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Write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is false.
_____ 1. There are billions of galaxies in
the universe.
_____ 6. Dwarf galaxies are often found
near larger galaxies.
_____ 2. A star cluster may contain one or
more galaxies.
_____ 7. Some galaxies contain over a
trillion stars.
_____ 3. Open star clusters contain more
stars than globular star clusters.
_____ 8. Our solar system is within one of
the spiral arms of our galaxy.
_____ 4. Galaxies are divided into types
based on size.
_____ 9. Our solar system orbits the
central disk of our galaxy.
_____ 5. Spiral galaxies are generally older
than elliptical galaxies.
_____ 10. From Earth, our galaxy looks like
a giant spiral.
Read this passage based on the text and answer the questions that follow.
Types of Galaxies
The biggest groups of stars in the universe are called galaxies. They may have a few million to
more than a trillion stars. With the unaided eye, every star you can see is part of our own
galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy. All the other galaxies in the universe are extremely far away.
The closest galaxy to our own, the Andromeda Galaxy, is 2.5 million light-years away.
Galaxies are divided into three types according to their shape. The types are spiral, elliptical,
and irregular galaxies.
 A spiral galaxy is a rotating disk of stars and dust. At the center of the disk is a dense bulge
of matter. Several arms spiral out from the center. A spiral galaxy has a lot of gas and dust
and many young stars.
An elliptical galaxy is oval in shape. The smallest elliptical galaxies are called dwarf elliptical
galaxies. Giant elliptical galaxies can contain over a trillion stars. Stars in elliptical galaxies
are mainly old stars. Most elliptical galaxies contain very little gas and dust because the
material has already formed into stars.
An irregular galaxy is neither spiral nor elliptical. Most irregular galaxies have been
deformed. This can occur either by the pull of a larger galaxy or by a collision with another
1. What are galaxies, and how do they range in size?
2. Contrast spiral and elliptical galaxies.
3. What are irregular galaxies, and how do they come about?
Circle the letter of the correct choice.
1. Types of star clusters include
a. open clusters.
5. Galaxies that do not have a clearly
defined shape are called
b. spiral clusters.
a. deformed galaxies.
c. elliptical clusters.
b. irregular galaxies.
d. all of the above
c. dwarf galaxies.
2. Elliptical galaxies contain
a. a lot of gas and dust.
b. mainly young stars.
c. mostly red or yellow stars.
d. two of the above
3. Types of galaxies include
a. spiral galaxies.
b. cluster galaxies.
d. open galaxies.
6. Scientists estimate that the Milky Way
Galaxy contains about
a. 40,000 stars.
b. 400,000 stars.
c. 40 million stars.
d. 400 billion stars.
7. Some astronomers think that at the
center of our galaxy there is a
c. circular galaxies.
a. neutron star.
d. globular galaxies.
b. supernova.
4. The stars in an open cluster are mostly
a. old stars.
c. red supergiant.
d. black hole.
b. young stars.
c. reddish stars.
d. two of the above
Match each definition with the correct term.
_____ 1. type of galaxy that is a rotating
disk of stars and dust
_____ 6. star cluster containing up to tens
of thousands of stars
_____ 2. star cluster containing up to a few
thousand stars
_____ 7. type of galaxy that is neither
spiral nor elliptical in shape
_____ 3. type of galaxy that is oval in shape
a. elliptical galaxy
e. spiral galaxy
_____ 4. group of stars that is smaller than
a galaxy
b. globular cluster
f. star cluster
c. irregular galaxy
g. galaxy
_____ 5. very large group of stars that are
held together by gravity
d. open cluster
Fill in the blank with the appropriate term.
1. The stars in an open cluster are young stars that all formed from the same __________.
2. Every star you can see from Earth with the unaided eye is part of the __________ Galaxy.
3. Our own galaxy is the type of galaxy called a(n) __________ galaxy.
4. The major galaxy closest to our own is the __________ Galaxy.
5. A spiral galaxy has a rotating disk of stars and dust with several __________ projecting out
from the center.
6. Most __________ galaxies have been deformed by gravity or a collision with another galaxy.
7. Globular clusters have a definite __________ shape.
Thoroughly answer the question below. Use appropriate academic vocabulary and clear and
complete sentences.
Describe our own galaxy, and explain why it looks different to us than all other galaxies?