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American Government Final Study Guide
Final Thursday May 31st
1. What are the duties of the secretary of state?
2. How are state and local judges selected?
3. Who serves the governor resigns?
4. How are state constitutions written and revised?
5. How do state constitutions and the U.S. constitution differ?
6. How long are terms for state legislators?
7. Fundamental laws of each state are contained where?
8. What is the structure of most state legislatures?
9. Who is responsible for the formal interpretation of a state’s constitutional and
statutory law?
10. What is the major function of a grand jury?
11. Why is popular election of judges supported?
12. What are the informal requirements for state legislators?
13. Why do state budgets vary greatly between states?
14. Why is city zoning often opposed?
15. What is the cause of weaknesses of county government?
16. How are counties created?
17. Why do states hold many important powers?
18. What is main purpose of a state budget?
19. What is the 1st step in typical budget process at the state & local level?
20. What is zoning?
21. What powers are reserved to the states in the US constitution?
22. Where does the case go after the decision of an appellate court is appealed?
23. Why is the turnover fairly high among state legislatures?
24. States serve the interests of ________ while counties serve the interests of _____.
25. Where does the largest source of federal revenue from taxes come from?
26. What are excise taxes?
27. Why does the US borrow money?
28. Why is the federal budget so important?
29. What results when the federal government spends more money than it takes in?
30. What is the US debt measured in?
31. What are the largest categories of federal spending?
32. What is the 1st step of preparing the federal budget?
33. What happens if the expenses of a business are more than the income earned?
34. What is a concern that socialists have about capitalism?
35. What is an advantage of a sole proprietorship?
36. What is the difference between a market economy & a mixed economy?
37. What are the arguments of people who support socialism?
38. What are the basic factors of production?
39. What is a corporation? A partnership?
40. How was the congressional power to borrow money established?
41. What limits are there for the Government to borrow money?
42. Which rights are protected in the US constitution?
43. What happens to the law of supply and demand when a company has a monopoly
over a product?
44. How would naturalization in the US differ from a non-democratic country?
45. What is original jurisdiction?
46. What was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
47. Which of the federal courts exercises both original and appellate jurisdiction?
48. Why is the Supreme Court called the high court?
49. What determines the term of office for constitutional court judges?
50. In the Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison, what precedent was
51. Why were individual rights included in the Constitution?
52. What is the term for constitutional court judges?
53. When can government limit free speech and press?
54. What right does the Free Exercise Clause give people?
55. What is seditious speech?
56. How does the government regulate assemblies?
57. What does the Due Process Clause guarantee?
58. Why must a democracy allow freedom of expression?
59. The original Bill of Rights had restrictions against whom?
60. What was developed by the Supreme Court when dividing cases involving laws
against sedition?
61. In the U.S., people can do what they want until ____________
62. What is a guarantee against double jeopardy?
63. What does the 13th amendment forbid?
64. What is needed to make an arrest lawful?
65. The 6th amendment’s guarantee of a speedy and public trial is aimed at what?
66. What does the constitution state in regards to equality?
67. How has the Federal Government helped to overcome the effects of past
68. What is the number one problem all economies must answer?
69. Who decides production of goods in the true meaning of a Communist country?
70. What is capital?
71. What is specialization?
72. What is the progressive tax rate?
73. In what ways does government influence the economy?
74. How does the U.S. government protect domestic companies?
75. What is the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy?
76. Why do consumers benefit from imports?
77. What factors slowdown economic development?
78. What economic system is driven by the interactions of buyers and sellers?
79. What are examples of entitlements?
80. What does the Gross Domestic Product represent?
81. What factors mark a recession?
82. What is inflation? Example?
What is deflation? Example?
83. What does the comparative advantage theory support?
84. What impacts the price of goods?
85. How is supply defined?
86. Why do producers raise prices during a shortage?
87. Why do suppliers often reduce prices?
88. How does supply and demand affect prices and wage rates?
89. What is outsourcing?
90. What is the difference between saving and investing?
91. Why do we have a bicameral legislature in the U.S. Congress?
92. What are the qualifications to be President?
93. Who is next in line to replace the VP as President?
94. What are the duties of the VP?
95. Why did the Framers create the Electoral College? What are arguments against
the Electoral College?
96. Describe the President’s military powers?
97. Who has the power to declare war?
98. Who in the U.S. government shares foreign relations powers?
99. How does Congress reflect the wants of the public?
100.When are congressional elections?
Civil Service
Spoils System
Judicial Review
Senate & House of Reps.
McCullough v. Maryland
Gideon v. Wainright
Roe v. Wade
Impeachment of President
Necessary & Proper Clause
President pro Tempore
Confederate govt
Federal govt
Limited Government
John Locke
Thomas Hobbes
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Separation of powers
Bill of Rights
Political Socialization
Federalists v Anti-Federalists
Due Process