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Learning Objectives for Chapter 1 Integers
List of I cans:
____I can add 2 positive integers and I can state “when 2 positive integers are added
the sum will always be positive.
____I can add 2 negative integers and I can state “when 2 negative integers are added,
the sum will always be negative.”
____I can determine the absolute value of any integer.
____I can define the term absolute value as the distance the number is from zero.
____ can state “absolute values are always a positive number because distances are
____I can add 2 integers of opposite signs and illustrate this on a number line.
____I can determine the sign of the sum of 2 integers of opposite signs by determining
the sign of the integer with the largest absolute value.
____I can assign a positive sign for terms such as deposit, ascend, up.
____I can assign a negative sign for quantities describing numbers dealing with
withdraw, descend, yards back, etc…
____I can state the opposite of any integer given.
____I can calculate the sum of 2 opposites and determine the sum to be zero.
____I can state the property of additive inverse as: When an integer and its opposite
are added together, the sum is zero.
____I can state “the opposite of addition is subtraction.”
____I can state “I should never substract. Instead, I should always add the opposite.”
____I can plot integers on a number line to demonstrate addition of integers.
____I can multiply numbers in a times table up to the integer 12 without the use of a
calculator and score 100% for all products.
____I can multiple 2 positive integers and state “when 2 positive integers are multiplied
together, the product will always be positive.”
____I can multiple 2 negative integers and state “when 2 negative integers are multiplied
together, the produce will always be positive.”
____I can multiply 2 integers of opposite signs and state “when a positive integer is
multiplied by a negative integer, the product will always be negative.”
____I can divide 2 positive numbers and state “when 2 positive integers are divided into
each other, the quotient will always be positive.”
____I can divide 2 negative numbers and state “when 2 negative integers are divided
into each other, the quotient will always be positive.”
____I can divide 2 integers of opposite signs and state “when a positive integer is
divided by a negative integer, the quotient is always negative, and when a negative
integer is divided by a positive integer, the quotient is always negative.
____I can check my division by taking the quotient (the answer) and multiplying it by the
denominator. If the product is the same as the numerator, then the division is correct.
____I can state “division is the opposite of multiplication.”
Order of Operations
____I can simplify expressions by using the order of operations by solving the
-grouping first (Parenthesis, brackets, absolute values)
-exponents and roots next
-Multiplication and division
-Last addition and subtraction
____I can solve expressions by going from left to right when I get to the last few steps.
____I can get rid of subtraction totally by adding the opposite instead.
Number Properties
____I can identify the following number properties given an example
-Commutative law of addition
-Commutative law of multiplication
-Associative law of addition
-Associative law of multiplication
-Distributive law
-Additive Identity
-Multiplicative Identity
-Additive Inverse
-Multiplicative Inverse
Problem Solving
____I can solve problems using integers by carefully reading the question and
trying several ways to solve it.