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“The process of making YOU!”
Unit 9: Meiosis
Hogue BIO
Any cell that is not a reproductive cell in the
Cells in reproductive
organs (ovaries/testes)
that develop into
Gametes – sex cells
Ova  egg
Spermatozoa 
Autosomes and Sex Chromosomes
Your body cells have 23
pairs of chromosomes.
chromosomes – have the
same structure (size,
You inherit one from
each parent
Autosomes and Sex Chromosomes
Chromosome pairs 1-22
are autosomes.
Contain gene
characteristics not
related to sex
Widow’s peak, Hitchhiker’s
thumb, shape of eyebrows,
length of eyelashes, freckles,
dimples, etc.
Autosomes and Sex Chromosomes
Chromosome pair 23 are
sex chromosomes,
determining the gender in
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complete your key.
Fertilization between egg and sperm occurs in sexual
Diploid (2n) cells have two copies of every
Body cells are diploid.
Half the chromosomes come from each parent.
Fertilization between egg and sperm occurs in sexual
Haploid (n) cells have one copy of every
Gametes are haploid.
Gametes have 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome
Survival of organisms
depending on the
amount of
Majority of the time –
a rise in chromosome
numbers results in
harm, however …
sometimes a new
species can arise.
① Where are germ cells located in the human body?
② What is the difference between an autosome and a sex
③ Is the cell that results from fertilization a haploid or
diploid cell? Explain.
④ Does mitosis or meiosis occur more frequently in your
body? Explain your answer.
⑤ Do you think the Y chromosome contains genes that are
critical for an organism’s survival? Explain your reasoning.