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Genetic Engineering
• Process where DNA is split into fragments
and new DNA pieces are inserted or
• Enzymes cut DNA at certain places
• Carriers are then used to insert DNA splices
• Now referred to as recombinant (or
transgenic) DNA
• Genetically Modified Organism
• GMOs are plants or animals that have
undergone a process wherein scientists
alter their genes with DNA from different
species of living organisms, bacteria, or
viruses to get desired traits such as
resistance to disease or tolerance of
Recombinant DNA
• Take a strand/piece of DNA, combine it with
another strand of DNA from a different
60-70% foods in supermarket
Not labeled
Resistant to pests
Increased crop yield
Can interbreed with natural organisms
Pharmaceutical Development
• Insulin mass produced
• Vaccine development
• cells whose job in the
body is not yet
• cell “turns on”
specific genes in the
stem cell to make
them specialized
• Stem cells can
become skin cells,
bone cells, red blood
cells, nerve cells, or
skeletal muscle cells
• Alzheimers, Diabetes,
Stem Cells
• the creation of an
organism that is an exact
copy of another
• occurs naturally in nature
(identical twins)
How is a clone made?
*Somatic Cell Nuclear
Transfer (SCNT)
*An early stage embryo is
split into cells before those
cells have differentiated, the
cells are then grown
separately, and develop into
identical embryos and can be
implanted into surrogate
• Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
• Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), also
called nuclear transfer
• Dolly the Sheep (first cloned mammal)
Artificial Twinning
DNA fingerprinting
• Sample of DNA is exposed
to restriction enzyme
which cuts it into pieces
• DNA is loaded into a gel
and run through
electrophoresis machine
• Since DNA is cut at certain
sequences, each piece is a
different length and
• Pieces that are heavier
stay at the top of the gel,
lighter will “run” to the
• Every person is genetically
different, so DNA
fingerprints are different
DNA fingerprinting applications
• Can be used to identify or eliminate suspects when genetic
material has been collected at a crime scene
• Can be used to determine paternity of a child, or establish
other family relationships
• Can be used to identify a deceased person