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Social Studies
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Period 4
Shang Dynasty
Jillian, Eesha, Punya, Thaja, and Ishani
How did it begin?
Xia Dynasty grows weak
King Tang attacks
Tang overthrows Xia dynasty and takes power
What happened during this dynasty to make it great?
different kings ruled throughout
All of the kings ruled from succession
All ruled from different capitals because the Shang family moved it often for protection
from invaders and floods
Were there any famous rulers?
King Tang
-Killed anyone who disobeyed him
-If you disobeyed him he would not only kill you but also your family
King Dixing
-Fierce man
-Drank alcohol
-Demanded luxury
King Zhou (yes he was one of their kings and he wasn’t from the Zhou dynasty)
-Known to be the worst king in ancient China history
Caused people to fight him
What Were Some of their Achievements?
_______ age
Predicted the future with oracle bones
Invented the first writing system
First to do elaborate/spiritual rituals
Calendar based on the phases/cycles of the _______
Strongest dynasty in the Huang He Valley
Worked with ______
Had ________
Their population was about 13.5 million people
The year was 365 ¼ days long
Had ________on diseases
Steppe- like war chariots
Invented the yoke(stick that carries farm items), harness, and spoked wheel
Industrialized bronze casting used for rituals, wine, food, weapons, and tools
If They Were So great, What Caused their Demise?
Zhou dynasty lived in the North of Anyang
Attacked the Shang dynasty when they got the chance
Took the power when the dynasty was weak under the last king
Fought in the battle of ________ against the _____ army and lost
King immolated(burnt/killed) himself
What about some fun facts?
Sometimes referred to as the “Cradle of Chinese Civilization”
Often called China’s first _________
First to use chopsticks and bowls
Used _______ shells as their currency
Used oracle bones to help in law cases
People believed in reincarnation, could be reunited with ancestors
____ is made