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APUSH Summer Assignment
Obtain a copy of The American Pageant textbook for the class.
Print out these documents.
Complete Part I by the first day of school (August 14)
Complete Part II by the third day of school (August 16/17 Depends on which period the
class ends up on)
Part I: Reading Comprehension
Over the summer you are required to read the first TWO chapters of the textbook and answer
the questions below in your notebook. The questions are inspired by the AP Curriculum
framework. Since they follow the curriculum guide, ​they are not in the order of how they appear
in the chapter, nor is a question necessarily completely answered in one part of the chapter​.
Your answers MUST be handwritten, though the questions can be printed out and pasted in
your notebook before or after the questions. Your answers should be outline format and be
multiple sentences in length (though it is understandable that some questions are answered
more succinctly than others).
**You might not find very thorough answers to every single question. That is okay! I’d rather you
read and do your best to answer the questions (and talk with other students) then to try to just
look up the answers online.
Part II: Historical Thinking Skills
Students will need to turn in the following five documents (all included with this packet) on the
second day of class (students should use their textbook to complete ALL activities):
1. the Venn Diagram “Comparing and Contrasting European and American Indian Culture”
2. the “Content Frame on Causes and Consequences of Exploration”
3. the “Map of North America”, labeled with the following information:
● immigration routes of the First Americans
● location of major tribes (e.g., Wampanoag, Mohican, Pequot, Iroquois, Shawnee,
Potawatomi, Ottowa, Chippewa, Menominee, Apache, Cherokee, Creek,
Comanche, Huron, Algonquian, Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Nez Perce, Caddo,
Ute, Hopi, and Inuit)
● ways of life for the major tribes
● Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, Ohio River
4. Worksheets: “Interpretation: Pueblo Revolt” and “Interpretation: Assessment of
Part I: Reading Comprehension
Chapter 1: New World Beginnings
Essential Understanding #1:​ As native populations migrated and settled across the vast
expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies
by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.
Support the concept and essential understanding by answering the following questions:
A. How did the cultivation of a certain crop (name the crop) result in the diversification of
societies in North America? (Pages 6-8)
B. What were the societies in the Northwest and some areas of California like? Be sure to
name a tribe to illustrate your information. (8-10)
C. What were the societies of the Great Basin and Great Plains like? (8-10)
D. What were the societies in the Northeast, Mississippi River Valley, and along the Atlantic
seaboard like? Be sure to name various tribes to illustrate your information. (8-10)
Essential Understanding #2: ​Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans
resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on
both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated
intense social, religious, political and economic competition and changes within European
Support the concept and essential understanding by answering the following questions:
A. Why did the European nations want to explore and conquer? (10)
B. How and why did the population in Europe change after the discovery of the new world?
C. How did improvements and technology and changes to trade cause changes to the
economies of Europe and the Americas? (11-12)
Essential Understanding #3: ​The Columbian Exchange and development of the Spanish
Empire in the Western Hemisphere resulted in extensive demographic, economic, and social
Support the essential understanding by answering the following questions:
A. What were the health impacts of Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas?
How did the crops and livestock the Spanish introduced change the ways of life for the
Native Americans? (14-15, 20)
B. How did the Spanish use native labor in their colonies? Name and explain the economic
system the Spanish put in place in its North American colonies. (17)
C. Explain how the Europeans obtained slaves from West Africa. How did they use these
slaves in the New World? (12, 15)
D. Describe the social structure/hierarchy of the Spanish colonies. (Not answered in these
Essential Understanding #4:​ In their interactions, Europeans and Native Americans asserted
divergent worldviews regarding issues such as religion, gender roles, family, land use, and
Support the essential understanding by answering the following questions:
A. Describe the early interactions between Europeans and Native Americans? What are
some examples of how Europeans and Native Americans positively influenced each
other? (14-15, 30)
B. Why did the Europeans relationship with Native Americans change? Provide examples
of how the Natives responded. (20-21, 29)
C. Describe the debate among European religious and political leaders about how
non-Europeans should be treated. How did Europeans justify their subjugation of
Africans and American Indians? (22)
Chapter 2: The Planting of English America, 1500-1753
Directions: As you read chapter 2, consider the guiding task. I have filled in the major terms
(events, people, things, movements, etc.) that should be in your notes. You need to explain
each of the terms and relate it to the task. (Tip: At least of your bullet points under the term
should be a definition - What is it? And another bullet point should directly relate to the task Why is it important in answering the task?)
1. Explain why England was slow to enter the colonization race and what factors finally led it to
launch colonies in the early seventeenth century. (Pages 24-27)
- Protestant Reformation/Ireland (Example from Torres)
- In England, King Henry broke with the Roman Catholic Church
- This break caused competition with Spain, which already had a huge New World
- (not as directly related, but helpful) The war with Catholic Ireland helped prepare
English soldiers with horrific “anti-savage” attitudes
- Roanoke Island
- Spanish Armada’s Defeat
- English Nationalism: Elizabeth I and self-confidence
- Social conditions: enclosure, population, primogeniture
- Joint-stock company
2. Describe the development of the Jamestown colony from its disastrous beginnings to its later
- Virginia Company and its charter
- Jamestown’s struggles, John Smith, Pocahontas, continued disease
- Tobacco
3. Describe the cultural and social interaction and exchange between English settlers and
Indians in Virginia and the effects of the Virginians’ policy of warfare and forced removal on
Indians and whites.
- First Anglo-Powhatan War and “Irish Tactics”
- Continued fighting
- Second-Powhatan War and peace terms
- Reasons for Powhatan’s loss
- Cultural changes (Horse, disease, firearms
4. Compare the tobacco-based economic development of Virginia and Maryland with South
Carolina’s reliance on large-plantation rice-growing and African slavery based on West Indian
- Virginia
- Tobacco and its effect on land and labor
- Representative government and royal colony
- Maryland
- Goal of colony (Catholic)
- Land ownership and tension
- Labor
- Religious tolerance
- West Indies
- Sugarcane: costs of farming in terms of land and labor
- Slave labor
- Barbados Slave Code
- Movement of settlers to Carolinas
- South Carolina
- Relationship with West Indies
- Enslavement of Native Americans
- Rice and West African Slaves
- Tension with Spanish Florida
- North Carolina
- Settlers from Virginia (squatters)
- Reputation
- Relations with natives (Tuscarora War and Yamasee Indians)
- Georgia
- Reason for founding
- Oglethorpe, slavery, and prisoners
- Growth
- Similarities between plantation economies
- Agricultural exports
- Lack of cities
- Religious toleration and Church of England
- Westward Settlement
AP U.S. History - 6 - Summer Assignment
Compare and contrast European and American Indian Culture
AP U.S. History - 7 - Summer Assignment
Causes for Exploration
Characteristics of Exploration
Consequences of Exploration
AP U.S. History - 8 - Summer Assignment
Holland (i.e., the Dutch)
Causes for Exploration
Characteristics of Exploration
Consequences of Exploration
800 mi.
800 km
AP U.S. History - 9 - Summer Assignment