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Bio EOC Review Topics for DNA and Protein Synthesis
o DNA:
structure - What are the parts of a nucleotide?
sugar, acid, N-bases (and be able to identify these parts on a diagram)
A-T / T-A / C-G / G-C (complementary N-base pairing between 2 strands in
DNA molecule)
types of bonds that hold the DNA molecule together
overall shape - twisted ladder - 2 strands (double helix)
location of DNA in a cell
how DNA replicates
how its code is used to make proteins for the cell (incl. RNA and ribosomes)
o definition of a gene
o How one protein is different from another?
Importance of RNA in making proteins
Different RNA molecues – rRNA; mRNA; tRNA
Transcription, translation, replication – steps, purpose, location
Be able to use/read mRNA triplet codon chart to identify amino acids
o Differences/similarities between DNA & RNA –
# strands
type of sugar
differences in bases
phosphate groups
o Relationship between cell, nucleus, chromosomes, genes, DNA and RNA
o Mutations - definition, how they can be passed on to offspring, what causes mutations
o If each cell in your body has the same DNA, what causes you to have different cell and tissue types in
your body?
o Karyotype – be able to identify normal vs. abnormal, boy vs. girl
Bio EOC Questions for DNA and Protein Synthesis
Note: These questions may or may not be the same form or content as the questions on the EOC test. They are provided as a study guide and to help remind you of concepts that you have learned this year. 1. Sequence the following:
_____RNA arrives at the ribosomes
_____Chromosomes contain a DNA code
_____RNA gets the directions for making proteins from DNA
_____RNA acts as a messenger and moves out of the nucleus
_____RNA makes a copy of the DNA code in the nucleus
2. Sequence the following in order from smallest (#1) to largest (#6):
_____cell_____chromosomes_____nucleus _____DNA ____gene _____nucleotide
3. Sequence in order from smallest (#1) to largest (#3)
_____nucleic acid
____deoxyribose sugar
4. How many complete nucleotides shown above?
5. What process is shown above?
6. Name & explain this pattern of base pairing?
7. How many molecules result from completion of this
process? How will they compare to eachother? To the
8. What makes up a nucleotide?
9. Where does this process occur in a eukaryotic cell?
Questions 10 - 12
10. The molecule coded directly from DNA is represented by number
(1) 1
(2) 3
11. What is an example of a molecule produced by this type of process?
1. glucose 2. a fatty acid
3. glycogen
4. a protein
12 The bond labeled 5, formed between two amino acids, is known as
1. a peptide bond
2. an ionic bond
3. a hydrogen bond
4. a carboxyl bond
13. A mutation may occur in a gene as a result of the
1. synthesis of a spindle apparatus
2. loss of a nucleotide
3. loss of a nucleolus
4. replication of centromeres
Continued below…
14. The chromosomes of a person with a genetic disorder are
shown in the diagram at the right.
This genetic disorder resulted from
1. hybridization
3. nondisjunction
2. polyploidy
4. segregation
Use the information and chart below to complete questions 15 -17.
In DNA, a sequence of three bases is a code for the placement of a certain amino acid in a protein chain. The
table below shows some amino acids with their abbreviations and DNA codes.
15. Which amino acid chain would be produced by the DNA base sequence to the right?
16. Identify one environmental factor that could cause a base sequence in DNA to be changed to a different base
17. Describe how a protein would be changed if a base sequence mutates from GGA to TGA.
Answers to questions:
1. 5-1-2-4-3
2. 5-4-6-3-2-1
3. 2-3-1
4. 12
5. DNA replication
6. Complimentary base pairing — A-T and C-G
7. 2 – identical – identical
8. deoxyribose sugar – N base – phosphate group
9. nucleus
10. (1) 1
11. (4) a protein
12. (1) a peptide bond
13. (2) loss of a nucleotide
14. (3) nondisjunction
15. (3) val-glu-phe-asp-asp-thr
16. x-rays; uv radiation
17. The amino acid sequence would not be the same. The original code is for Proline and the new code is for
Threonine. This would make a whole new polypeptide sequence that would function in a different way then was