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Terms and Cases
Module V
Chapter V, Article IV – The
Federal System
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857): Declared that
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819): Ruled that
African Americans were not, and could not be,
American citizens. This case, which also
invalidated the Missouri Compromise of 1820,
helped serve as a catalyst to the Civil War and
was overturned by the Fourteenth Amendment.
Congress had the implied power to establish a
national bank and that the state of Maryland had
no authority to tax it.
Terms -Article IV – The Federal
Extradition: The process by which states return a fugitive back to
the state from which such a fugitive fled in order that such an
individual may be tried for crimes committed or alleged to have
been committed there. The provision for extradition is found in
Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Federalism: A governmental system in which power is divided
between state and national authorities. In such systems, powers are
almost always delineated by a written constitution, and both state
and national governments have powers—as, for example, through
taxation—to operate directly upon individual citizens
Fugitive Slave Clause: A provision found in Article IV, Section 2 of
the Constitution requiring that states shall deliver persons “held to
Service or labor in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into
another.” Friction over this clause was particularly intense in the
period leading up to the Civil War.
Terms -Article IV – The Federal
Full Faith and Credit: Obligation from each State to
another to recognize “public acts, records and judicial
Guarantee Clause: The provision in Article IV, Section
4 of the Constitution providing that the United States
shall guarantee each state a republican, or
representative, form of government..
Privileges and Immunities Clause: The provisions in
Article IV, Section l and in Section 1 of the Fourteenth
Amendment, which provide that states must treat
citizens of other states as they would their own.
Terms -Article IV – The Federal
Republican Government: A form of
indirect, or representative, democracy,
defended by James Madison and other
American founders as superior to pure
Unitary Government: A governmental
system in which primary powers rest with
the central government.