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Our Solar System
By Logan, Seth, and Ashton
The Sun
The Sun is a huge star
The Sun is a important part of the solar system
The Sun causes seasons
The Sun is a big ball of fire
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun
It spins like a top
It is the smallest planet
It spins very slow
It gets very hot in the day
It gets cold in the night
Venus and earth are similar in size
Earth and Venus are very different
Venus is covered by layers of clouds
Venus gets very, very, hot
Earth is a very special planet
Earth rotates about once every 24 hours
Earth has one natural satellite, the moon
Earth’s atmosphere is made up of gases
The Moon
• The Moon is about ¼ the size of Earth
• The Moon reflects light from the Sun
• The Moon show’s that there is water & ice on
the Moon
• Earth ocean tides are caused by the
gravitational pull of the Moon
Mars is all the red planet
Mars is the fourth planet away from the sun
Mars has strong whirlwinds
Mars has a season similar to ours
Jupiter is the largest planet
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun
Jupiter is like a mini-solar system
Jupiter has 34 moons
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun
Saturn also has a dozens of small moons
Saturn would flout in a swimming pool
Saturn spins very, very, fast
• Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun
• Uranus seems to roll around the sun
• Uranus looks blue-green in color