a. Egypt was the country of
many great rulers.
b. Egypt was temperate in its
c. The Nile River flowed
from east to west.
d. The Nile River brought
fertility and life to the
____ 2. Which of the following
statements supports the fact
that the Nile River Valley was
well suited for settlement?
a. The geography supported
various desert plants and
b. The geography included
many areas for hunters to
hunt widely.
c. The geography included
areas for farming.
d. The geography helped to
unify the country.
____ 3. Who would the people of
Egypt blame if crops did not
grow or if disease struck?
a. the farmers whose small
villages were unclean
b. the mummies whose ka
was disturbed
c. the pharaoh who was both
ruler and god
d. the dynasty that was in
____ 4. Which of the following best
defines nobles?
a. powerful artists of the
b. powerful farmers of the
c. people from rich and
powerful families
d. people from neighboring
____ 5. Why did the Egyptians build
their pyramids to be grand
and spectacular?
a. because they reflected the
sun god’s importance
b. because they reflected a
pharaoh’s importance
c. because they reflected the
farmers’ importance
d. because they reflected the
priests’ importance
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests
Name __________________________________ Class _______________________ Date __________________
History of Ancient Egypt
____ 6. What factor contributed most
to the growth of trade in the
New Kingdom?
a. Egypt’s defeat of the Sinai
b. Egypt’s creation of an
c. Egypt’s conquest of distant
d. Egypt’s creation of the
____ 7. What job employed the most
people in Egypt?
a. merchant
b. farmer
c. scribe
d. architect
____ 8. Ramses the Great is best
a. for his ability as an artist.
b. as a great scribe.
c. for his untimely death at
the hands of Ahmose.
d. as a great warrior and
____ 9. How did the Rosetta Stone
help scholars and historians in
their study of hieroglyphics?
a. It provided clues to
Ramses’ tomb.
b. It provided clues to Queen
Hatshepsut’s tomb.
c. It provided paintings of
various creation stories.
d. It provided Greek text that
matched the early Egyptian
____ 10. Why were tombs filled with
art, jewelry, and other
a. The tombs served as
b. The tombs were the private
storage rooms of the
c. Egyptians believed tombs
to be the safest places in
the kingdom.
d. Egyptians believed the
dead enjoyed such
materials in the afterlife.
____ 11. Which statement best
summarizes the way people
are represented in Egyptian
a. Bodies are drawn
b. Bodies are smaller than
natural size.
c. Upper bodies are shown
straight on, while heads
and legs are seen from the
d. Upper bodies are seen from
the side, while heads and
legs are shown straight on.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests
Name __________________________________ Class _______________________ Date __________________
History of Ancient Egypt
PRACTICING SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS Study the map below and answer the
question that follows.
____ 1. What was the northernmost city of the New Kingdom?
a. Byblos
b. Ugarit
c. Napata
d. Timma
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests
Name __________________________________ Class _______________________ Date __________________
History of Ancient Egypt
FILL IN THE BLANK Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the word in
the word pair that best completes the sentence.
1. Branches of the Nile fanned out to form a ________________________, a
triangle-shaped area of soil deposited by a river. (delta/cataract)
2. Egyptians believed that a person’s ________________________ left the body
and became a spirit after death. (sarcophagus/ka)
3. A powerful pharaoh reunited the ________________________ around
2050 BC. (Middle Kingdom/New Kingdom)
4. ________________________ wrote and copied religious and literary texts.
5. In Egyptian art, ________________________ were usually drawn realistically.
FALSE statements. Replace each underlined word with one from the word bank
that makes each sentence TRUE.
Old Kingdom
Rosetta Stone
Mediterranean Sea
1. Menes was called the gift of the Nile because it allowed the region to thrive.
2. The Nile Valley made it difficult for other countries to invade Egypt.
3. The Third Dynasty began the period in Egyptian history called the New
4. Only members of Egypt’s dynasty could afford to have mummies made.
5. The discovery of the sphinxes was the key historians needed to read
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests
Name __________________________________ Class _______________________ Date __________________
History of Ancient Egypt
MATCHING Read each description. On the lines below, write the letter of the term
or place that best matches each description.
____ 1. Egypt’s first pharaoh
a. Khufu
____ 2. imaginary creature with the body of a lion
and the head of another animal or human
b. Kush
c. sphinx
____ 3. pharaoh best known for monuments built
to him
d. obelisk
____ 4. specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth
e. engineering
____ 5. the application of scientific knowledge for
practical purposes
f. cataracts
g. Menes
____ 6. kingdom south of Egypt
____ 7. a long-lasting, paperlike material made
from reeds
____ 8. a tall, four-sided pillar that is pointed on
h. papyrus
i. Ramses the Great
j. mummies
____ 9. rapids along a river
____ 10. pharaoh who fought the Hittites for many
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Differentiated Instruction Modified Worksheets and Tests