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Geography of the Roman Empire
Discussion Recall:
 What is the name of
the sea that is
prominently in the
middle of the
empire? (click to
 Which 3 continents
did the empire
 Predict: How will the
size of the empire
leave it vulnerable or
The Mediterranean
The Roman Empire:
 The Empire grew too large to control
 Barbarians from the north (Germanic warrior tribes)
continued to attack the vast empire
 Captured Barbarians moved into the empire, creating
their own system of government, thus ignoring Roman
 Food vs. military: The male citizens were needed in the
army to defend the empire. This meant that less people
were farming, causing a food shortage.
 Taxes grew higher to help pay for military defense.
 Wealthy citizens began moving out of the city, creating
their own estates.
Paraphrased from History Alive: The Medieval World & Beyond textbook
The Empire Divides!
 Diocletian feared the empire had grown too big to
control –He divided it into the Eastern and Western
 Eastern:
 Ruled by
 Western:
 Ruled by
Paraphrased from History Alive: The Medieval World & Beyond textbook
Power Moves to the East
The emperor
Constantine –Made a
capital in the east in what is
now Turkey.
 Located on the Bosphorus
strait it was a fantastic
middle ground for trading
between Asia and Europe.
 He named the new capital
Constantinople after
Paraphrased from History Alive: The Medieval World & Beyond textbook
Ten Theories for the Fall of Roman
Excessive Military
Spending to Defend
the Empire.
Political Corruption
Interesting fact: Over a hundred year span
Rome had 37 emperors. 25 were assassinated.
Many were assassinated at the hands of other
aspiring leaders.
The Fall of Rome
Inferior Technology
Fact: While the Romans were great architects many
of their ideas came from conquering lands. When the
conquering stopped, so did new technology.
• InflationInteresting fact: Inflation got so bad that
eventually salaries had to be paid in food
and clothing, and taxes were collected in
fruits and vegetables!
The Fall of Rome
Interesting Fact: Most farmers bought slaves which
put paid workers out of jobs. At one point the
emperor was importing grain to feed over 100,000
unemployed people in Rome alone.
Urban Decay
Interesting Fact: Most people lived in apartments.
The poorest lived at the top. People that could not pay
rent were forced to live on crime infested streets.
The Fall of Rome
Decline in Morals and
Interesting Fact: Gladiator fights were enjoyed by all
classes even the emperor. Slaves could win
his/her freedom if survived….At the end of each
battle fresh sand was placed on the Colosseum
floor to cover the blood.
Rise in Christianity
Fact: While eventually most of Europe will become
Christian at first small factions were breaking
off, creating a lack of unity within the empire.
The Fall of Rome
Environmental and
Public Health
Interesting Fact: While the aqueducts were a
very efficient, even genius way to carry water
to homes, in the end the water would be
funneled through lead pipes which made people
sick from lead poisoning.
Barbarian Invasions
Rome is Attacked!
Barbarians Invade the
Roman Empire
 Huns (warriors from Central
Asia) invaded from
southeastern Europe
 Goths (Eastern tribes) who
could not defeat the Huns and
ran into Roman territory
 Vandals (Germanic tribe from
Northern Europe) invaded
Gaul (France), Spain, and
North Africa
The Empire in Chaos!
Huns pushed the
Goths into Roman
Originally the
Romans paid the
Goths not to attack.
When the Romans
stopped the
payments, the Goths
destroyed Rome in
The End of the Western
 During the 400’s, Roman Emperors were weak and they
feared the empire grew to big. In fact, they even gave
away land so they could better protect their empire.
 In 476 the western empire collapsed at the hands of the
GOTHS leaving no central leadership.