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Reasons for Exploration:
1. ________________in other parts of the world
2. New ____________________made these voyages possible
-ex. _________________________, ___________________, _________________
3. Europe wanted products from ______________without paying __________ prices (Arabs, Ottomans, & Italian city-states controlled land
4. Desire for _________& _________________
5. Desire for __________ & ____________
6. Spread _________________ (mostly Catholicism)
Nation they sailed for
Achievement/Area of Exploration
Results of Age of Exploration:
1. Established _________________ around the globe
-________________ colonized most of _____________& South ________________
-________________ colonized part of ___________ America
-Many other European nations established colonies
2. _________broke out over _____________of ________________
-French and Indian War, defeat of Spanish Armada by England
3. European nations dominated ___________people from colonized countries
4. Raw __________________ & _____________ from the ___________________ were used to make ________________________ _________
5. Age of exploration made possible by ________________________ ____________________
Commercial Revolution
Commercial Revolution: change in ways ___________ were ___________________and __________
a. Growth of ___________ within Europe
b. Increased ___________________(private property & profit making)
-banking system started
c. _________________Ocean center for ___________________ activity instead of __________________________ Sea
d. ________________________: theory that nations should ________________ overseas _________________b/c they could profit __________, silver, & raw
What did this do for nations?
1. Made them __________ and ___________________
2. With wealth, nations build large __________& ___________
3. Countries w/ colonies began _______________ (selling goods to other countries) more than they ______________ (buying goods from other countries)
4. Increase in _______________________goods increased demand for goods
Effects of Commercial Revolution
1. Western ________________ countries became ________ & __________________
Ex. England, Spain, France, & Portugal
2. __________________ were bought and sold into _______________________
3. Many Europeans began ________________ (staying) in colonies
4. European ______________ spread around the world (called cultural ___________________)
Europe encounters Africa, Asia, & the Americas
century (___________) European counties __________________each other for __________ and __________rights
-__________ companies like _______________East India Co. & ___________East Indies Co. established __________________(complete control
of product or business) on ___________
* Set up trade posts along coast of __________routing to __________
Columbian Exchange
Name 5items were exchanged from the Americas to Africa, Europe, and Asia?
What American holiday does this exchange of food remind you of?
Name 5items were exchanged from Africa, Europe, and Asia to the Americas?
-increase demand for ___________________goods & the _______________ that killed millions of natives = _____________from ____________
Exploration of Spanish & Portuguese
to explore _______________, Africa, and __________
*location near _____________was key
-Spain gained _____________________
-Portugal dominated trade in SE __________
-__________ of ________________________: Spain got ______ Americans except for what is __________today which went to ______________
Spanish colonialism
-___________________________ (Spanish explorers) were granted _____________________(the right to demand labor from Native Americans)
-____________Americans were forced to do labor on __________________________ (lg. farms using dependent labor) & in ___________,
along w/ new _______________ from Europe, such as _____________ _______, killed _________________of natives
-Spanish _____________________ & ________________(Catholicism) were forced on ______________
*_____________________ came over to _____________natives
*What was one of the major _________ crops (crops that are grown for sale) grown on ___________________ in S. America and the Caribbean
that used __________ labor?
Social Structure in Spanish Colonies
Based on hierarchy w/ Spanish on top
Portuguese Colonialism
•Began w/ Prince ___________ the ____________________
•Increased _____________from ___________ cane in ____________& discovery of __________/_________________
•Did not settle in large _________________like Spanish
•Class divisions based more on _________________ than _________
-Mixed native, African, and Portuguese
•Increase in African ___________ to work on _____________________
•____________________& ________________ beliefs of _______________ mixed with _____________________and ___________ beliefs