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Do Now 2.5
1. Define homozygous and heterozygous.
2. Use a Punnett square to predict the outcome of a
genetic cross for an autosomal dominant trait,
In Fnords having 3 eyes is dominant to having 2.
2. In a cross between a pure-breeding 3-eyed fnord
and a pure-breeding 2-eyed fnord, what % of the
offspring will have 3 eyes?
3. If two of the fnord babies are crossed, about what
% will have 2 eyes?
Phenotype is the characteristic an organism has
because of the alleles it has.
◦ Examples: brown fur, white flowers, dwarfism, blue eyes,
Genotype is the different alleles an organism has,
represented by letters
◦ Examples: Bb, pp, Dd, bb, etc…
What is the phenotype of the fnords in the do now?
What is it’s genotype?
The genotype of an organism can be
heterozygous or homozygous
Heterozygous individuals have two different
alleles for a gene – like the rat in the do now.
(Hetero = different)
◦ Example: Bb = one brown eye allele, one blue eye
Homozygous individuals have two of the
same allele. (Homo = same)
◦ Example: BB, bb, PP, pp, etc…
Since a homozygous individual has two identical
alleles, their phenotype will be whatever those alleles
◦ Genotype = BB; Phenotype = brown eyes
◦ Genotype = bb; Phenotype = blue eyes
A heterozygous individual will have the dominant trait.
A dominant allele is one that masks or hides the
presence of a recessive one.
◦ Genotype = Bb; Phenotype = brown eyes
◦ Brown eye allele (B) is dominant to blue eye allele (b)
If a gene is autosomal dominant:
◦ The gene is located on an autosome, so all diploids
have 2 copies.
◦ One allele is dominant to the recessive version,
giving homozygous dominant and heterozygous
individuals the same phenotype
◦ Example: tongue rolling in humans
 TT = tongue roller
 Tt = tongue roller
 tt = no tongue roller
In cows, having spots (S) is dominant to no
spots (s)
What is the phenotype of a cow that has spots?
What is the genotype of a heterozygous cow?
Will a heterozygous cow have spots?
What is the genotype of a cow with no spots?
If a cow has spots, what 2 genotypes might it have?
In pea plants, yellow seed color (Y) is
dominant to green seed color (y).
What is the genotype of a plant with green seeds?
What is the phenotype of a Yy plant?
Is a YY plant homozygous or heterozygous?
Is a yy plant homozygous or heterozygous?
If a YY plant self-fertilizes, what color will the seeds
of its offspring be?
A diagram that helps predict the outcome of a
genetic cross.
The offspring produced by a genetic cross are
described in two ways:
◦ Phenotype ratio: the ratio of one phenotype to the other.
◦ Example: 2 black rats, 2 white rats = 1:1 phenotype ratio
◦ Genotype ratio: the ratio of all of the different genotypes
of the offspring
◦ Example: 1 BB, 2 Bb, 1 bb = 1:2:1 genotype ratio
Step 1: draw a 2 x 2 square
Step 2: put the possible alleles from parent
number one on top of the two squares
Step 3: put the possible alleles from parent
number 2 on the left
Step 4: Write the alleles at top down the
column, and the alleles at left across the row
Step 5: Check
Genetic Crosses
Y y
The example problems on your worksheet
will let you know if you’ve picked up the skills
you need to be a future geneticist!
Work on them now, so that I can help before
you go.
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