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Science 9
Unit 1 Review
Biological Diversity
1. What part of the flower produces the male gamete? Which part produces the
female gamete?
2. What is the name of the process that produces sex cells. How many cells are
produced by this process and how many chromosomes are in each cell?
3. What is the name of the process that produces body cells. How many cells are
produced by this process and how many chromosomes are in each cell?
4. What is the difference between artificial and natural selection? Give an example
of each.
5. What are 3 differences between sexual and asexual reproduction?
6. List 2 positive and 2 negative affects that human activity has on biological
7. Explain how plants can reproduce sexually and asexually.
8. Black fur color is dominant to white fur color. Draw a punnett square for a cross
between a pure bred white cat and a heterozygous black cat. List the percentages
of black and white offspring.
9. Matching
_____Broad niche
a. a change in the structure or function of a species that
makes the species better able to reproduce and survive
_____Narrow niche
b. a relationship where one organism benefits by harming
the other
c. Natural or accidental changes in genetic information
_____Structural Adaptation d. disappearance of a living species of organisms
e. a relationship where both species benefit
f. a type of asexual reproduction where a bud forms on an
organism, grows, and eventually breaks away to form a
new organism
_____Behavioral adaptation
g. a highly specialized role or characteristic activity
undertaken by an organism in an ecosystem
_____Binary Fission
h. a trait that shows a range of possibilities
i. A genetic characteristic that can be passed on from parent
to offspring
_____Continuous Variations
j. an agent that can cause changes in the genetic
information of an organism
_____Heritable Traits
k. the roles or characteristics filled by a generalist organism
l. a symbiotic relationship between 2 organism where one
organism benefits and the other neither benefits nor loses
m. the splitting of a single celled organism into 2 new
n. an inherited behavioral adaptation that helps an organism
survive in its environment
10. A male sperm unites with a female egg to produce a new individual. Some terms
to describe this process are:
The order in which these stages of development occur is:
_____, _____, _____, and _____
11. Julia collected data on the structure of the human ear from 4 members of her
class. Using the following table, which of the following terms describe lobe
a. Heritable characteristic and continuous variation
Name Type of Lobe
Attached Lobe
Free Lobe
Attached Lobe
Free Lobe
b. Heritable characteristic and discrete variation
c. Non-heritable characteristic and continuous variation
d. Non-heritable characteristic and discrete variation
12. Organism X lives in the body of organism Y. X feeds on the nutrients from the
body of Y and causes Y harm. The type of relationship described here is:
a. Mutualism
b. Parasitism
c. Symbiotic
d. Commensalism
13. Hydra is a type of organism that reproduces by developing a swelling on the side
of its body. Eventually this swelling grows tentacles and starts to feed by itself by
catching small water organisms. At this point it breaks off from the mother hydra,
floats away, and lands on a surface where it attaches and begins to grow. This
type of reproduction is known as:
Sexual reproduction
Binary fissioin
14. The giraffe has developed a long neck so that it can eat the foliage from tall trees
when small herbs and shrubs are not available. The long neck of a giraffe is an
example of:
Discrete variation
Continuous variation
Artificial selection
Artificial insemination
15. A red flower and white flower are crossed. The offspring has all red flowers.
Which of the following statements are true:
Red is a recessive trait and white is dominant
Red is a dominant trait and white is recessive
Red and white are both dominant traits
Red and white are both recessive traits
16. Some organisms like jellyfish can reproduce sexually and asexually. An
advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that sexual
Produces identical offspring
Produces more offspring
Requires only one cell division
Provides genetic variation
17. Below are 4 statements about reproduction:
w. produces variation for species
x. requires specialized reproductive cells
y. requires a large amount of energy
z. results in individuals that are genetically identical
Write the number 1 in the blank if the letter refers to sexual reproduction and the
number 2 if the letter refers to asexual reproduction.
_____ _____ _____ _____