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1. In which of the following areas would soil erosion MOST LIKELY occur if they received the same amount of
A. a forest
B. flat agricultural lands
C. agricultural lands on steep slopes
D. restored prairies
2. Which is washed away MOST EASILY by erosion?
A. topsoil
B. subsoil
C. bedrock
D. magma
3. How were the Hawaiian islands formed?
A. by an earthquake
B. by volcanoes
C. by tidal waves
D. by wind erosion
4. The natural process of rocks gradually breaking up and being worn away over time is known as
A. weathering.
B. cementing.
C. sedimentation.
D. melting.
5. What causes earthquakes?
A. energy being released when crustal plates move
B. energy from a hurricane or tornado
C. energy that builds up inside a volcanic mountain
D. energy being released when erosion occurs
6. Which does NOT cause erosion?
A. water
B. sunlight
C. wind
D. ice
7. "Rivers" of water in oceans and other bodies of water are called
A. currents.
B. tides.
C. surf.
D. sandbars.
8. Water inside a rock crevice can split it apart when the temperature drops because
A. cold water dissolves rock.
B. water expands when it freezes.
C. water causes the growth of plant roots.
D. the cold makes the rock very brittle.
9. A volcanic eruption eventually produces the mountain called a volcano because
A. the crust expands due to the heat.
B. the magma pressure lifts up the crust.
C. the lava and ash collect.
D. the plate motion folds the crust.
10. When an area of Earth's surface suddenly moves, a seismograph draws wavy lines. Which of the following MOST
LIKELY happened?
A. a volcanic eruption
B. a thunderstorm
C. a nuclear explosion
D. an earthquake
11. Why are the rocks and pebbles found in riverbeds usually smooth?
A. The rocks are very old.
B. Animals in the river keep rubbing against the rocks.
C. Rivers only flow where rocks are smooth.
D. The rocks are worn smooth by rubbing against other rocks.
12. Muddy areas are usually found at the mouths of large rivers. These areas are caused by
A. decayed vegetable matter.
B. underwater volcanoes.
C. soil erosion upstream.
D. mountain building.
13. In which state would an earthquake MOST LIKELY occur?
A. Kentucky
B. Georgia
C. California
D. Oklahoma
14. What instrument does a geologist use to record the motions produced by an earthquake?
A. a seismograph
B. an anemometer
C. a spectrograph
D. an optometer
15. Major earthquakes are caused by
A. molten lava.
B. underground rivers.
C. pressures inside Earth.
D. violent weather.
16. When volcanoes erupt, they overflow with
A. molten lava.
B. oil.
C. hot water.
D. clay.
17. What causes the MOST erosion on Earth?
A. running water
B. wind
C. chemical action
D. glaciers
18. Which one of the following is MOST LIKELY to make a rock break open?
A. dew evaporating on the rock
B. tree leaves decaying on the rock
C. snow melting in a crack in the rock
D. water freezing in a crack in the rock
19. Which example shows how Earth's surface has been changed by fast-moving water?
A. earthquake
B. canyon
C. volcano
D. freshwater lake
20. What happens when layers of Earth's crust crack and move?
A. erosion
B. weathering
C. a dust storm
D. an earthquake
21. During winter's cold weather, water within cracks in rocks freezes, expands, and causes the rocks to break. This
process is called
A. weathering.
B. erosion.
C. despoiling.
D. purging.
22. Which is a device that is used to gather information about formations on the ocean bottom?
A. sonar
B. radar
D. laser
23. Which landform results when one of Earth's plates slides past another?
A. faults
B. plateaus
C. mountains
D. deltas
24. Volcanoes are formed from
A. hot gases pushing up through Earth's surface.
B. molten rock pushing up through Earth's surface.
C. large continental plates colliding with one another.
D. the rapid erosion of large mountain ranges.
25. Salina heard about chemical and physical weathering of rocks. Which of these is an example of chemical
weathering of rocks?
A. acid rain
B. ice and snow
C. tree roots
D. strong winds
26. In many farm areas, slightly hilly farmland is plowed in curves rather than straight lines. This kind of plowing is
called "contour plowing." Why is this type of plowing done?
A. to prevent loss of topsoil
B. to make crops more attractive
C. to increase safety during harvest
D. to reduce the number of insect pests in crops
The Grand Canyon is a result of which of these destructive processes?
A. earthquake
B. erosion
C. tornadoes
D. volcanoes
Which of these constructive processes results in a build up of earth material through a slow process over a long period
of time?
A. faults
B. earthquakes
C. deposition
D. volcanoes
Which constructive creation is being described below?
Tidal currents make small deposits at the mouth of a river.
A. deltas
B. weathering
C. submerged coasts
D. glacial retreat
Which of these processes caused the change in surface features resulting in Crater Lake, Oregon?
A. earthquake
B. volcano
C. weathering
D. flood control
Which process might occur in this system?
A. water erosion
B. wind erosion
C. storm systems
D. earthquakes
Which of Earth's surface features is described below?
An opening in Earth's crust through which molten lava, ash, and gases are ejected.
A. earthquake
B. hurricane
C. volcano
D. tsunami
Which is an example of a seismological study?
A. comparing the North Atlantic current to currents in the Pacific
B. evaluation of sample images of the Northwestern Pacific mantle
C. researching the geological history of Antarctic plant life
D. examination of surface features in tornado alley
Which of these is an example of a storm drain management process?
A. training marine life to detect clogged drains
B. monitoring fuel production to reduce emissions
C. removing debris from storm drain structures
D. clearing airborne pathogens from manufacturing facilities
The geological process by which material is added to a landform is called
A. sediment.
B. deposition.
C. erosion.
D. weathering.
Answer Key
1. C) agricultural lands on steep slopes
2. A) topsoil
3. B) by volcanoes
4. A) weathering.
5. A) energy being released when crustal plates move
6. B) sunlight
7. A) currents.
8. B) water expands when it freezes.
9. C) the lava and ash collect.
10. D) an earthquake
11. D) The rocks are worn smooth by rubbing against other rocks.
12. C) soil erosion upstream.
13. C) California
14. A) a seismograph
15. C) pressures inside Earth.
16. A) molten lava.
17. A) running water
18. D) water freezing in a crack in the rock
19. B) canyon
20. D) an earthquake
21. A) weathering.
22. A) sonar
23. A) faults
24. B) molten rock pushing up through Earth's surface.
25. A) acid rain
26. A) to prevent loss of topsoil
27. B) erosion
28. C) deposition
29. A) deltas
30. B) volcano
31. D) earthquakes
32. C) volcano
33. B) evaluation of sample images of the Northwestern Pacific mantle
34. C) removing debris from storm drain structures
35. B) deposition.