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Day and Night
Phases of the Moon
Georgia Performance Standards
S4E2 Students will model the position and motion of the
earth in the solar system and will explain the role of
relative position and motion in determine sequence of
the phases of the moon.
a. Explain the day/night cycle of the earth using a model.
b. Explain the sequence of the phases of the moon.
c. Demonstrate the revolution of the earth around the sun
and the earth’s tilt to explain the seasonal changes.
d. Demonstrate the relative size and order from the sun of
the planets in the solar system.
Essential Questions
 Why are different phases of the Moon observed
throughout the month? What is the sequence of
those phases?
 What are the relative sizes of the planets in our
solar system?
 What is the relative order of the planets from the
Sun on our Solar System?
 While you are enjoying breakfast in Georgia, night is
falling in places half way around the world.
 How can this be so?
 The cycle of night and day occurs because the Earth
 To ROTATE means to turn on an axis.
 An AXIS is an imaginary line through the center of
an object. The Earth’s axis passes through the North
and South poles.
 Remember that the Earth is a sphere. Only one
half of the Earth receives light and heat from the
Sun at any given time.
 The other half of the Earth is dark, and it is
nighttime there.
 Since the Earth rotates, the half that receives
light and the half that is dark changes positions
throughout the rotation of the Earth.
The Sun is NOT
 As the day goes on, the Sun appears to move across
the sky.
 THE SUN IS NOT MOVING. Instead, Earth is
rotating, causing the Sun to look like it is moving.
 As the Earth turns, the position of the Sun in the sky
changes, This causes the angle at which sunlight
strikes your part of the Earth.
 The changing angle of sunlight causes shadows to
change throughout the day.
 When the Sun is low in the sky, shadows are long.
When the Sun is high in the sky, shadows are short.
More About Shadows
 Long ago, in ancient times, people used the positions
and lengths of shadows to tell the time of day.
 Sundials can be used to tell the time of day.
Earth’s Moon
 The Earth’s moon is a sphere made up of rock.
 It revolves around Earth every 27 ½ Earth days.
 The moon does not make its own light. “Moonlight”
is really sunlight reflecting from the Moon’s surface.
 The rocky surface of the Moon is covered with
mountains, flat plains, and craters.
 A CRATER is a bowl shaped dent that is caused by
an object from space striking the surface of a planet
or moon.
 There is no air or liquid water on the Moon, which
means there are NO LIVING things.
 Daytime temperatures are much hotter on the Moon
than on Earth and nighttime temperatures are much
 The Moon’s diameter (distance around) is only about
one-fourth of the Earth’s diameter.
 The Moon is smaller than the Earth so its gravity is
weaker than the Earth’s gravity. Because of this,
things weigh less on the Moon than they do on the
The same side of the moon
always faces the Earth.
If the same side of the
moon always faces the
Earth, why does the
moon appear to change
As the moon revolves around the
Earth, the near side receives
different amounts of sunlight.
Phases of the Moon
 The moon’s shape appears to change from a crescent
to a half circle, to a whole circle, and back again.
 The changes are caused by the way sunlight strikes
the Moon as it revolves around the Earth.
 At one point during the moon’s revolution around
the Earth, it receives NO sunlight and cannot be
Crescent Moon
 As the moon revolves around the Earth, a small part of
the near side becomes sunlit
and can now be seen from
the Earth.
Quarter Moon
 When the moon has revolved one quarter of its orbit
around the Earth, half of the Moon’s near side can be
seen from Earth.
Full Moon
 When the moon has revolved half way around the
Earth, the Moon’s entire near side is sunlit and can
be seen from Earth.
 After a new moon (when the moon is not sunlit and
you cannot see it), an increasing amount of the
Moon’s near side is sunlit.
After a full moon (when the near side of the moon is
completely sunlit and you can see it), a decreasing
amount of the near side is sunlit.
Seasonal Changes
 As the Earth orbits the Sun, the tilt of the axis causes
the seasons to change.
 Remember that is takes one year for the Earth to revolve
around the Sun.
 REVOLVE means to move in a path around another
 The orbit is in the shape of an ellipse. An ELLISPE is a
circle that is flattened and slightly stretched out.
The four parts of the year---spring, summer, fall,
and winter.
In June, the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere (where
you live), is tilted toward the Sun. It receives
strong, direct sunlight, so it is summer here.
In December, the Earth tilts away from the Sun. It
receives weak, indirect sunlight and it is winter
 Remember that the EQUATER is an imaginary line the
circles the Earth halfway between the North and South
 It divides the Earth into NORTHERN and SOUTHERN
halves, called hemispheres.
Length of Day and
 The length of day and night changes throughout the
year. This is caused by the tilt of the Earth on its axis.
 Because the Earth is tilted towards the Sun in the
summer, there are more daylight hours and fewer
hours of darkness.
 In December, when the Earth is tilted away from the
Sun on its axis, there are more hours of darkness
than daylight hours. The shorter amount of sunlight
is what helps make winter colder than summer.
The Inner Planets
 Mercury, Venus, EARTH, and Mars are called the
 These planets get a lot of heat and light because they
are close to the Sun.
 The inner planets are small and are made up of solid
rock materials. There surfaces have mountains and
Inner Planets
 Is the closest planet to the Sun. It is very hot during
the day and very cold at night.
 Is the second planet from the Sun. It is covered by
thick clouds of gas. The clouds trap the heat and
make the planet very hot.
 Is the third planet from the Sun. It is the only planet
known to support life. Earth has an atmosphere.
 Is the fourth planet from the Sun. The surface of Mars
has many craters, mountains, and volcanoes. Mars has
the largest volcano ever discovered in the solar system.
 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called
the outer planets. They are cold and dark
because they are far from the Sun. They are
large, made of gases, and have many moons.
Each also has a system of rings.
 Pluto was once known as the ninth planet. In
2006, astronomers classified it as a dwarf planet.
Pluto is smaller than any planet. It is made of
rocks and frozen gases. It has no rings and only
one moon.
 Is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest
planet. The Great Red Spot is a large storm.
 Is the sixth planet from the Sun. It has beautiful rings
made of dust, ice, and rocks.
 Is the seventh planet from the Sun. Unlike any other
planet, Uranus spins on its side.
 Is the eighth planet from the Sun. Methane in its
atmosphere gives Neptune its blue color.
 Is now called a dwarf planet. It is smaller than the
planets, and very far from the Sun.
Planets in Motion
 As it orbits the Sun, each planet spins like a top.
Earth’s day, one full spin, is 24 hours long. Some
planets spin more quickly than Earth, while others
spin more slowly. Jupiter spins around about every
10 hours. Venus takes 243 Earth days to spin just
Earth’s Year
 The farther a planet is from the Sun, the longer it
takes to orbit. The time it takes to complete one trip
around the Sun is called a YEAR.
 Earth’s year is about 365 days long. Mercury makes a
complete orbit in just 88 days. Neptune takes about
165 Earth years to complete its orbit around the Sun.
Sun, Moon, and Sky
 For thousands of years, people have been observing
the Sun, the Moon, and other objects in the sky.
 Scientists did not learn how these objects move until
a few hundred years ago.
 Why do you think they took so long?
Essential Questions
 Why are different phases of the Moon observed
throughout the month? What is the sequence of
those phases?
 What are the relative sizes of the planets in our
solar system?
 What is the relative order of the planets from the
Sun on our Solar System?