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Europa (Jupiter)
0 Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius discovered Europa moon
on January 8th 1610. The meaning behind the name of
Europa is “wide face”. Europa is named after the beautiful
Phoenician princess who, according to Greek mythology.
Europa moon is the sixth closest moon of the planet
Jupiter. This moon has soft and smooth surface. It has
oxygen on its surface. It is 483 million miles away from the
sun that’s why it is very cold and freezing there. It has an
average temperature of -160 degrees Celsius; at the
equator it is even colder -220 degrees Celsius. Its mass is
4.8e+22. There is frozen sulfuric on its surface. The surface
of the moon is frozen solid and brightest in the solar
system but it is very rocky underneath. It rotates 3 and half
days and also orbit in 3 and half days.
IO moon (Jupiter)
0 Io moon was first discovered by Galileo four hundred years ago,
in 1610. Io moon is the third biggest moons of Jupiter. Io moon
has a diameter of about 2262 miles (3643 kilometers) and is
made of rock. Io orbits Jupiter at a distance of about 262,094
miles ( 421,800 kilometers) from the planet. Io orbits round
Jupiter at a speed of 38,764 miles (62,423 kilometers) per hour
which is faster than the other moons. Io travels 1645,796 miles
(2650,236 kilometers) in the orbit and takes only 1.7 of our earth
days to complete a single orbit. Io is so close to Jupiter. Io, in
Greek mythology, was a princess of Argos. The radiation in Io
was so strong. Io was covered with giant volcanoes which erupt
with extreme frequency. These volcanoes spurt out large
amounts of sulfuric acid into the air which falls, causing the
beautiful reds, yellow and oranges of Io'd appearance.
Earth’s moon
0 Earth’s moon is the fifth largest moon in the solar system.
This moon is 4.5 million years. The moon is ¼ size of the
Earth. It has many things such as craters, lava plains,
mountains and valleys. Craters were formed around 3.5 to
4.5 billion years ago caused by meteor hitting the surface
of the moon. The distance from the moon to our planet is
around 384403 kilometres (238857 miles). The moon
orbit about 27.3 days. It orbits about 2,300 miles per hour.
The moon’s temperature is around 123C to 223C. If a man
weighs 82 kg in Earth he could only weigh 30 at the moon.
Deimos (Mars)
0 Deimos was discovered by Asaph Hall in 1817. The
meaning of its name is panic. This moon is one of the
smallest moons in the solar system; it is only 12.6 km (7.8
miles). Most people think that Deimos and Phobos are
asteroids’ because their irregular shape and small size.
Having small size causes lack of gravity. Because of having
lack gravity, they don’t have enough force to pull
themselves into a round shape. Deimos is much far from
Phobos. It is very far from Mars, it looks like star in the sky
most of the time. From some places in Mars you cannot see
Deimos at all. The length of year in Deimos is 1.2 days.
Phobos (Mars)
0 Phobos moon was first discovered by A.Hall, which has
been discovered on 1877. Phobos means fear. They are
small rocks left over from the birth of the planets. Phobos
is 27 km across at its widest point and has a large impact
crater on one side. It flies around mars three times in one
Martian day. Phobos may once have been asteroids that
orbited the sun between mars and jupiter. The mass of
Phobos was for about 1.063 x 1019 g. The orbit was 1.075
degrees. Phobos has no atmosphere. Phobos orbits closer
to Mars. The temperature in Phobos is -4C. In Phobos the
gravity was strange because it wasn't like a normal planet
or moon.
Iapetus (Saturn)
0 Cassini discovered Iapetus in 1671. The meaning of its
name was the son of Uranus. It is the third-largest
moon in the planet Saturn. Iapetus has one side much
darker than the other side. Iapetus is 1440 km, or 960
miles long. The temperature on its surface is -226 F0.
Iapetus orbits every 79 days. The distance from this
moon to Saturn is 3,561,300 km.
Phoeboe (Saturn)
0 Phobos moon was first discovered by A.Hall, which has
been discovered on 1877. Phobos means fear. They are
small rocks left over from the birth of the planets. Phobos
is 27 km across at its widest point and has a large impact
crater on one side. It flies around mars three times in one
Martian day. Phobos may once have been asteroids that
orbited the sun between mars and jupiter. The mass of
Phobos was for about 1.063 x 1019 g. The orbit was 1.075
degrees. Phobos has no atmosphere. Phobos orbits closer
to Mars. The temperature in Phobos is -4C. In Phobos the
gravity was strange because it wasn't like a normal planet
or moon.
Miranda (Uranus)
0 Miranda is the smallest moon in Uranus planet. Miranda
was named after the daughter of the magician Prospero in
Shakespeare's play The Tempest. This moon is made of half
rocky and half ice. In one place Miranda has a cliff that is 5
km high. Gerard Kuiper discovered this moon on February
16th 1948. Its surface area is 700 000 km2. The distance
from Uranus is 129,780 km. If you weigh 51 on Earth you
will weigh 500 newtons. Newtons is only used for special
purposes, when we really want to know how hard we push
on something because gravity is pulling on us. If that
weight is in pounds divide it by 28 to get newtons.
Juliet (Uranus)
0 Juliet is one of the anus moon. It is one of the small, inner
moons of Uranus. Its surface consists of the dark
unprocessed, carbon rich material found on the c-class of
asteroids. Juliet was discovered on 3 january 1986. it was
first discovered by Voyager science team. The gravity in
Juliet was 0.017m/s2. The mass in Juliet was 557,564kg.
The distance between Uranus and Juliet was 64,360. the
magnitude there was 21,5. the diameter in Juliet was 84.
and the orbital period was for 0.493. The named of “Juliet”
was from the play of William Shakespeare called “Romeo &
Juliet”. Moons of Uranus are named for characters in
shakespeare play and from Alexander Pope's “Rape and
Larissa (Neptune)
0 On May 1981, Harold J. Reitsma, William B.Hubard,
Larry A. Lebofsky and David J. Tholen discovered
Larissa. The meaning of Larissa in Greek mythology is
a love of Poseidon and eponymous nymph of the city
in Thessaly. The distance from Larissa to Neptune is
73,600 km. This moon is the fourth largest in
Neptune. The weight is around 0.05 kg. This moon
orbits every 13 hours and 20 minutes.
Thalassa (Neptune)
0 Thalassa, like Naiad, most likely formed from fragments of
Neptune's original moons, which were smashed by the
disturbances caused when the ice giant Neptune captured
Triton. Thalassa is unusual for an irregular moon because
it is roughly disk-shaped. Thalassa was named after a
daughter of Aether and Hemera from Greek mythology.
Thalassa is also the Greek word for sea. Thalassa was first
discovered by Voyager in August 1989. the volume of
Thalassa is 288,696 km3. The mass is
374,667,108,274,298,00 kg. The length of the orbit is for
about 0,311 earth days. The surface gravity is 0.015 m/s2.