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Machine arithmetic and associated errors
Introduction to error analysis
Class II
Last time:
• We discussed what the course is and is not
• The place of computational science among
other sciences
• Class web site, computer setup, etc.
Today’s class. Background
• Taylor Series: the workhorse of numerical
• F(x + h) =~ F(x) + h*F’(x) + h^2*F’’(x)/2!
• for x=0, sin(x+h) =~ h - (h^3)/3!, works
very well for h << 1, OK for h < 1.
What is the common cause of
these disasters/mishaps?
Patriot Missile Failure, 1st Gulf war, 1991
28 dead.
Numerical math != Math
Errors: Absolute and Relative
Two numbers: X_exact and X_approx
Absolute error of X_approx : |X_exact - X_approx |
Relative error of X_approx (usually more important):
(|X_exact - X_approx | / |X_exact|) x 100%
Example: Suppose the exact number is X1 = 0.001, but we
only have its approximation, X2=0.002. Then the relative error
is: ((0.002 - 0.001)/0.001)*100% = 100%.
(Even though the absolute error is only 0.001!)
A hands-on example:
Let’s compute a numerical derivative of
the function F(x) at x=1.0
F(x) = exp(x)
Use the definition of a derivative:
A hands-on example:
Let’s compute a numerical derivative of
the function F(x) at x=1.0
F(x) = exp(x)
Use the definition of a derivative:
F’(x) = dF/dx = lim_{h-->0} (F(x+h)-F(x)) / h
Where do the errors come from?
Defining functions in:
return exp(x); // function of interest
PRECISION exact_derivative (PRECISION x ) {
return exp(x); // its exact analytical derivative
PRECISION num_derivative (PRECISION x, PRECISION h ) {
return (f(x + h) - f(x))/h; // its numerical derivative
Show the output from
Where do the errors come from?
Two types of errors expected:
1. Truncation error. In our example - from
using only the the first two terms of
Taylor series. (We will discuss this later)
2. Round-off error which leads to “loss of
Round-off error:
Suppose X_exact = 0.234.
But say you can only keep two digits after the decimal point to
operate with X. Then X_approx = 0.23.
Relative error = (0.004/0.234)*100% = 1.7%.
But why do we make that error when doing computations?
Is it inevitable?
The very basics of the floating point
Real numbers in decimal form:
Normalized scientific notation
(also called normalized floating-point representation):
0.314159265 x 10^3
0.123654789 x 10^(-2)
0.29979245800023 x10^9
Real numbers in decimal form:
X=(+/-)0.d1d2…. x 10^n where (d1 != 0), n = integer.
d1,d2 ,…  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 (0 - not for d1)
Or X= (+/-) R x 10^n where 1/10 =< R < 1
R – normalized mantissa, n - exponent
The floating-point representation of a real number
in the binary system:
X=(+/-)0.b1b2 ….. x 2^k where b1= 1, others 0 or 1, k = integer.
Example: 1/10 = (0.110011001100110011…..) x 2^(-3)
(infinite series)
Due to a finite length of mantissa in computers:
Machine real number line
has holes.
----------|---------------------------------------------------- >
Assume only 3 significant digits are allowed for
a binary mantissa, that is possible numbers are
X = (+/-)(0.b1b2b3) x 2^k
and k are allowed to be only
k= +1, 0, or -1
What is smallest number above zero ?
Machine real number line
has holes.
----------|---------------------------------------------------- >
Assume only 3 significant digits are allowed for
a binary mantissa, that is possible numbers are
X = (+/-)(0.b1b2b3) x 2^k
and k are allowed to be only
k= +1, 0, or -1
What is smallest number above zero ?
0.001 x2^{-1} = 1/16
Largest = ?
Machine real number line
has holes.
----------|---------------------------------------------------- >
Assume only 3 significant digits are allowed for
a binary mantissa, that is possible numbers are
X = (+/-)(0.b1b2b3) x 2^k
and k are allowed to be only
k= +1, 0, or -1
What is smallest number above zero ?
0.001 x 2^{-1} = 1/16
Largest = 0.111 x 2^{1} = 7/4
Allowing only normalized floating-point numbers (b1 = 1)
we cannot represent
2/16 = 1/8
the first positive machine number = 0.100 x 2^{-1}
We have a relatively wide gap known as the hole at zero or
underflow to zero. The numbers in this range are treated as 0.
The number above 7/4 or below -7/4 would overflow to
machine +/- infinity resulting in a fatal error.
How many bits of computer memory do we need to store
the discussed above normalized floating-point numbers?
Realistic machine representation
uses 32 bit or 4 bytes
Float-point number = (+/-)q x 2^m. (IEEE-754 standard)
(IEEE ("I triple E”) - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Single-precision floating-point numbers
q 23 bits
Sign of
1 bit
Exponent integer |m| 8 bits
Largest positive number ~ 2^128 ~ 3.4 x 10^38
Smallest positive number ~ 10 ^-38
MACHINE EPSILON: smallest (+) e such that 1 + e > 1.
e = 2^(-24) ~ 5.96 x 10^(-8) ~ 10^(-7)
Errors in numerical approximations:
Exact Solution -> Approximate Solution -> Numerical approximation
No error
Truncation Error
Round-off Error
Total error = truncation error + round-off error.
Example worked out in class: numerical derivative,
F’(x) ≈ [F(x + h) – F(x)] / h
Total error ~
| F"(x)|max* h + |F(x)|max* emach / h.
due to truncating the next term
in Taylor expansion of F(x+h)
[Decrease error with decreasing h]
due to the round off error in the
difference [F(x + h) – F(x)]
[Increase error with further decrease
of h ]
Errors in numerical approximations:
Total error ~ | F"(x)|max* h + |F(x)|max* emach / h.
Assuming that the function F(x) is not pathological, F” ~ F ~ 1 at x
of interest, as in our example with F(x)=exp(x), minimum total
error occurs at h ~ sqrt (emach ).
For single precision, emach ~ 10^(-7) resulting in minimum total
error of the F’(x) in our example at h ~ 10^(-3).
For pathological functions,| F’’| or |F| may be very large, leading to
large errors (and the minimum at a different spot).