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Earthquakes and Damages
Name: ______________________________________ Period: ______________ Date: _______________
Essential Question: What are the factors that affect the amount of damage done by an earthquake?
1. How many earthquakes happen every year? ( p. 505)
2. What is magnitude? ( p. 505)
3. Who is Charles Richter? ( p. 505)
4. What is the Richter scale? ( p. 505)
5. What is the moment magnitude scale? ( p. 506)
6. What is the difference between Richter scale and moment magnitude scale? ( p. 506)
7. What is the Modified Mercalli Scale? ( p. 506)
8. What is the relationship between the intensity of the earthquake and the distance from the quake’ epicenter?
(p. 507, Think!)_________________________________________________________________________________
9. How is the earthquakes intensity related to its magnitude? ( p. 507)
10. How are earthquakes classified? ( p. 507)
11. Which will produce a higher magnitude/intensity of earthquake?
Encircle one:
Deep-focus earthquake
Shallow- focus earthquake
12. How is the earthquake epicenter and time of occurrence determined? ( p. 508 )
13. How is the location of earthquakes epicenter determined? (Figure 19-14, p 509)
14. What is a seismic belt? ( p. 509-513)
15. Where do the majority of earthquakes occur? ( p. 509, Think!)
16. Compare Figure 17-13, p. 455 ( Earth’s tectonic plate and boundaries) and Figure 19-15, p. 510. How are they
similar? Explain ( p. 509, Observe and Think!)
17. Where do almost 80% of all earthquakes occur? ( p. 509) ______________________________________________
_____________________. It is also known as the Pacific Ring of Fire
18. Where do about 15% of all earthquakes occur? ( p. 509)
19. What is responsible for most earthquake-related deaths? ( p. 511)
20. The damage produce by an earthquake is directly related to _____________________________________________
21. Why are some buildings in earthquake-prone areas resting on large rubber structures? ( p. 511)
22. What is “pancaking”? ( p. 511)
23. How are sloping areas affected by earthquakes? ( p. 512)
24. What is soil liquefaction? ( p. 512)
25. Describe a tsunami. ( p. 513, Think!)
26. Study Figure 19-19, p. 514. What are the states with greatest seismic risk?
27. Why are scientists constantly searching ways to improve earthquake predictions? ( p. 514)
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on the space before the number.
____ 28. The place where slippage first occurs is called the earthquake's...
A. focus
B. epicenter
C. magnitude D. intensity
____ 29. Which of the following best describes aftershocks?
A. a series of small tremors occurring after a major earthquake
B. seismic waves that cannot travel through liquids
____ 30. The force that can change the size and shape of rocks is called...
A. stress
B. magnitude C. elasticity
D. friction
____ 31. Most earthquakes occur along or near the edges of the ...
A. earth's oceans and lakes
B. earth's lithospheric plates
____ 32. The San Andreas Fault Zone has formed where the edge of the Pacific plate is slipping...
A. over the North American plate
B. north along the North American plate
____ 33. The Pacific Ring of Fire is an earthquake zone that forms a ring around...
A. the Atlantic Ocean B. South America
C. the Pacific Ocean
D. North America
____ 34. Which type of seismic wave travels the fastest?
A. L wave
B. P wave
C. S wave
D. surface wave
____ 35. Which type of seismic wave causes rock particles to move together and apart in the same direction
as the wave is moving?
A. L wave
B. S wave
C. P wave
D. surface wave
____ 36. What is the minimum number of seismograph stations a scientist must have data from in order
to locate the epicenter of an earthquake?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
____ 37. To determine how far away from a seismograph station an earthquake occurred, scientists plot the
difference in arrival times between...
A. P and S waves
B. seismic waves and tsunamis
____ 38. The concept that Earth's upper layer, or lithosphere, is divided into large, quite rigid segments which
float over the more dense upper mantle, is termed
A. pushing margins
B. plate tectonics
C. floating continents D. convection currents
____ 39. Plate boundaries where two plates are moving apart from one another, and new plate material is being
formed as molten rock rises to fill the gap between them, are called
A. divergent margins B. convergent margins C. subduction margins D. transform margins
____ 40. The plates of the Earth move because of _______.
A. pressure from volcanoes
C. convection currents in the mantle
B. bumping from bubbling magma
D. earthquake activity