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Interdependency Unit 1 Study Guide
Pgs. D10-D13, D16-D17, D18-D19, D20-22
Be sure you know what the following words mean. There will be a matching
section on the test. I’ve given you a SHORT explanation.
ecosystem – living and non living being together
abiotic – Never living or alive factor in an ecosystem
biotic- Living or once living factors in an ecosystem
producers – green plants that make their own food
photosynthesis –process where green plants make their own food
consumers – organisms that eat other organisms
carnivores – consumers that eat only meat
herbivore – consumers that eat only plants
omnivore – consumers that eat both plants and animals
decomposer – break down dead organisms and waste from organisms
food chain - one path transfer of energy
food web – overlapping food chains
catastrophic event – Event causing loss or widespread destruction
symbiosis – species that form long-term close relationships with other species
commensalism –one species benefits and the other is unaffected.
mutualism – all species benefit from the relationship
parasitism - one species benefits and the other is harmed
•Put the following factors in an ecosystem under the proper heading:
grass, flowers, mold, sunlight, cricket, water, rocks, mushroom, soil, temperature,
oak tree, fox,
•Fill in the blanks with the correct words:
Photosynthesis is the ____________________ where ____________plants make
their own _______________. They use ____________________, which is a
chemical, along with _________________, _________________, and
___________________. Chlorophyll gives them a _____________ color. Once
everything is mixed together, the green plant produces ________________ and
_________________which is given off as a waste product.
•Label if the organism is a producer, consumer or decomposer. Then
explain why it falls into that category.
Bacteria ___________________
Why _______________________________________________________
Mouse ___________________
Why _______________________________________________________
Snake ___________________
Why _______________________________________________________
Moss ___________________
Why _______________________________________________________
Grass ___________________
Why _______________________________________________________
Mushroom ___________________
Why _______________________________________________________
Yeast ___________________
Why _______________________________________________________
Cricket ___________________
Why _______________________________________________________
•Put the animals under the proper category based on what they primarily
Human, lion, squirrel, giraffe, rabbit, black rat snake, raccoon, black bear, mouse,
box turtle, spider,
• Give examples of how ecosystems change from natural causes and from
human interaction.
•Human Interaction:
•Name 3 kinds of catastrophic events that nature can produce:
•Name 3 ways that the ecosystems can change because of these events.
Symbiotic Relationships
Name two different relationships that are examples of mutualism.
Name two different relationships that are examples of commensalism.
Name two different relationships that are examples of parasitism.