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Lesson 2: Reading Nonfiction Text
This is a picture of a biologist
Definition – Prefix – Suffix - Examples
• Biologist: is someone who studies living things and the way they
live and grow.
• Prefix: bio – means “life”
• Suffix: -logy – means “the study of”
• Suffix: -ist – means “one who does or is an expert in”
• A related words:
biology, the of living things.
Biography, which is an account of someone’s life
Zoology, study of animals
Meteorology, is the study of the atmosphere, winds, and weather
What is a biologist?
• Student response.
This is a picture of a paleontologist
•Paleontologist is one who studies
fossils found in rocks.
•Paleontologist is the science that
studies ancient forms of life as
revealed by fossil remains in rock.