... Jefferson, James Madison, John Jay, George Mason, Roger Sherman, and James Wilson, on the development of the U.S. government.[USG.1D] October 2014 ...
... Jefferson, James Madison, John Jay, George Mason, Roger Sherman, and James Wilson, on the development of the U.S. government.[USG.1D] October 2014 ...
Administrative Federalism as Separation of Powers
... the reach and preemptive effect of federal policies (along the federalism dimension) can indirectly influence how national law is made and checked by the federal branches (along the separationof-powers dimension). Take, for example, the administrative federalism proposal that would require agencies ...
... the reach and preemptive effect of federal policies (along the federalism dimension) can indirectly influence how national law is made and checked by the federal branches (along the separationof-powers dimension). Take, for example, the administrative federalism proposal that would require agencies ...
Legislative Process and Intent in Justice Scalia`s Interpretive Method
... authority and responsibility of the Supreme Court..... congressional interpretations are of enormous importance-of greater importance, ultimately, than those of the Supreme Court.2 However, while Congress is the primary branch which maintains constitutional integrity, it does not have absolute autho ...
... authority and responsibility of the Supreme Court..... congressional interpretations are of enormous importance-of greater importance, ultimately, than those of the Supreme Court.2 However, while Congress is the primary branch which maintains constitutional integrity, it does not have absolute autho ...
Ali v. Rumsfeld - Case Western Reserve University School of Law
... of customary international law ("CIL")? Ali v. Rumsfeld,1 the landmark lawsuit brought by the ACLU and Human Rights First against Donald Rumsfeld, squarely presents this important question, which has never been resolved by any court. By alleging that Secretary Rumsfeld violated CIL prohibitions agai ...
... of customary international law ("CIL")? Ali v. Rumsfeld,1 the landmark lawsuit brought by the ACLU and Human Rights First against Donald Rumsfeld, squarely presents this important question, which has never been resolved by any court. By alleging that Secretary Rumsfeld violated CIL prohibitions agai ...
Pathways to Fulfillment of Commitments in US Foreign Policy
... A second way in which commitments may become inconvenient is that a new government may come into power. In 1818 and 1827 the United States had made conventions with Great Britain governing the Oregon Territory. However, in 1844 James K. Polk successfully won the Presidency on the slogan, "Fifty-four ...
... A second way in which commitments may become inconvenient is that a new government may come into power. In 1818 and 1827 the United States had made conventions with Great Britain governing the Oregon Territory. However, in 1844 James K. Polk successfully won the Presidency on the slogan, "Fifty-four ...
... achieved policy significance through the work of agenda entrepreneurs (including congressional experts, lobbyists, journalists, and the Justices themselves).12 Part II also investigates factors associated with economics, politics, and legal reform that may increase the likelihood that a Supreme Cour ...
... achieved policy significance through the work of agenda entrepreneurs (including congressional experts, lobbyists, journalists, and the Justices themselves).12 Part II also investigates factors associated with economics, politics, and legal reform that may increase the likelihood that a Supreme Cour ...
The Positive Political Theory of Law - SIEPR
... Legal Realism is a broad category of schools of legal thought. All positive Realist legal theories regard law as made by humans to serve the objectives of those who make law, and all normative Realist theories evaluate law according to the extent to which it conforms to some version of a liberal the ...
... Legal Realism is a broad category of schools of legal thought. All positive Realist legal theories regard law as made by humans to serve the objectives of those who make law, and all normative Realist theories evaluate law according to the extent to which it conforms to some version of a liberal the ...
- ScholarlyCommons - University of Pennsylvania
... Representatives. In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, polarization and partisanship have risen on Capitol Hill, only to be exacerbated by the impact of Newt Gingrich and the 1994 Republican Revolution. As a result of this increased polarization and partisanship, members of Congress are less ab ...
... Representatives. In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, polarization and partisanship have risen on Capitol Hill, only to be exacerbated by the impact of Newt Gingrich and the 1994 Republican Revolution. As a result of this increased polarization and partisanship, members of Congress are less ab ...
The Purposes of Framework Legislation
... determine pay increases for legislators, federal judges and high-level political appointees. In 1967, Congress established an independent commission with members appointed by all three branches, to periodically recommend salary increases for legislators, federal judges and high level executive branc ...
... determine pay increases for legislators, federal judges and high-level political appointees. In 1967, Congress established an independent commission with members appointed by all three branches, to periodically recommend salary increases for legislators, federal judges and high level executive branc ...
Between Reconstructions: Congressional Action on Civil Rights
... rule in the South, which lasted into the 1960s. Thus, as black Americans entered the twentieth century, their fortunes had changed considerably in a few short decades. They had gone from a state of slavery, to a state of political equality with whites, to a state of semi-citizenship in less than two ...
... rule in the South, which lasted into the 1960s. Thus, as black Americans entered the twentieth century, their fortunes had changed considerably in a few short decades. They had gone from a state of slavery, to a state of political equality with whites, to a state of semi-citizenship in less than two ...
Journal of History and Social Science
... that’s why were making this government, along with rules and laws. The General Courts of Connecticut and Massachusetts Bay granted authority for local government collectively to the people who established the town. In Connecticut, for example, John Wareham and Thomas Hooker put forth the Fundamental ...
... that’s why were making this government, along with rules and laws. The General Courts of Connecticut and Massachusetts Bay granted authority for local government collectively to the people who established the town. In Connecticut, for example, John Wareham and Thomas Hooker put forth the Fundamental ...
The Lawfulness of the Reconstruction Amendments
... which those governments had been created.The other objection is that some or all of the southern ratificationswere extorted from the states through unlawfulfederal threats. This Article reviews the relevant history and discusses legal rationalesunder which the constitutionalamendments were valid eve ...
... which those governments had been created.The other objection is that some or all of the southern ratificationswere extorted from the states through unlawfulfederal threats. This Article reviews the relevant history and discusses legal rationalesunder which the constitutionalamendments were valid eve ...
Beyond the Zone of Twilight: How Congress and the
... Alissa C. Wetzel, Beyond the Zone of Twilight: How Congress and the Court can Minimize the Dangers and Maximize the Benefits of Executive Orders, 42 Val. U. L. Rev. 385 (2007). ...
... Alissa C. Wetzel, Beyond the Zone of Twilight: How Congress and the Court can Minimize the Dangers and Maximize the Benefits of Executive Orders, 42 Val. U. L. Rev. 385 (2007). ...
Congress and Civil Rights: The Demise of Reconstruction, 1871-1877
... this challenge with a somewhat smaller majority in the 42nd Congress – and, as time would tell, without the intra-party unity they had enjoyed on enforcement legislation to that point. The Fourth Enforcement Act The legislation that would become the Fourth Enforcement Act (or Ku Klux Klan Act of 18 ...
... this challenge with a somewhat smaller majority in the 42nd Congress – and, as time would tell, without the intra-party unity they had enjoyed on enforcement legislation to that point. The Fourth Enforcement Act The legislation that would become the Fourth Enforcement Act (or Ku Klux Klan Act of 18 ...
Toward a Duty-Based Theory of Executive Power
... power. This theory maintains that the Constitution seeks to instill a duty in all executive branch officers to faithfully execute the law. Conversely, the Constitution’s framers and ratifiers did not intend to empower the President to distinctively shape the law to suit his policy preferences or tho ...
... power. This theory maintains that the Constitution seeks to instill a duty in all executive branch officers to faithfully execute the law. Conversely, the Constitution’s framers and ratifiers did not intend to empower the President to distinctively shape the law to suit his policy preferences or tho ...
FINAL - Napa Valley College
... b. were not protected under international laws governing the treatment of prisoners of war. c. were not to be detained by military tribunals. d. both a and b. e. all of the above. 49. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee a. lobbies Congress on U.S.-Israeli issues, but has ...
... b. were not protected under international laws governing the treatment of prisoners of war. c. were not to be detained by military tribunals. d. both a and b. e. all of the above. 49. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee a. lobbies Congress on U.S.-Israeli issues, but has ...
Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government
... Understand limits of powers such as Budget & Impoundment Control Act of 1974 and the War Powers Resolution of 1973. Contrast and understand presidential executive orders, executive agreements, and executive privilege and give historical examples. Understand, identify, and contrast presidential power ...
... Understand limits of powers such as Budget & Impoundment Control Act of 1974 and the War Powers Resolution of 1973. Contrast and understand presidential executive orders, executive agreements, and executive privilege and give historical examples. Understand, identify, and contrast presidential power ...
Rethinking Presidential Leadership and History through a Security
... impossible to foresee, and so by laws to provide for, all accidents and necessities that may concern the public….”22 Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, and Bush all successfully claimed prerogative authority to act unilaterally in order to keep the nation safe. Despite Locke’s reflections on the ...
... impossible to foresee, and so by laws to provide for, all accidents and necessities that may concern the public….”22 Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, and Bush all successfully claimed prerogative authority to act unilaterally in order to keep the nation safe. Despite Locke’s reflections on the ...
ein nline - DiscoverArchive
... the military campaigns against the native tribes (carried out from the earliest years of the colonial period through the end of the nineteenth century). I suspect that Collier omits these last two because she supposes they were prosecuted "within" the United States. There are good reasons for challe ...
... the military campaigns against the native tribes (carried out from the earliest years of the colonial period through the end of the nineteenth century). I suspect that Collier omits these last two because she supposes they were prosecuted "within" the United States. There are good reasons for challe ...
Supreme Court and the Political Branches: Democratic Theory and
... Court constitutes "a working part of the democratic political life of the nation"'1 because the power of judicial review has been historically exercised to restrain the majority from impinging on the constitutionally designated liberties of the individual, thus to assure those ultimate values that a ...
... Court constitutes "a working part of the democratic political life of the nation"'1 because the power of judicial review has been historically exercised to restrain the majority from impinging on the constitutionally designated liberties of the individual, thus to assure those ultimate values that a ...
On October 22, 1928, presidential candidate Herbert Hoover
... standard in September 1931. Fearing the United States would do the same, foreign investors began converting their dollar assets into gold, further draining the U.S. gold supply. Corresponding with these events, significant price deflation occurred between 1929 and 1933 (see Figure 3.1). Absent a suf ...
... standard in September 1931. Fearing the United States would do the same, foreign investors began converting their dollar assets into gold, further draining the U.S. gold supply. Corresponding with these events, significant price deflation occurred between 1929 and 1933 (see Figure 3.1). Absent a suf ...
US presidents and the failure to ratify multilateral environmental
... than 33 senators support the Senate’s advice and consent, or if far fewer than 40 senators support the required enabling legislation, or if far fewer than 218 members of the House of Representatives support such legislation, then overestimating a few law makers’ willingness to support ratification w ...
... than 33 senators support the Senate’s advice and consent, or if far fewer than 40 senators support the required enabling legislation, or if far fewer than 218 members of the House of Representatives support such legislation, then overestimating a few law makers’ willingness to support ratification w ...
United States Foreign Policy - Université Toulouse 1 Capitole
... bureaucracy. The U.S. foreign policy bureaucracy can be pictured as having four issue “complexes”: diplomatic, security, economic affairs, and intelligence. Each of these issue areas has actors and agencies that are not always in agreement or on the same page. Overall, the U.S. foreign policy bureau ...
... bureaucracy. The U.S. foreign policy bureaucracy can be pictured as having four issue “complexes”: diplomatic, security, economic affairs, and intelligence. Each of these issue areas has actors and agencies that are not always in agreement or on the same page. Overall, the U.S. foreign policy bureau ...
... e. makes the president supreme in any constitutional conflicts with the other two branches. ...
... e. makes the president supreme in any constitutional conflicts with the other two branches. ...