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WebQuest: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Follow the directions as they lead you to use hyperlinks that share information about
characteristics about the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Write your answers in the blanks provided.
1. The Big Blue Marble Click on the Tab “Earth Stats” to answer the questions.
A. Earth is the only planet known to ___________ life.
B. Earth’s ________________ are giant landmasses.
C. __________________ is the highest of Earth’s mountains.
D. The _____________ Ocean covers more than 1/5 of the Earth’s surface and is
located between the Americas and Europe. Hurricanes often form here.
E. The _____________ Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth. It covers more surface
area than all of the landmasses combined!
Click on the tab “Size Comparison” to answer the following questions.
F. Click on each of the planets to see how they compare to Earth. Which planet is
nearly the same size as Earth? ___________
Which planet do they show that is no longer classified as a planet? __________
Share one observation about how another planet compares to Earth. _________
Read the information underneath the window about Earth to answer the
G. Protective Atmosphere: This ___________ affects Earth's long-term climate and
short-term local weather; shields us from nearly all harmful ______________
coming from the sun; and ________________ ______ from meteors as well.
2. Read the webpage about the moon and answer the following.
A. The Moon is not a ______ _______, it does not make its own light. The
moon ________ light from the Sun. If the Sun wasn't there, we wouldn't be able
to see the Moon.
B. How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth? ____________________
C. What is the only month that can go without a full moon?
D. The Lunar Cycle and label the phases of the moon as seen from the Northern
E. What other cycle is caused by the Moon’s gravitational pull?
F. What causes the moon to appear differently, resulting in the lunar cycle?
THE SUN: Read the page about the Sun and answer the following.
3. Characteristics of the Sun:
A. How many Earths could fit inside the Sun? ___________________
B. The Sun is a medium sized star. What type of star is the Sun?
C. What are the two main surface features mentioned? Sun _________ and solar
D. What is the Sun’s atmosphere called? _____________________
E. How far is the Earth from the Sun? __________________________
Complete the table by marking whether each of the following characteristics
describes the Earth, Moon, or the Sun. You may have to mark more than one
answer. The first one is done for you.
Has gravity
Is 93,000,000 miles away from Earth
Rotates on an axis
protected by an atmosphere called a
Supports life
Is the source of all energy on Earth
Has liquid water
Produces light
Revolves around the Sun
Revolves around the Earth
Rotates and revolves completely in 27
Has mountains
Has craters
Has valleys
Has frozen water
What question do you still have about space? _______________________
What resource(s) could you use to answer your question? __________________________
A. Check out these images of solar flares
B. Explore these videos from NASA