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Compound Complex
English I
What is a Compound - Complex Sentence?
A compound - complex sentence has two or
more independent clauses and at least one
dependent clause. The two or more
independent clauses must be joined by a
conjunction. The dependent clause must
start with a transitional word or phrase.
What did you just say, Ms. Kidder?
The Breakdown
independent clauses
An independent clause is a complete thought that stands by itself as a
sentence. This is a strong independent clause who don’t need no additional words.*
I like to bake cupcakes.
We need 2 or more of these for a compound - complex sentence. Here’s
I am good at baking banana bread.
* Note, the above grammar was used for comedic effect ONLY.
The Breakdown
dependent clauses
A dependent clause cannot stand alone. They usually begin with a
transitional word or phrase that links it to an independent clause.
Although, not always a healthy choice
The Breakdown
A word used to connect clauses and
Common conjunctions: and, but, or,
nor, yet, for, so.
For our example, we’ll use:
The Breakdown
transitional words or phrases
These words join two clauses together. They make a clause dependent.
Examples: after, although, as, as well as, as if, as though, than, that,
though, while, since, how, until
These probably look a little like your transition words!
In our example we are using: Although.
Let’s put that all together...
Although, not always a healthy choice, I like
to bake cupcakes, and I am good at baking
banana bread.
The Formula of Compound - Complex Sentences
transitional word or phrase
dependent clause
(2) independent clauses
compound - complex sentence
Let’s see another example
Though Mitchell prefers watching
romantic comedy films, he watched
the latest spy thriller on Netflix, and
he enjoyed it very much.
Let’s see another example
I am going to the mall because it’s
Alan’s birthday, and I’d like to buy
him a gift.
Let’s see another example...
Until he graduates, he will live in
the small apartment, but then he
will move to Ohio.