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TITLE & CONTENTS Click below to learn more. Rome Elizabeth & Jamila Daily Life Romans are famous for their roman numerals. People of ancient Rome loved to watch chariot races and gladiator fights at the Colosseum. Men they made all the decisions, worked at jobs, and were allowed to vote. Women took care of the house and the children. Boys went to school or worked with their fathers. Girls went to school or learned how to take care of the house. The major crops in ancient Rome were olives, grapes, wheat,and barley. Roman citizens believed their city was the best run in the world. It had good laws,fine buildings, fresh water, drains that worked, cheap entertainment, and free food for the poor. boys at school Government Ancient Rome had a Republican form of government. Rome had 2 consuls that shared equal power. The consuls are similar to our United States president. The Assembly was formed of wealthy men, and it was run like our United States House of Representatives and Senate. In about 27BC, ancient Rome was then ruled by emperors.The first emperor was Augustus. Augustus Architecture Ancient Romans are known for their arches and aqueducts, which are irrigation systems. The most famous building in Rome was the Colosseum . Gladiator fights and chariot races were held there. Colosseum arches and aqueducts Agriculture The major crops in Ancient Rome were olives, grapes, wheat, and barley. The land was hot, dry, and rocky. Romans were famous for their farming techniques, which included small farms, terraced hillsides, and irrigation systems, called aqueducts. barley olives grapes Geography Rome is located on the continent of Europe. Rome is the capital city of Italy. The major body of water near Rome is the Mediterranean Sea. Religion Romans believed in gods and goddesses. a temple goddesses gods Links Click on a link below to learn more.