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The analysis of the processes occurring in chambers for micro-particles observation shows
that originations of luminous tracks occurs not for those causes on which these explanations are
built. It is offered to use other physical laws for an explanation of the tracks origination causes..
The principle of the charged particles existence in the nature is called into question. Absolutely
other physical phenomenon for an explanation of origination of electrical and magnetic interacting
forces is offered to be used.
In modern science the basic data on the microcosm organization are obtained due to
observations over micro-particles' behavior
in special chambers. In all existing chambers
scientists estimate many parameters of flying micro-particles on the visible tracks which moving
micro-particles leave. Our knowledge about not only atoms structures, but also the supposed
organization of atomic nucleus, is generated on the basis of these opinions.
The first chamber for
micro-particles observation, devised by Charles Wilson, remains
one of the basic tools for microcosm knowledge till now. We put into consideration the brief
description of this chamber operation from the high school physicist textbook and we try to
comprehend once again those physical processes on which main part of the judgments about microparticles is done.
«The Wilson cloud chamber is the air-locked vessel filled with steams of water or spirit,
which are close to saturation. At the abrupt fall movement of the plunger because of pressure fall
under the plunger, the gas is adiabatically expanding in the chamber . Therefore, there is a cooling
and steam to become supersaturated. If the particle penetrates into the chamber directly ahead of the
expanding or right after it, ions, which it forms by the particle, will act as condensation centers.
Appeared water droplets
form a track of the flown particle. Then the chamber reverts to the
original state also special cleaning electric field deletes ions».
Assume that a charged particle has got to the chamber and it has formed ions of water
molecules. However, why these ions should act as condensation centers? If there was a water vapor
condensation these ions should have temperature below temperature of chilled steam, but only the
flown charged particle can bring this cooling with itself because there is no place more. The
charged particle temperature means also should be much more below temperature of chilled steam
in the cabinet because this particle has chilled huge number of water molecules water on the
trajectory. However, charged particles in these experiments appear at atomic reactions, when
considerable quantity of thermal energy is evolved.
Besides, appeared tracks remain visible long time enough time that is droplets of the
condensed fluid have started to emit light. Whence this luminous flux is? If to accept, that the
appeared ions were the reason of light emission of a track, it is necessary somehow to prove more
widely such physical phenomenon more widely . Concept of "ions" as the molecular charged
formations, is used for an explanation of many processes, both in chemistry, and in physicist,
however, it is not noted anywhere that these formations can emit a light...
It is impossible to explain an origin of ions tracks, neither fluid condensation on ions, nor
originating and light emission. Such explanations of tracks appear became possible only because
the magic of charged particles existence, which reigns over our minds and does not allow to look
at many events in the world surrounding us from other positions.
Only flights of charged particles are the reason for appearance and behavior of tracks in
various micro-particles observation chambers. On tracks both a sign of a charge of the flown
particle, and its energy performances are determined.
Analogous reasoning on flights of charged particles and their interacting with environment
and material bodies impelled Ernest Rutherford to create planetary atomic model. The effect of
the alpha bombardment of a thin foil gold plate became the full unexpectedness for him. He wrote:
«It was the most improbable event for all my life. It is almost so improbable, as you have shot a
15-inch shell at a piece of a thin paper, and the shell would be returned to you and has superimposed
to you shock to you».
It was told about alpha radiation at discovery of
radiations spectrum during radioactive
decay: «Alpha-rays have the least penetrating power. The layer of a paper with the thickness about
0.1 mm is already opaque for them».
It is absolutely improbably to assume that Ernest Rutherford could not know about this
insignificant penetrating power of these particles through a thin layer of a usual paper. However,
how it is possible to combine these two, apparently, not combined phenomena? Where these alphashells disappear in opinion of Ernest Rutherford if they cannot overcome a thin layer of a paper and
they are not reflected from it?
Situation is clarifying if only to make the simplest assumption: in both cases the matter is
not about any flying particles, but about radiations of the certain frequency and power. All processes
are connected with radiations, both in micro-particles observation chambers and in experiments
with penetration of imagined particles in medium of metal. Beams cannot penetrate a paper because
the spectrum of paper excitation too mismatches frequency of alpha radiations, but it corresponds
well enough to spectral frequencies of gold, copper and some other metals. Mater is not only about
visible spectrums, but the full range of substances spectral characteristics. Alpha-rays mostly came
through a gold plate precisely on the same principle, as light beams pass through glass and other
pellucid materials. In case of passage of light beams through glass there is their partial reflection and
deviation, and alpha-rays deviate rectilinear propagation in any cases, too.
In the cloud chamber also radioactive radiations of the certain frequencies are observed as
stated above. The energized molecules of water vapor, alcohol or other reagent in various chambers
become visible only when radiated frequency is capable to excite molecules of a reagent in
spectrum visible part. When radiated frequency, more specifically a radiant energy of the certain
frequency, cannot excite a reagent in a visible part of a spectrum, this is a neutron radiation.
This version observing tracks as result of the narrow-directed radioactive radiations will not find any
response in minds of researchers because the visible tracks deviate both in electric, and in magnetic
fields. Then, our thinking camp is adjusted by following principle: there is a charge of any sign and
it means that the track consists of the charged formations. Only the flown charged particle can
bring charges to a track.
The idea thought up by ancient Greeks' philosophical thought about existence of charged
particles had found a fertile field for the evolution with development of electric energy, and
gradually it had turned into the most extensive area of human knowledge. It is very difficult to shake
even slightly this created mountain of the world thinking, but it is necessary to try to lay the
groundwork for even tiny doubts in correctness and validity of this theory at least.
Bases of electric interacting of the electrified bodies are founded in school age, and the
problem of children's thinking includes strong assimilation of that principle that there is a separation
of electric charges at combing hair by a hairbrush. Further we learn that this principle is completely
proved and it is unique and incontestable true. With such firm belief we also came during adult life,
and, most likely, even great scientists not return more to these elements of the great theory of
charged particles.
If again and again to start to experiment and to think of many statements in this science, it appears
that there are no
essential evidences or there are not enough of them. It is problematic to deal
with hair, but it is very simple to replace hair with a woolen cloth and to replace a hairbrush with a
flat ruler made of the same synthetic material. It is so simply to detect a charge in the ruler polished
by the cloth, as well as in hairbrush, but it is so problematic to detect it in cloth, as well as in hair.
It is possible to rub tens rulers with a small slice of cloth and to gain a significant total charge, but
it is not detected anything essential in cloth still. In such simple act in any way it does not manage
to prove the law of conservation of electric charge being one of the basic pillars of the charged
particles theory. Twoness of origination of charges of opposite sign at observation over microparticles tracks supposedly is the demonstration of this law. However, in fact it is weak enough
Dear scientists, especially specialists on the theoretical physics, whether you will disagree
that so far the law of conservation of electric charge will not be experimentally convincingly
proved , until then there can not be a firm confidence in charged particles existence?
There are quite enough unpersuasive and unreasonable assumptions in this theory. Try
somehow to prove the principle of different sign charges concentration in a charged body on the
pointed parts and edges of the body. It is indisputable fact that the electric field really concentrates
on these parts of the body. However, why so-called electrons are clustered on these close areas of a
body? In fact, these equally charged particles should behave all the other way under the law of
Therefore, the trend to finding other ways, which lead to a substantiation of originating
electric interacting forces and which are built on essentially other physical laws, really arises.
Continuous traffic of Brownian particles convincingly proves that their moving directly depends on
temperature of a liquid, i.e. it depends on quantity of thermal energy. This implyies, the kinetic
energy of molecules of a liquid, which moves a Brownian particle, originates from transformation of
thermal frequency energy to momentum energy.
During a friction of two bodies the friend about the friend always thermal energy originates.
However, whether only thermal energy originates at a friction, and whether only thermal energy is
capable to create mechanical motion of molecules?
Excitation of intermolecular links takes place during a friction, whence there is a generation
of high-frequency oscillations of those frequencies which are characteristic for one or another
molecular medium. At a friction of two bodies possessing good electro-insulating qualities, there is
not so much thermal energy as electric energy, which is detected on interacting forces on distance
as between the electrified bodies, and between any of the electrified bodies with surrounding bodies.
Thus, we can conclude that:
Abilities of the electrified bodies to interact with other bodies, which are phenomenal for our
thinking, had generated charged particles idea. In a counterweight to such settled thinking we shall
try to develop absolutely other substantiation of originating forces of electric interacting.
Forces of any interacting originate because of transformation radiated in space energy in
mechanical energy of momentum precisely under the same scenario as thermal energy is converted
to molecular motion, which move Brownian particles. Assume that it was somehow possible to
concentrate molecular motion of the most part of liquid’s molecules in one direction. In this case the
vessel with a liquid should be moved along-track direction of this weight of molecules if their
energy will suffice for frictional and inertial forces overcoming. Extending of electric power lines
also represents such field of forces concentrated in one direction, which is able to force bodies to
move in space.
Electric and magnetic interacting are most widespread and studied, therefore, we put only
them into consideration, though there are gravitational forces.
Electric energy activated by a friction is kept a long time only in bodies with amorphous
structure. In environment this energy is propagated at very insignificant distances, going in cycles
in it in the form of the closed ring lines on the energy source. In general all bodies with amorphous
structure possess good electro-insulating properties. Electric energy actuated by a friction in
molecular community , closing up through environment in the form of so-called lines of force,
exists long enough time as it is not converted to other kinds of energy in this specific case.
Basically, the electric energy actuated by frictional force in dielectric, is the micro-oscillator with
considerable internal resistance.
Lines of force are dynamic channels of electric energy propagation with very small currents
and they are aimed be closed in environment on the shortest way with the least resistance. At
introduction of any body into this field of forces, which is capable to provide smaller resistance for
passage of force lines, their instant redistribution take place? Electric field lines of force, which
are concentrated on the introduced body, excite forces of molecular motion in it, whence there is
bodies interacting. Such processes are characteristic both for electric, and for magnetic fields.
In many respects, propagations of electric and magnetic energy to the environment are very
similar each other, therefore, maybe it is the reason of their easy transformation into each other, but
these are different energies. There is electric field only
around of a conductor with electric
current. At introduction of a ferromagnetic in electric field coverage, the magnetic field is exited
in it according to power conversion law. Great physicist Michael Faraday, who discovered
interconnection between electric and magnetic energies, considered it so and he named this
phenomenon as an electromagnetic induction that is an induction of a field by other one. Michael
Faraday was terribly outraged by James Maxwell’s invention of an electromagnetic field and
such interpretation of physical processes, and he expressed this indignation in the press. He advised
James Maxwell to be engaged in the mathematical area and do not pry into physics.
As it has been noted above, electric energy can be kept only in non-crystalline structures a
long time because short circuit of this energy occurs inside of a body in crystals, and its rapid
transformation into thermal energy (known Foucault currents) occurs in metals. For these reasons
electric energy in capacitors should be kept in the dielectric layer dividing their plates, but in no
way on metal plates.
In last century the knowledge of a microcosm occurs exclusively on the basis of the charged
particles existence condition accepted by science. Due to it there is special enough and paradoxical
situation in many respects in such knowledge, for example, when it is known much more about the
organization of atomic kernel and an atom, than about the organization of a molecule. Does not the
state of things really confuse physicists-theorists?
Now we quite accept an explanation of electrostatic interacting with presence of charged
particles in bodies, but in fact the physical nature of magnetic interacting absolutely is not explained
and not proved in any way.
Why there are attractive force and repulsive force in magnetic field?
Assume that the magnetic field is really created by electron spins, but it absolutely does not
explain a puzzle of magnetic interacting. Keeping continuity of our thinking it is necessary to
invent again any particles for a substantiation of magnetic force.
If we with full satisfaction accept a fact as the unique truth that destruction of atom
substantially occurs because of a slight friction, and electrons, which leave this atom, begin move to
other body because of some mysterious reasons - it seems that more convincing argumentation is
necessary here.
On the one hand it is known about extraordinary strength of atoms according to liquids
incompressibility property, on the other hand the atom is presented in the form of almost absolute
emptiness in modern science. If incompressibility of liquids is explained by a plenty of atoms, it is
necessary to mean that even greater number of the atoms press on any quantity of atoms in a liquid
providing this pressure.
Assume that the atom is really built by a principle of the
solar system organization. Why
light photons cannot freely penetrate through a plate of metal? In general, nothing should interfere
with them under this theory. In this case all bodies should be transparent for light.
The invention by the human intellect
of the charged particles possessing so unique
properties, which are prescribed to them, already is on the verge between science and fantasy. In
the further, if charged particles are only human creation the science will reach an impasse in the
knowledge of the world more and more.
The offered physical model is capable to provide comprehension of electric and magnetic
processes interacting
on other principle. This model is only the first stage and the first
approximation to understanding of the processes providing these interacting. It is necessary to
work explaining, how interconnection between the molecules radiating energy in space
molecules of other body which is capable to be excited by this energy is put into effect. Definitely,
here only one point is true - videlicet, interacting should be the transformation result of one kind of
energy into other one.
In knowledge of visual environment the human thinking as a first approximation always was
aimed to realize many phenomena from the point of view of the some material particles and ether
formations existence in the nature. Thus, teachings about phlogistons, fluids, etc. were originated.
In the same historical time a necessity to explain many puzzles in the field of the electricity and
magnetism occurred. Naturally, in the spirit of the times there was also adoption of ancient Greek
philosophical idea about the charged particles capable to explain super-puzzles of bodies interacting
at a distance.
Gradually, all new and new functions were given to charged particles with evolution of
science and techniques, especially to electron. To give the ability to electron to revolve on own
axis the function of magnetic field creation was included into its duty. Thereafter, it is possible to
consider that science had invented one of kinds of the perpetuum mobile. Constant magnets operate
in many devices during many decades and their energy does not decrease at all, but it is not clear
how it is recouped. Why it is not a perpetual-motion machine?
Several decades ago the American scientists had determined that if to place a magnet in the
thermostat the magnet starts to be cooled. Here, apparently, there is direct way to connect thermal
and magnetic energy without electron's intermediary. However, it appears that it is beyond modern
science powers. How it is possible to do without electron?
However, all things look just simply enough here without electron on the basis of other
technical regularity. In ferromagnetic the magnetic energy exists always at the certain temperatures.
Thermal processes in ferromagnetic crystals lead to excitation of magnetic energy, which is also
frequency energy. It is their so favorite frequency of excitation, as well as thermal frequency. But it
is internal magnetic fields or the blast-furnace fields. The part of the internal closed magnetic fluxes
of ferromagnetic body getting in external magnetic field disintegrates and already its external
field is formed.
More powerful constant magnets are made of ferromagnetic melts. Melt is located in an
external magnetic field and its gradual cooling occurs in this field. Under the action of the external
magnetic field the basic part of ferromagnetic body crystals is formed according to a direction of
the external field. Creation of the internal magnetic fields almost is completely out of the question
and a magnet with a powerful external magnetic field is obtained.
Really, is it not a fascinating example which is capable to compete to existing views on the
magnetic energy and magnetic field nature, especially because all is simply and clearly?
One of the great thinkers of the past told that all nature surrounding us is organized very
simply, it is difficultly only to know this simplicity. This idea also should become the basic
conclusion from all above-stated reasonings.
Gering Arnold
[email protected]