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By: Madison Day
The sun is a yellow dwarf.
 The sun is 24,000 – 26,000 light years from the
Galactic centre and it takes 225-250 million years to
complete an orbit of the milky way.
Mercury has no moons.
1 year on Mercury is just 88 days.
Mecury is the smallest planet in the solar
Venus has no moons, just like Murcury.
Earth and Venus are the same size.
Some people call Earth and Venus twin
Earth is the only planet that has life on it.
Earth is mostly made of water.
Earth has 1 moon, its name is The Moon
Mars has 2 moons named, Phobos and Deimos.
Mars has the largest dust storms in the solar
From Mars the sun is half the size than it is on
Jupiter has 67 moons.
Jupiter has the shortest day of all the planets.
Jupiter orbits the Sun once every 11.8 Earth years.
Saturn has 62 moons, 5 less than Jupiter.
Saturn can be seen without a telescope.
Saturn is the flattest planet.
Uranus was discovered by William Herschel.
Uranus was discovered on March 13th, 1781.
William wanted to name his discovery
“Georgian Sidus “ after King George ///.
Neptune has 14 moons.
Neptune is made of hydrogen and helium with
some methane that makes it blue.
Neptune has 5 rings
Some stars are 600,000 times as bright as the
Stars are made mostly of hydrogen, which stars
fuse in there cores.
Stars take millions of years to completely form.
The moon causes tides on earth.
The first man on the moon was Neil
The second man on the moon was Buzz
Uranus has a moon named Ariel.
Saturn has a moon named Kari.
Pluto has a moon named Stiyx.