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Ch5.2: The Axial Skeleton
Definition: The longitudinal part of the body
Divided into three parts
I. Skull
II. Vertebral column
III. Bony thorax (Ribs)
I. The Skull
 __________ bones compose the face.
Two sets of bones:
__________ paired, only the mandible
and vomer are ______________
* Bones are joined by _______________
*Maxillae or ________________bones
* Only the ________________ is attached by
o Fuse to form _______________
a freely __________________ joint
o All facial bones, except the
mandible join ______________
 Composed of ______ large flat bones, all
*________________ bones
single, except for two paired bones
o Paired bones that form the
(parietal and temporal)
posterior part of the hard palate
*Frontal bone
*Zygomatic bones
 Forms the ______________, under the
o _________________
eyebrows, and the superior part of each
o Also form parts of the _________
eye’s orbit
 Paired bones that form the most
superior & lateral walls of the cranium
*Temporal bones
 Inferior to the ____________________
 Most posterior bone of the cranium.
Forms the ________________________
 In the __________ of this bone, is the
foramen magnum, a large __________
that allows the ____________________
*Sphenoid bone
 Goes the _____ of the skull and forms
part of the floor of the cranial cavity
 Anterior to the ____________ & forms
the _____ of the nasal cavity and part
of the medial walls of the orbits(eyes)
*_______________ bones
o Form the ___________________
____________ of each orbit
o Serves as a passageway for tears
*Nasal bones
o Form the ____________________
*____________ bone - Single bone
*Forms the ______________________
o Inferior conchae
o Thin curved bones projecting from
o _______________ ________
o Largest and _________________
o Joins the ___________________
_________ on each side of the face
o Forming the only _______________
Bones of the Skull - Human Skull, Superior & Inferior View (See Ch 5 Handout)
Paranasal ______________ - Hollow portions of ____________________________________
 Functions of _________________________________
o Lighten the ____________
o Give resonance and amplification to _____________
The ______________ Bone - Serves as a moveable ___________________________________
 The only bone that does not __________________ with another bone
 It is suspended in the _______________________________________________________
The Fetal ____________
 The fetal skull is large compared to the ________________________________
 ___________________ – fibrous membranes connecting ____________________________
o Allow the brain to _______________
o Convert to bone within ________________________________________
II. The Vertebral Column
 _____________ extends from the ____________, which it ______________, to the ____________, where it transmits
the ___________ of the body to the _________________________
 It is formed of _________________________________ connected by _____________________
 The spine has a normal _______________________
 Each vertebrae is given a name according to its ________________________
 Vertebrae separated by ______________________________________
o Intervertebral disks _______________________________________ between the vertebrae
o As a person ages, they are susceptible to ____________________ _______ (slipped)
Abnormal curvature of the spine
 _____ cervical
 May be present at __________ or result from
disease or poor _________
 _____ thoracic
 ______________ – medial or _______________
 _____ lumbar
(right or left) curve
 sacrum and coccyx
______________ – curve at the superior or
Vertebral Column
thoracic ___________ of the
1. Form of the vertebral column
*Cervical ____________________
 ______________ – curve at the
o (C1 – C7): Forms the ____________
o C1: the _______, allow you to _______
__________________ part of the spine
o _____: the _________, allows for the rotation
III. The Bony Thorax
and you to move from side to side to
 Forms a cage to protect _______________
 Made-up of three parts:
o C3-C7: ______________ &
___________________ vertebrae
*_________________ vertebrae (T1-T12)
*(Lumbar vertebrae (
1. Sternum – __________________
______________ (Heart-shaped)
 Flat bone & the result of the ___________ of
o Formed by the fusion of ___ vertebrae
three bones:
o Forms the posterior wall of the _____
 Manubrium
o Articulates with the sacroiliac joints
 ____________
______________ - Tailbone
 Xiphoid ___________________
o Formed by the fusion of ____ to ____ small
 It attaches to the _____________________
____________ shaped vertebrae
2. Ribs
 ________ pairs of ribs forms the walls of the
Curvature of the _____________
 The disks and S-shaped structure of the vertebral
 _________________ – first ______________ of ribs
column work to _______________________________
attach directly to the __________
 ______________ curvatures – curvatures of the
thoracic and sacral regions and are present at
 ___________ ribs – next ______________, either
attach indirectly to the sternum or are not
 ______________ curvatures – cervical curvature
attached to the sternum at all
develops as a baby raises their _________, &
 _______________ ribs – last two pairs of false ribs
lumbar curvature develops as a baby
lack the sternal attachments
 __________________________ are filled with
intercostals muscles that aid in