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International Marketing 国际市场营销 Chapter 1. The nature of international marketing Students already familiar with the rudiments of general marketing theory know that marketing is far more than selling: profitability and added shareholder value are the ultimate aim of all marketing pursuits. Marketing is a collection of activities, including advertising, public relations and sales promotions, marketing research and new product development, package design and merchandising, personal selling and after-sales service, and the determination of selling prices. Seven ”P” 1:Promotion—including advertising, merchandising, public relations, and the control and deployment of sales staff; 2: Product—design and quality of output, assessment of consumer needs, choice of which products to offer for sales, after-sales service and policies for customer care; 3: Price—choice of pricing strategy, prediction of competitors’ responses; 4: place—selection of distribution channels, transport arrangements. 5: people—the people who are in regular contact with the customers, and whose activities represent the company to the outside world. 6: process—the sequence of events involved in delivering the product’s benefits to the consumers. 7:physical evidence—the tangible proof that the product has been delivered and consumed. Differences between domestic marketing and international marketing Domestic marketing ☆; International marketing★ ☆ Researching data is available in a single language and is usually easily accessed . ★ Research data is generally in foreign languages and may be extremely difficult to obtain and interpret. ☆ Business is transacted in a single currency ★Many currencies are involved, with wide exchange rate fluctuations. ☆Head office employees will normally possess detailed knowledge of home market ★Head office employees might only possess an outline knowledge of the characteristics of foreign markets. Differences between domestic marketing and international marketing Domestic marketing ☆; International marketing★ ☆Promotional messages need to consider just a single national culture. ★Numerous cultural differences must be taken into account. ☆Market segmentation occurs within a single country. ★Market segments might be defined across the same type of consumer in many different countries. ☆Communication and control are immediate and direct. ★International communication and control may be difficult. Differences between domestic marketing and international marketing Domestic marketing ☆; International marketing★ ☆Business laws and regulations are clearly understood. ★ Foreign laws and regulations might not be clear. ☆Business is conducted in a single language. ★Multilingual communication is required. ☆Business risks can usually be identified and assessed. ★Environments may be so unstable that it is extremely difficult to identify and assess risks. Differences between domestic marketing and international marketing Domestic marketing ☆; International marketing★ ☆Planning and organizational control systems can be simple and direct ★ The complexity of international trade often necessitates the adoption of complex and sophisticated planning, organization and control systems. ☆Functional specialization within a marketing department is possible ★International marketing managers require a wide range of marketing skills. ☆Distribution and credit control are straightforward. ★Distribution and credit control may be extremely complex. Domestic marketing ☆; International marketing★ ☆Selling and delivery documentation is routine and easy to understand. ★Documentation is often diverse and complicated due to meeting different border regulations. ☆Distribution channels are easy to monitor and control. ★Distribution is often carried out by intermediaries, so is much harder monitor. ☆Competitors’ behaviour is easy predicted ★Competitors’ behaviour is harder to observe, therefore less predictable. ☆New product development can be geared to the needs of the home market. ★New product development must take account of all the markets the product will be sold in. Reasons for Marketing Abroad 1. Economies of scale and scope and “experience curve” effects resulting from increased outputs; 2. The existence of lucrative markets in foreign countries that are not available at home. 3. Saturated markets in the home country. 4. Response to incoming competitive activity. 5, Today, new product development typically requires so much expenditure that in many cases firms intending to introduce new products must adopt an international perspective. 6, The higher turnover derived from international sales might enable a firm to initiate new product research and development that in the long term will give it a competitive edge. 7, Corporate plans can be anchored against a wider range of international opportunities. 8. There might be less competition in some foreign markets. 9. A sudden collapse in market demand in one country may be offset by expansion in others. 10. Opportunities may be afforded by new trade agreements between nations, or by the opening up of new markets in countries that were previously closed to imports. An example of this is the gradual opening up of trade with China. 11. Consumers in some foreign markets might be wealthier than consumers in the firm’s own country. Internationalization Model According to the Uppsala model, firms go through the following stages: 1. Exporting ,usually indirectly and often opportunistically or passively. 2. Acting exporting. 3. Directing exporting. 4. Establishing a sale office in the overseas country 5. Establishing warehouse facilities in the overseas country. 6. Assembly or manufacture overseas. 7. Establishing a subsidiary overseas. 8. Full multinational status, with autonomous branches in other countries. 9. Global status, sourcing raw materials wherever convenient, manufacturing where most convenient, and seeking out market segments that cross national boundaries. The environments of international marketing All marketing activities occur within legal, economic, cultural, political and other environments to which strategies and policies must relate. Marketers need to operate within the constraints of this environment, and in the case of international marketing there will be more than one environment constraining the company at any one time. Cultural factors Market demand Political system Sociodemographic environment International business Technology of the distribution system Coping with environmental change Most of the firm’s environments have to be taken as they are and cannot be controlled, yet they have profound consequences for marketing management. Thus procedures are needed for the speedy identification of fresh market opportunities resulting from environmental change. A two-step procedure for scanning environments and coping with environmental change is necessary. ☻First, the firm should predict the external changes that might occur and then detail: how the organization would be affected by them and how it should respond. ☻ Second, it should list the business’s major functions, followed by an outline of all environmental factors likely to affect these functions. Unfortunately there is a huge number of external variables that might affect a firm ‘operations, creating the danger that some important variables maybe overlooked. 案例:欧洲寒流袭击又遭“断气” 1月7日,受到来自西伯利亚和北欧的冷空气影响, 欧洲主要地区连日来受到一股寒流侵袭,东部和中部主要 地区录得摄氏零下31度至零下10度低温,连日来有10多 人冻死,空中和陆路交通受阻。 欧盟国家约四分之一的天然气从俄罗斯进口,其中约 80%经由乌克兰境内管道输送。由于在2009年天然气供 应价格和过境费等问题上未能达成协议,俄罗斯天然气工 业股份公司元旦日切断了对乌克兰的天然气供应。以乌克 兰“偷气”为由,俄罗斯周三完全切断了经由乌克兰输往 欧洲的天然气,造成众多欧盟成员国面临愈来愈严峻的天 然气短缺局面。也让欧盟对这两国可靠能源伙伴的身份产 生强烈怀疑。 俄方此前称乌方盗取的天然气占俄全部过 境天然气的15%,约为8600万立方米。俄 气总裁米勒此前曾计算指出,如果乌克兰 继续盗取俄过境天然气,那么乌欠俄气的 债务可能会由2008年的6.14亿美元增至10 亿美元。而乌方则称俄方选择的输气路线 “技术上不可实现”,双方互不相让各执 一词,直到两国总理会面才解决问题。 (俄罗斯总理普京和乌总理季莫申科 ) 双方达成协议,俄供乌天然气售价将以欧洲 价格标准为基准执行,但乌方今年可享受20%折 扣,同时,乌方今年继续按去年议定的优惠标准 向供欧天然气收取“过境费”。 在经过艰苦谈判和相互妥协后,俄罗斯天然 气工业股份公司(俄气)当地时间1月19日晚与 乌克兰石油天然气公司(乌石气)在莫斯科签署 了2009年至2019年的天然气合同。这项合同的 签订表明,持续了一段时间的俄罗斯和乌克兰之 间的天然气纠纷终于得到解决,受到断气煎熬的 十多个欧洲国家恢复天然气供应。 The Americas:NAFTA The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)took effect on January 1994 and will eliminate all tariffs and trade obstacles between member countries by 2009. Internal tariffs on a large number of product categories were removed immediately. NAFTA is unique as a trading bloc in that it brings together two of the world’s most affluent countries (Canada and the United States) with Mexico, a poor and economically underdeveloped country. EUROPE: West European Integration The West European market is dominated by the European Union and, in particular, by a golden triangle’ (roughly within the area enclosed by Liverpool, Cologne and Paris) that contains 60 per cent of the entire EU population, but with a land mass smaller than the United Kingdom. The Union itself consists of 15 countries, which together represent one of the largest and most affluent integrated trading groups in the developed world. 欧盟27个成员国的名单 奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德 国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷 兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典和英国 2004年5月1日入盟的10个东欧国家:匈牙 利、波兰、捷克、斯洛文尼亚、斯洛伐克、 爱沙尼亚、立陶宛、马耳他、塞浦路斯 2007年1月1日罗马尼亚和保加利亚加入欧 盟,总人口达到4.8亿 ASIA PACIFIC The Pacific Ocean touches so many countries, including all of Oceania, Southern Asia, China, the West Coast of the United States and ,of course, Japan. ♣ The four dragons: China’s HongKong, Singapore, South Korea and China’s Taiwan. ♣ Emerging industrial countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand ,plus Vietnam. What is the Third Would The first problem is to define the meaning of the term” Third World”. Initially it was used to distinguish the rest of the world from the “First World” (Europe) and the “New World” of North America. Today, however, it is generally used to describe those underdeveloped economies with the severest economic problem. The difference between’ underdeveloped and developing’ countries is itself important. 花卉产业链全球化布局 优越的自然环境和低廉的人力成本,是肯尼 亚、中国、哥伦比亚等亚非发展中国家花卉种植 业崛起的关键。由于气候温和,日晒充足,这三 个国家被公认为全球最适合花卉养殖的三个地区, 而老牌种植大国荷兰由于纬度偏高,温度、日晒 等自然条件相对欠缺,不得不广泛采取温室养殖, 种植成本相对较高,因此荷兰逐渐将种植业务外 包,这也促成了发展中国家种植业务的崛起。花 卉出口正成为肯尼亚等国的重要外汇收入来源, 其中肯尼亚年出口创汇约为2.5亿美元,埃塞俄比 亚的花卉出口也达到1.25亿美元 。 提高远程交易的成功率:统计数 字表明将来花卉及植物的交易方式将 为数字化模式,在2005~2006年间, 花卉园艺贸易增长了100%,而仅 2007年,远程交易的总额就增长了 74%,目前三分之一的总交易额均是 数字化交易完成,将来10年内将增加 到80%左右。 Strategic considerations in international marketing 1: The definition of strategy The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines” strategy” in militaristic terms. Strategy, it asserts, is “the imposition upon an enemy of a place and time and conditions for fighting preferred by oneself ”. Business strategy may be similarly described. It means choosing a general direction for the firm , together with organizational designs, polices, systems and a style of management best suited for beating the competition ”in the field”. Adoption of correct strategies causes the firm to offer the right products to the right markets at the right time with the right quality and at the right price. Strategy differs from “tactics” in that, whereas strategy involves the formulation of general and wide-ranging polices, tactics concern practical methods for implementing strategic decisions. Strategy define the major overall goals of the organization. Plans state how these goals are to be accomplished. Strategy concerns ideas, creativity and grand conceptions; plans involve instrumental measures for the efficient allocation of resources. International marketing strategy derives from the firm’s overall corporate strategy and concerns such matters as product positioning, branding strategies, choice of target countries and methods for entering them, whether to use national or international media for promotional campaigns, and so on. The process of formulating and implementing strategies begins with a statement of the mission of the business, ie: its fundamental purpose, why it exists and – in the broadest terms- what it wishes to do. Mission statements cover five components: ● Purpose-- the organization’s reason for existing; ● Strategic goals-- what it wishes to achieve; ● Values--how it relates to its stakeholders; ● Standards-- organizational policies and norms of behaviour; ● Strategic pathway--the means it will use to achieve its goal Nokia values The values of our company make us different. They provide a sense of direction for consistent behaviour as employees and citizens of the world, and in our quest to be a great internet company. Through extensive employee engagement, Nokia has now created new values that reflect our business and changing environment. They act as a foundation for our evolving culture and are the basis of our operational mode. Living them every day is our shared philosophy. Engaging You For us ‘Engaging you’ incorporates the customer satisfaction value and deals with engaging all our stakeholders, including employees, in what Nokia stands for in the world. Achieving Together Achieving together is more than collaboration and partnership. As well as trust, it involves sharing, the right mind-set and working in formal and informal networks. Formulation of a competitive strategy involves an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the firm in question and of its rivals, identification of key success factors in the markets in which the business is to operate, and definition of consumer attributes, demands, attitudes and behaviour. Critical success factors are the variables that determine whether a company can beat its rivals in the market concerned. Critical success factors (1).The product: ● Fulfils a clear need ● Has many uses ● Has unique features ● Is psychologically appealing ● Can be modified easily ● Is the right quality ● Performs better than that of competitors (2).Demand for the product is: ● Growing rapidly ● Expected to continue to expand ● Concentrated in high-spending consumers ● Concentrated in high-involvement consumers ● Concentrated in easily-accessible areas (3).Delivery is: ● Fast ● Reliable ● Followed by excellent customer care ● Accompanied by attractive warranties ● Competitively priced (4).Promotion is : ● The right mix for the product’ life cycle stage within its market, the market segment itself, and corporate strategic needs. ● Geared to local tastes and preferences ● Based on a positive brand image 2008 National Export Strategy The Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) is an interagency group chaired by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. The Export Enhancement Act of 1992 established the TPCC to provide a unifying framework to coordinate the export promotion and financing activities of the U.S. Government, as well as to develop a comprehensive plan for implementing strategic priorities. State of Trade C O N C LUS I O N Several external factors have contributed to the success of U.S. exports in recent years, including the growth of foreign markets, changes in the terms of trade (i.e., exchange rates),and lower costs of conducting international business. Yet the most important factors driving U.S. exports are inherent to U.S. industry. An open and growing global economy plays to the strengths of U.S. industry as the most productive, innovative, and competitive in the world. Broadening and Deepening the Base of Exporters With slowing economic growth at home and continued strong import demand abroad, now is the time for U.S. companies to expand into foreign markets. Our goal is to engage more U.S.companies than ever in the global marketplace, by raising awareness of export opportunities and assistance. The challenge is reaching potential exporters throughout the large and diverse U.S. business community of 27.2 million firms.The solution is strategic partnerships among all stakeholders in the United States who share an interest in seeing our country continue to prosper through exports. The U.S. Government is also taking several concrete steps to make its services more accessible, especially for small companies and new exporters who most need help. Foreign Competition and Trade Promotion Assistance Most every competitor country we have reviewed identifies expansion of exporting opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as a national economic priority. TheEuropean Union is concerned that only 8 percent of its SMEs export. European research concludes that the number of exporters is the main determinant of their countries’ exporting base, and encourages governments to make broadening the number of exporters a priority. France committed to increasing the number of SMEs exporting by 50 percent. Likewise, Australia committed in 2002 to an ultimately successful campaign to double its SME exporters. Japan, South Korea, and neighboring Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have similarly identified SME exporting as an important public objective. Addressing the “SME gap” has also been a priority of the United States and a perennial priority of the National Export Strategy. The governments of our trading partners approach the issue from different perspectives. Some subsidize financing and market entry programs for new exporters. Others have created umbrella agencies that combine industry, finance, trade policy, and trade promotion under one roof. None of these approaches is suited to the U.S. style of governance, which looks to maximize and complement the role of public and private partners. It is important to know, however, what we are up against in the competitive global marketplace. 日刊:亚洲三国将成未来投资热点 著名投资大师吉姆·罗杰斯(资料图) 著名投资大师吉姆·罗杰斯(资料图) Michael Porter provided a framework that models an industry as being influenced by five forces. The strategic business manager seeking to develop an edge over rival firms can use this model to better understand the industry context in which the firm operates. Chapter3,International Marketing Research Many firms do little research before they enter a foreign market. Often, decisions concerning entry and expansion in overseas markets and selection and appointment of distributors are made after a cursory, subjective assessment of the situation. The research done is often less rigorous, less formal , and less quantitative than for domestic activities. Furthermore, once a firm had entered a foreign market, it is likely to discontinue researching that market. A major reason why managers are reluctant to engage in international research is their lack of sensitivity to differences in culture, consumer tastes and market demands. Often managers assume that their methods are both best and acceptable to all others. Fortunately, this is not true. What a boring place the world would be if it were! Despite the reservations firms have, research is as important internationally as it is domestically. Firms must learn where the opportunities are, what customers want , why they want it, and how they satisfy their needs and wants so that the firm can serve them efficiently. Firms must obtain information about the local infrastructure, labor market, and tax rules before making a plant location decision. Doing business abroad without the benefit of search places firms , their assets, and their entire international future at risk. Types of data 1, Geographical parameters ♣ Total GDP ♣ GDP per capita ♣ Economic trends ♣ Balance of payments position: future foreign exchange problem. ♣ Tariff and non-tariff barriers. ♣ Exchange controls. ♣ Structure of imports by value and product. ♣ Rates of growth of imports. ♣ Growth rates of market sectors, especially those that represent attractive markets. ♣ Political stability. ♣ Government controls and attitudes towards business. ♣ Consumer expenditure by volume and product category. ♣ Rate of investment in fixed capital and industrial equipment. ♣ Wage rates by gender and occupational category. ♣ Number of doctors per 1,000 population ♣ Legal constraint on business, and internal restrictions on trade. ♣ quality of , and ease of entry to, distribution channels. ♣ Competitors’ prices. 2,Total population ♫ Proportion of population within each age range and income group. ♫ Ratio of urban to rural dwellers. ♫ Occupational breakdown of working population. ♫ Population growth rate. ♫ Lifestyle analysis. ♫ Consumer tastes ♫ Average family size ♫ Average age of dwellings by region ♫ Religious groupings ♫ Languages ♫ Literacy rates ♫ Schooling and length of time spent in education. ♫ Health care availability ♫ Mortality rates ♫ Per capita expenditure on medical products ♫ Debt collecting facilities ♫ Transport infrastructure ♫ Advertising costs