The Rise of US Antidumping Activity in Historical Perspective
... antidumping: that duties may be imposed if the exporter’s sales price is less than the foreign market value, that foreign costs of production may be calculated if the foreign market value is not ascertainable, that the dumping must be related to injury suffered by the domestic industry, that higher ...
... antidumping: that duties may be imposed if the exporter’s sales price is less than the foreign market value, that foreign costs of production may be calculated if the foreign market value is not ascertainable, that the dumping must be related to injury suffered by the domestic industry, that higher ...
Nuevos Desarrollos en Teoría del Comercio Internacional y su
... experience is growth on the extensive margin. Models need to allow for corner solutions or fixed costs. 4. Modeling the fixed costs may explain why real exchange rate data indicate that more arbitrage across countries that have a strong bilateral trade relationship. ...
... experience is growth on the extensive margin. Models need to allow for corner solutions or fixed costs. 4. Modeling the fixed costs may explain why real exchange rate data indicate that more arbitrage across countries that have a strong bilateral trade relationship. ...
... Tariff Commission routinely conducted such investigations in enforcing other trade laws, this shift appears to have been motived mainly by issues of administrative expertise. Treasury Department officials supported this change, noting that injury determination was “completely outside the ordinary sc ...
... Tariff Commission routinely conducted such investigations in enforcing other trade laws, this shift appears to have been motived mainly by issues of administrative expertise. Treasury Department officials supported this change, noting that injury determination was “completely outside the ordinary sc ...
- Applied Mathematics in engineering, management and
... from strong theory, but have a particular relationship with the activities of managers and investors. Such a classification is usually done in the marketing models and many researchers have to be brought on the basis of their research. For example Bilki (1987) created an export marketing mix theory ...
... from strong theory, but have a particular relationship with the activities of managers and investors. Such a classification is usually done in the marketing models and many researchers have to be brought on the basis of their research. For example Bilki (1987) created an export marketing mix theory ...
Plenary Session III: RCEP Impact on East Asia Investment
... 1) Conduit for effective business input into the RCEP negotiations and seek to ensure that the negotiations address business needs and priorities, and 2) Seek to ensure RCEP negotiations stay on track to deliver the high level of ambition outlined by Leaders in their Joint Declaration and endorsed b ...
... 1) Conduit for effective business input into the RCEP negotiations and seek to ensure that the negotiations address business needs and priorities, and 2) Seek to ensure RCEP negotiations stay on track to deliver the high level of ambition outlined by Leaders in their Joint Declaration and endorsed b ...
Export and domestic sales: their interrelationship and determinants
... industry or country) levels. At the macro level, an abundant international trade literature addresses issues such as comparative advantage, patterns of trade, gains from trade, and government policy (for reviews see Helpman and Krugman, 1985; Gandolfo, 1987). Scholars in this tradition see trade flo ...
... industry or country) levels. At the macro level, an abundant international trade literature addresses issues such as comparative advantage, patterns of trade, gains from trade, and government policy (for reviews see Helpman and Krugman, 1985; Gandolfo, 1987). Scholars in this tradition see trade flo ...
Macroeconomic Implications Of Capital Inflows In India :
... rate and exports follows an I(1) process, current account balance is the only variable that follows I(0) process. Cointegration test shows the presence of long run relationship between a few pair of variables. The Granger causality test shows the unidirectional from private foreign capital to nomin ...
... rate and exports follows an I(1) process, current account balance is the only variable that follows I(0) process. Cointegration test shows the presence of long run relationship between a few pair of variables. The Granger causality test shows the unidirectional from private foreign capital to nomin ...
This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from... Bureau of Economic Research
... model). In fact, as the empirical analysis of Chapter 7 strongly indicates, overvalued exchange rate regimes in Phase II are generally associated with relatively poor export performance (and hence presumably with relative underexpansion of exportable production). It then follows that, insofar as ove ...
... model). In fact, as the empirical analysis of Chapter 7 strongly indicates, overvalued exchange rate regimes in Phase II are generally associated with relatively poor export performance (and hence presumably with relative underexpansion of exportable production). It then follows that, insofar as ove ...
Place marketing, strategic planning and competitiveness: The case
... to a certain degree, as in many cases, and because of the peculiarity of place marketing and the lack of know-how, problems arouse which concern the analysis of the internal and external environment of places, the specific definition of the potential target markets as well as the presentation of a c ...
... to a certain degree, as in many cases, and because of the peculiarity of place marketing and the lack of know-how, problems arouse which concern the analysis of the internal and external environment of places, the specific definition of the potential target markets as well as the presentation of a c ...
The Effect of Exchange Rate Movements on Heterogeneous Plants
... a reduction in the scale of production, causing a reduction in plant productivity if the production technology exhibits increasing returns to scale. Moreover, appreciations make it more difficult for domestic plants to compete in export markets, which can reduce the scale of production for exporters ...
... a reduction in the scale of production, causing a reduction in plant productivity if the production technology exhibits increasing returns to scale. Moreover, appreciations make it more difficult for domestic plants to compete in export markets, which can reduce the scale of production for exporters ...
News framing, pre-existing schemas and public opinion on
... other editorial criticized modern free traders in the U.S. for highlighting only bright lines of international trade without paying any attention to job loss, trade deficits or depreciation of dollars and suggested that unbridled free trade was not in the national interests of the United States (Li ...
... other editorial criticized modern free traders in the U.S. for highlighting only bright lines of international trade without paying any attention to job loss, trade deficits or depreciation of dollars and suggested that unbridled free trade was not in the national interests of the United States (Li ...
International trade in durable goods: Understanding volatility
... varieties of capital. Simulation results show that the benchmark model can successfully replicate “trade volatility” and “positive comovement”. In addition, net exports in our model are countercyclical and as volatile as in the data. So our model can match the trade sector data much better than the ...
... varieties of capital. Simulation results show that the benchmark model can successfully replicate “trade volatility” and “positive comovement”. In addition, net exports in our model are countercyclical and as volatile as in the data. So our model can match the trade sector data much better than the ...
`Green Light` Subsidies in the Wake of New Green
... all Members for particular forms of subsidies. These included certain types of research subsidies, subsidies providing assistance to disadvantaged regions, and subsidies promoting the adaptation of existing facilities to environmental requirements. These were classified into the legal category of “n ...
... all Members for particular forms of subsidies. These included certain types of research subsidies, subsidies providing assistance to disadvantaged regions, and subsidies promoting the adaptation of existing facilities to environmental requirements. These were classified into the legal category of “n ...
The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing
... industries outperformed their strictly domestic U.S. counterparts. B. Profit levels from international ventures exceed those from domestic operations for many multinational firms. C. On average, firm value is increased by global diversification. D. Companies with foreign operations find that foreign ...
... industries outperformed their strictly domestic U.S. counterparts. B. Profit levels from international ventures exceed those from domestic operations for many multinational firms. C. On average, firm value is increased by global diversification. D. Companies with foreign operations find that foreign ...
... would be restored, or, as he put it, how the loan would be transferred ‘in the form of goods’ (Wilson 1931, p. 55). His terminology is reflective of the period, but in modern parlance he is asking how, in the case of the borrower, a capital account surplus is matched by an offsetting current account ...
... would be restored, or, as he put it, how the loan would be transferred ‘in the form of goods’ (Wilson 1931, p. 55). His terminology is reflective of the period, but in modern parlance he is asking how, in the case of the borrower, a capital account surplus is matched by an offsetting current account ...
Product Placement: A Smart Marketing Tool Shifting a Company to
... Product innovation resulting not only from the association of traditional techniques with innovative designs, but also from development of new applications for traditional products. Marketing innovation including market development and new marketing methods, e. g. product placement as a new mark ...
... Product innovation resulting not only from the association of traditional techniques with innovative designs, but also from development of new applications for traditional products. Marketing innovation including market development and new marketing methods, e. g. product placement as a new mark ...
FDI Policy Instruments: Advantages and Disadvantages
... in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its fro ...
... in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its fro ...
DP2009/19 Whatever next? Export market choices of New Zealand firms
... product diversification, but in a model in which firms face increasing production costs as they move further away from their “core competencies”. Again, their model predicts greater diversification among high productivity firms and a narrowing of focus in response to trade liberalisation. A second s ...
... product diversification, but in a model in which firms face increasing production costs as they move further away from their “core competencies”. Again, their model predicts greater diversification among high productivity firms and a narrowing of focus in response to trade liberalisation. A second s ...
Smuggling and price disparity
... legal trade price.’ It is not surprising that the price effects of smuggling seem to have completely counter-balanced the price distorting effects of Indonesian trade policy during the 1960s. The realized domestic currency return to a dollar’s worth of export (both legal and illegal) during the peri ...
... legal trade price.’ It is not surprising that the price effects of smuggling seem to have completely counter-balanced the price distorting effects of Indonesian trade policy during the 1960s. The realized domestic currency return to a dollar’s worth of export (both legal and illegal) during the peri ...
Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences
... as one of the major trading nations in the world, ranking at seventeenth place. The Malaysian economy is dependent on external trade, and through a series of a five-year development plans, the country has been able to transform itself from a country that just exports rubber and tin, to being the wor ...
... as one of the major trading nations in the world, ranking at seventeenth place. The Malaysian economy is dependent on external trade, and through a series of a five-year development plans, the country has been able to transform itself from a country that just exports rubber and tin, to being the wor ...
Exchange rate movements and export market dynamics: evidence
... and the hazard of exit in their paper studying the effect of financial pressure on export market exit. Our research also makes a contribution to recent studies examining the effect of exchange rate on export volume and export price. First, a number of papers investigate the relationship between exch ...
... and the hazard of exit in their paper studying the effect of financial pressure on export market exit. Our research also makes a contribution to recent studies examining the effect of exchange rate on export volume and export price. First, a number of papers investigate the relationship between exch ...
... when they are assigned to a specific activity. As a consequence, decisions on the allocation of such resources to specific activities tend to depend not on actual relative prices, but on their perceived sustainable values. This being so, it is not at all clear that we should expect the allocation of ...
... when they are assigned to a specific activity. As a consequence, decisions on the allocation of such resources to specific activities tend to depend not on actual relative prices, but on their perceived sustainable values. This being so, it is not at all clear that we should expect the allocation of ...
Preview Sample 2
... Russian population's increased demand for meat. Diff: 2 LO: 2.2: Explain how both international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and economic communities and individual country regulations facilitate and limit a firm's opportunities for globalization AACSB: Application of Kno ...
... Russian population's increased demand for meat. Diff: 2 LO: 2.2: Explain how both international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and economic communities and individual country regulations facilitate and limit a firm's opportunities for globalization AACSB: Application of Kno ...
International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and
... wrote about political economy. For individuals as diverse as Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Marx, the economy was eminently political and politics was obviously tied to economic phenomena. Few scholars before 1900 would have taken seriously any attempt to describe and analyze politics and ec ...
... wrote about political economy. For individuals as diverse as Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Marx, the economy was eminently political and politics was obviously tied to economic phenomena. Few scholars before 1900 would have taken seriously any attempt to describe and analyze politics and ec ...
No.314 / January 2010 External Imbalances and Fiscal Policy Philip R. Lane
... be associated with an increase in external debt. For instance, Ganelli (2005) and Kumhof and Laxton (2009) provide models in which households have …nite horizons, such that a debt-…nanced tax cut increases the wealth of currently-alive cohorts, boosting consumption and generating a current account d ...
... be associated with an increase in external debt. For instance, Ganelli (2005) and Kumhof and Laxton (2009) provide models in which households have …nite horizons, such that a debt-…nanced tax cut increases the wealth of currently-alive cohorts, boosting consumption and generating a current account d ...